1980 Farm Show parade of champions The grand champion female in the Polled Hereford show was VH Westy Hilger, exhibited by Frank Darcey, owner of Spring Bottom Farm, Fairfield, and president of the Pa. Polled Hereford Association. At Westy’s halter is herdsman Randall Becker. ATTENTION FARMERS SEE THE REVOLUTIONARY M-C M*lHtWs| CftWMNV ON DISPLAY AT THE FARM SHOW THE SPIN BINE™ • Cuts and Conditions Hay • Ruggedly Built • Simple in Design • Very Low in Maintenance Cost MC Has Grain Dryers to fit all operations, the most complete line of continuous Flow Dryers, Batch Dryers and Commercial Dryers. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PRE-SEASON EARLY ORDER DISCOUNTS NOW AVAILABLE We Are Located At Booths 66 to 68 at The PA FARM SHOW 500 Industrial Avenue, Crystal Lake, 1L 60014 M.C. Territory Manager - Robert D. Fletcher; RDI, Airville, PA 17302; 717-852-3835 MATHEWS Ask Us About THE IN-BIN CONTINUOUS FLOW GRAIN DRYER • The Most Economical Way to Dry Grain. ® It’s Fast and Efficient, Utilizing Dryeration and combination type drying. Manufacturers Of The Rotary Scythe, Choppers, Shredders and the Famous Lawn Genie & Heavy Duty Mowers. MATHEWS COMPANY HEW MOWER FROM COMPANY jRAIN FARMERS THE DRYBINE™ Heat Recovery Systems Now Available to fit almost all MC Dryers now in use. Bill Fox, of Fox’s Market, Middletown, became the proud owner of the grand champion Junior Market Lamb, shown by Julie Kuzemchak, Centre County. Pictured with Bill, from left, are his two sons, Brian and Jeremy, Julie; and Chet Heim, Pa. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—E17 Order 4 Class 1 price at $15.39 for February ALEXANDRIA, VA - Middle Atlantic Order Market Administrator Joseph D. Shine Monday announced a Class I milk price of $15.39 per hun dredweight for February 1981. Tins price is up nine cents from the January price and is $1.27 above the February 1980 price. Order No 4 prices are announced for milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat, f.o.b. plants located within 55 miles of Philadelphia, and also within 75 miles from the nearer of Washington, DC or Baltimore, MD. There is also a six cent direct-delivery differential applicable to producer milk received at plants located within 55 miles of Philadelphia. Shine announced a Class II milk price of $12.69 per hundredweight for December 1980 and a but terfat differential of 17.0 cents for the month. The Class II milk price also in creased nine cents from the previous month while the butterfat differential was unchanged. These class prices are BECOME A CONTRACTOR! ' Looking for a business of your own outdoor ’ work with power equipment 7 Contract fence \ , builders are needed for the new I 'pe of livestock & predator control fences High Tensile Wire Fences using U S Steel MAX TEN 200 wire & Hoppers pressure treated posts Secure long lasting economical & easy to install The fences of the future You can easily clear SlOO to S3OO or more per day We can supply the |ob leads tor you SEE US AT THE PA FARM SHOW Contact Immediately r CHARLES KENDALL 1 KENCOVE FARMS i 412-459-8991 based on the December 1980 Mmnesota-Wisconsm man ufacturing milk price of $12.61 per hundredweight adjusted to a 3.5 percent butterf at content The USDA reported the wholesale price of Grade A butter at Chicago for December was $1.4771 per pound and the nonfat dry milk price was $.9363 per pound, f.o.b. plants in the Chicago area. The USDA announced an estimated 3.5 percent Mmnesota-Wisconsm man ufacturing milk price of $12.70 per hundfedweight for the month of February 1981, an increase of five cents from the $12.65 January estimate. at lookißf For (f THE UNUSUAL? p> Find It I In The Vj CLASSIFIEDS. •5^