Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1981, Image 181
CARLISLE Cumberland County Dairy Herd Improvement records show that 6109 7 cows in 104 herds were on production testing in November according to Duane G Duncan county agent Of the 88 Herds on DHIA 49 herds had an average fat production of 1 50 pounds per cow per day for the month During the month 141 completed their 305 day lactation with 600 pounds of butterfat DHIA Supervisors working with the dairymen to improve efficiency include Harold Boldosser 130 Old Gap Road Carlisle, Mr Paul Wynn R 1 Box 88 Newburg, and Jay Zeigler R 1 Carlisle The following are the highest of actual butterfat in 305 days or less in the county during the month The age listed in her age at the time of freshing K Hale & N Burkholder Velva Chester C Weaver Lucy Paul Strock Diane Thrush Brothers 45 Ashcombe Dover Dairy R 263 J B Brymesser 4 Sons 120 J B p- B Brymesser A Sons 191 Glenn W Myers Winnie Paul Dyarman Margo Fred & Chris McGillvray 27 HIGH DHIA SUMMARIES FOR NOVEMBER OWNER Robert H Jamison Furman Landis M Thomas Sheaffer Nealy Brothers Sundays Vallilea Farm Paul B Sensemg Berkheimer Farms John E Lapp Donald L Basehore Roy & James Miller Milk Way Farms Freshair Dairy SCHLESSMAN'S PLAN TO SEE US AT THE PA FARM SHOW Booth 475 PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES SX-405A Short Season, High Yield Potential SX-700A Fast Dry Down Com, Excellent Shelter PLANT SCHLESSMAN'S HYBRIDS IN 1981 FOR YOUR BEST PROFIT PER ACRE BOYD’S SEED CENTER, INC. CUMBERLAND COUNTY DHIA Monthly Report November 1980 23,343 23,751 23 651 23 357 21 505 27 633 23 281 20 800 21 959 19 929 NO. SORTS LBS S •REED COWS IN MILK UILK FAT B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 HYBRIDS 22 Bu. Above State Average Thrush Bros Ross H Holtry Elmer Gettle Fred B McGillvray Kruger Dairy Farm 1 Paul Strock Mark A Naugle Ashcombe Dover Dairy Herberts Shughart PaulO Dyarman George P Wickard Lucille Ocker Family PaulCornman Merle & Sharon Dice David L Miller Samuel D Shenk Frank J Yost Lee A Hoover Jr Marlin Miller & Sons Glenn W Myers Roy F Snoke D Clinton Sauder D Lehman JB Brymesser & Sons Floyd F Martin Daniel L Martin Jr Edward L Brackbill Harold E Weaver Jr J Shephard Wolff D T McCullough John H Staub Chester C Weaver Harry & Paul Hoch Kenneth E Zeigler Mervm E Ruppert Otto Brothers OWNER NAME OR HO 939 919 Otto Brothers 16 232 29 18 40 235 227 268 283 154 185 43 905 884 879 867 854 843 Sundays Valhlea Farms 93 71 21 835 831 Kruger Dairy Farm 1 Daisy us, FAT J B Brymesser & Sons 63 120 145 188 191 207 210 325 326 Creedm C Corn man Helena Laurie Yvonne NEW SX-502A Fast Dry Down Corn, Excellent Shelter NEW SX-802 High Yielding, Good Standability 110 52 45 35 B 3 G 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 us MILK 15,890 16,564 16 222 19 497 17 949 11 671 16 102 17 198 15 216 19 683 15 494 20 175 22 580 22,697 21 794 14,234 20,079 27 633 18 645 22 170 23 281 19,760 18 389 15 174 17 380 18,495 17,586 15,359 BOYD'S 78 AT • Delivers highest yields under today's intensive alfalfa management programs • Very excellent anthracnose resistance • TopTDN per acre $lO35 0 ■ single bag retail BOYD'S WETFOOT (Brand) ALFALFA • Especially good for above normal moisture areas (good stand where others fail) • High yielding that beats wetfoot disease with phytophthora root rot resistance • Also excellent under normal conditions $lOO5O I Mm single bag retail ■ CHEMICALS ■ SOYBEANS ■ GRASSES ■ CLOVERS- ■ ALFALFA -7 Varieties 10 Varieties. WL’s, Saranac AR Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—E5 RoyE Snoke Sharon Hilda Thrush Brothers 45 98 58 30 76 26 37 Roy L S James Miller 38 Paul Strock Diane Helena Pnlla Althea Mattie Silver Sundown Shaster PaulO Dyarman Rita Margo Connie Esther Edward L Brackbill 158 116 Merle & Sharon Dice 41 J Glenn Glesner 41 Milk Way Farms 33 57 79 40 135 K Hale AN Burkholder Velva Velma Vashti Lou PaulE Petfer A Son Renea Elmer Gettle Pat Ella D Cl.nton Sauder June Lily 711 793 656 Fredß McGillvray Elaine Tncia Eloise 607 J Shephard Wolff Sara Dixy Herberts Shughart Delia D T McCullough Unit 2 139 164 200 Ashcombe Dover Dairy 188 R 189 246 802 718 605 (Brand) ALFALFA 17,097 17 724 23,357 19,855 18,182 16,085 20,453 20,979 15 530 19,142 23,651 20,389 21,304 19,690 19,618 21,366 18 878 15,576 17,361 21 959 18,654 18,962 17,033 13,938 18 282 16 850 19 769 20,022 20 642 17 072 20 096 23 343 23,601 19 160 15 831 16 974 18 259 20 997 18 418 19 204 20 699 20 915 16,510 19 121 17 190 17 385 15 901 18,854 15,872 17 609 18 653 19 140 (Turn to Page E 6) *7.00 OFF IF PAID IN JAN. *7.00 OFF IF PAID IN JAN. 306 lONA ROAD LEBANON. PA 17042 PH: 717-272-8943 730 685 641 633 835 579 715 36 38 36 38 717 610 637 610 722 663 655 627 699 3 7 33 32 37 3 5 939 751 726 608 40 3 2 38 38 625 741 609 620 648 636 767 642 620 655 684 666 602 610 650 683 754