Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1981, Image 168

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    D4o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981
(Continued from Page D 39)
addition, he has had corn,
wheat and alfalfa hay. For
his efforts, John has won
many top awards for his
project work on the local,
county and state levels
During his years as a
member of the Elco FFA,
John has been a very active
member. He was named the
Star Greenhand in 2977. He
served his local chapter as
student advisor, reporter
and this year as vice
president He is also
presently serving the
Lebanon County FFA as its
He has participated in the
local and county tractor
driving contest He has also
been a member of the
chapter dairy judging team
For the past three years, he
has been a member of the
chapter parliamentary
procedure team
John attends the
Heidelburg Church of the
Brethren, where he is vice
president of the church
youth group
His future plans call for
him to form a partnership
with his father and cousin in
a full-time dairy farming
operation The farm consists
of 123 acres and will also
have a completely
remodeled dairy operation.
John is the second
member of his family to
receive the Keystone Far
mer Degree
Eastern Lebanon County
High School
Glenn is the son of Mr. and
Mrs Carl Wenger and
resides with his parents
His projects over the past
years’ in the vocational
agriculture program at Elco
High School have consisted
mainly of beef finishing and
On-farm Work Experience.
Throughout his years in
How many calves did you lose last year?
CALFhutches Jh
start them iH
out right |H
Raising calves is a tricky business
That s why modern calf raisers are
going to individual hutches to
help save more calves by cutting
down on pneumonia, scours and hoof
problems Properly made hutches
help eliminate the dampness crowd
ing and poor ventilation that plague
many calf barns
You can be assured of this kind of
healthier environment with Fiberdome
CALFhutches Their unique one-
Receive FREE feeding unit with
the purchase of each
Fiberdome calf hutch.
Offer expires January 3
PO Box 11
Lake Mills Wisconsin 53551
the Elco FFA, he has been
very active m all phases of
the chapter program of
work. His participation was
culminated by lus being
elected to serve the local
chapter as the 1980-81
president. In addition, he
was also elected to serve the
Lebanon County FFA
organization as its president.
He represented Lebanon
County as the official
delegate to the state FFA
organization annual con
vention which was held this
past June at Penn State. He
also attended the 1980
Washington Conference
Program in Washington,
D C This past November,
Glenn was a member of the
Elco FFA delegation in
attendance at the 53rd
National FFA Convention
held each year in Kansas
City, Missouri
For the past three years,
Glenn has been a member of
the chapter parliamentary
procedure team He has also
showed his beef animals at
the Lebanon Area Fair, the
Pennsylvania Farm Show
and The Keystone National
Livestock Exposition in
Gienn Wenger
piece construction of heavy gauge
fiber glass makes them weatherproof,
so they will last indefinitely with nor
mal care No joints for moisture and
bacteria to creep through A white
gel-coat finish keeps them cool m
When not in use, stakes can be
removed and strong U-bolts on top let
you conveniently pick units up to
clean or stack for compact storage
, 1981.
I want to know more details on how I can raise
healthier calves with the Fiberdome
Glenn is the fifth member
of his family to receive the
Keystone Farmer Degree.
His father received the
degree m 1947 In addition to
receiving his Keystone
Degree, Glenn has been
named the Eastern Region
Star Agri-businessman for
the state of Pennsylvania
This means that he had one
of the four best applications
submitted for 1981. He is now
eligible to be named the
“State Star Agn
busmessmen for 1981.”
Michael Bare
Northern Lebanon
High School
Michael Bare, son of Mr
and Mrs. I. Hershey Bare of
Lebanon, was selected as
one of Lebanon County’s
Keystone Farmer Degree
Michael has been a
member of the Northern
Lebanon FFA Chapter for
three years. He is also
student council treasurer, 4-
H dairy club president, a
Lebanon County Junior
Young Farmer and a
member of the wrestling
In FFA, Michael has
received the Chapter Degree
and the Lebanon County
Degree in 1980. He placed
first in Lebanon County in
the land and dairy judging
Michael’s projects have
been m alfalfa - ten acres,
corn - ten acres, and in dairy
cows, six head.
In the future, Michael
plans to attend Delaware
Valley College to major in
Dairy Husbandry. After
college he hopes to own his
own farm with a herd of
Holstein cows.
Bryan Blatt
Northern Lebanon
High School
As the 17 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Blatt and
future partner on the swine
farm, Bryan Blatt is looking
forward to helping his father
with his sow herd and hopes
to eventually take over the
herd and start raising steers
Bryan has been a member
of the Northern Lebanon
FFA Chapter for four years
His projects have included
breeding swine, ten sows,
two dairy heifers, ten acres
of field com, and serving as
chairman of the annual
Parent Member Banquet in
which he was also Honor
FFA Alumni
Bryan served as treasurer
during his years m FFA and
received the Lebanon
County Degree in 1980
" m
Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725
Elam Ginder - 717-367-3824
C.L. King - 717-786-7229
As a Star Chapter Farmer, youth member at toe Ei
Greg placed third m the Hanover Church of God
Lebanon County 1980 Dairy as a Lebanon County
Judgmg Contest. Young Farmer.
Greg also participates as a (Turn to Page D4l)
Slaughtered under
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• Made of 14 Gauge Steel
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• Most installations can be made without auger.
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