)42—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 10,1981 (Continued from Page D4l) Snyder County John Alderfer JOHN ALDERFER Selmsgrove High School John Alderfer of Mt. Pleasant Mills is the son of Clyde and Darlene Alderfer He has been a member of the Selmsgrove FFA Chapter for four years This Keystone Farmer’s projects have included plant sales, dairy judging, forestry, small gas engines, parliamentary procedure team, dairy shows, forestry contests and creed contests He also has served on the Exhibit Committee Jeff’s projects have in cluded dairy cows, dairy beef and field corn He was the Sun Area President too Besides hunting, fishing and baseball, John enjoys FBLA. His future plans are un decided ADRIAN HEDVIBACH Selmsgrove High School Adrian Heimbach of Middleburg is the son of Oran and Charlotte Heim bach He has been a member of the Selmsgrove FFA Chapter for four years Adrian’s projects have included being chairman of the membership committee, participating m the state project book contest and the ag mechanics contest for which he received a bronze award His projects have included dairy calves, beef growing, field com and dairy cows. In the future he hopes to be an ag mechanic He also enjoys football and snowmobihng Union County KENNETH D. SELLER Mifflznburg Area High School Son of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Seller, R 1 Mif- fhnburg, Kenneth has participated in dairy projects for three years. A four-year member of the Mifflmburg FFA Chapter, he has served as assistant secretary, secretary and vice president. Committee assignments include finance, safety and chairperson of the seed sales and banquet groups. His contest competition ranged from land judging, forestry, tractor driving, dairy, project record book to state dairy judging and parliamentary procedure. Kenneth showed the grand champion at the Central District FFA Dairy Show and the Reserve Grand Champion at the Penn sylvania Junior Dairy Show last year. In 1979, he was a member of the area, regional and state parliamentary procedure teams Among his other activities are Church youth work and 4-H Concerning the future, he plans to assume management of his parent’s farm. Lome Miller LORNE MILLER Mifflmburg Area High School Lome Miller hopes to operate a crop farm and start a beef and chicken farm in his future But for right now, he’s content just winning the Keystone Degree The son of Eleanor Miller of Mifflmburg, Lome has been a member of the Mifflmburg FFA Chapter for four years While m FFA, his projects have included dairy heifers, rabbits, chickens, bees, veal trapping, and veal calves Lome has also been involved in various improvement projects. They include a constructed feed box, a veal pen and a pig fence Lome’s contest achievements include blue book, state project record book, land judging and forestry He has been chairman of dues com mittee, member of the seed sales committee and tree planting committee Lome has a long list of achievements from FFA He received the poultry proficiency award in 1980, the SUN area degree in 1979, first place in the state agronomy contest in 1980, second place in the area project record book contest in 1979 and second place in the local forestry contest. Besides hunting, fishing, biking, hiking, photography, and wildlife drawing, Lome enjoys basketball and soft ball John Punako JOHN PUNAKO Milfliaburg Area High School John Punako of Lewisburg is the son of John and Marge Punako He has been a (Turn to Page D 44)
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