Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1981, Image 163
(Continued from Page D 34) production, and the record book contest, where he placed seventh in the state last year. Charles’ other school activities include the band, where he has served as drum major for the past three years, kernel staff, senior r* 5 < vv Maybe if s time you switched fertilizer tanks Our business is building liquid manure equipment - nothing else. We stand behind every unit with a 12-month warranty and instant service. « F. ERNEST SNOOK RD 3 - Box 84, Mifflinburg, Pa. 17844 - Phone: 717-966-2736 chorus, the school play, stage band, choral ensemble and the prom committee. At home Charles works on his father’s dairy farm, and raises beef. Charles also helps his father raise turkeys and helps kill them and dress them for people during the Thanksgiving and v -r <v , - v < e -S.. \ > ,<■ *i< sv» y< * <, s" STOP IN TO DISCUSS YOUR LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT NEEDS AT THE PA. FARM SHOW - JAN. 11-16 Christmas Holidays. Charles plans to attend college and to help his father on the farm. Carol Carter, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter, Sr., of Barnsley, is a senior at Oxford Area High School. This is the fourth year Carol has been a member of Oxford's FFA Chapter and she is currently holding the office of president. She has also been treasurer in the past. ''s'* Booth Numbers 254 & 263 Carol Carter CAROLCARTER Oxford Area High School '> 1 ?&i *St f~4* l yjjMgfe| *%T*|* *» *~~ * **7£ * .4^W>,-s uuiu MtflhtjfilA She is serving as vice president of Chester- Delaware county and has represented the Oxford Chapter at the National FFA convention m Kansas City, Missouri in November. Carol organized the program of work for the year 1979-80 and is currently working on the 1980-81 program of work. The program of work is a booklet with nme different com mittees and lists of keystone farmers of the past ten years, the calendar of events, the officers for that particular year and their addresses and phone numbers and much more. Although Carol has dedicated most of her tune to the FFA, she is also involved in other school activities throughout the school such as majorettes, which she has been a member of for the past three years and is serving as captain of this year. She was selected to be a member of the national honor society late in November. After graduation Carol USED TANKS Used V 2250 Clay 10 Ft. Chopper Pump Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1381—D35 plans to attend Cosmetology school in Newark, Delaware for the required ten month period. Tnen eventually have her own shop. A few of Carol’s hobbies include baking, riding bikes, swimming, traveling, crocheting, cosmetology work, iddanr Bonnie Lamborn BONNIE L. LAMBORN Oxford Area High School Bonnie Lamborn, 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lamborn of R 1 Nottingham and a senior at Oxford Area High School, is $2BOO a recipient of the FFA’s Keystone Degree. During her four years as an FFA member, Bonnie served as assistant secretary m her sophomore and junior year, and is currently serving as the Oxford Chapter’s secretary and the County FFA Chaplain. She was one of the chapter’s sweetheart’s in her junior and semor year Bonnie has involved herself with many chapter activities including dairy judging, parhmentary procedures team and FFA activities week held at Penn State. This past summer, Bonnie placed third m the interview contest at Penn State. Bonnie received the dairy production award in her freshman year. In her sophomore year her Record Book went to the county level, and in her junior yeai she earned a silver medal in the State Record Book Contest. In her sophomore year Bonnie went to the World Dairy Expo at Madison Wisconsin with the dairy judging team as a dairy showman. Bonnie has served on various committees, she is currently chairman of the Supervised Farming and Work Experience. Her extracurricular ac tivities include Track, FBLA, and she is a member of Pendle Hill Meeting. As a member of the Oxford 4-H Dairy Club, Bonnie is ser ving as president and has served as secretary and reporter. Following graduation from Oxford Area High School she plans to enrolls at Wilmington College, Ohio, to major in Agricultural Business. Also in the future she hopes to have her own dairy herd. VALERIE WEAVER Oxford Area High School Valerie Kay Weaver, 17, a member of the Oxford Future Farmers of America, will recieve the highest degree a state FFA association can bestow upon its members, the Keystone Farmer, during Farm Show week. Valerie is the (Turn to Page D 36) COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT • Modern and Efficient Method • Reasonable Prices • Spray-On and Brush-In Method • Sandblasting If Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE: ESH SPRAY PAINTING (Daniel S Esh C Ralph Mflier) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER 637 A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 or call this number 717-687-7007 or 717-687-8262 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL