D34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981 (Continued from Page D 33) Cochranville, Dale has served on the Octorara FFA Chapter for four years Dale, who was a class representative, also received supervised oc cupational experience and home improvement ex perience. He has served on f 'jly ' Jl Dale Stoltzus the Recreation, Banquet and Food for America com mittees This Keystone Farmer has also served as student ad visor, chaplain and Recreation Committee chairman. He has placed in dairy production and in ag production Dale is a high school wrestler and a motorcycle rider. Andrew Batdorf ANDREW BATDORF Owen J. Roberts High School Andrew Batdorf of Chester County has earned the Keystone Farmer Degree for his work with the Owen J Roberts FFA Chapter (four years) and his individual projects These projects include such things as two years on the budget committee, work experience which earned him two red and one blue ribbons, and a blue ribbon for his production project book at the county contest Last year Andrew served as chaplam for the FFA and this year is student advisor. In 1979 and 1980 Andrew won the vegetable garden *** ip! ** v TWO CAR GARAGE 24x24x8', 9’ & 10' Call or Write J.MILLER BUILDINGS, INC. P.O. BOX 171, RD3 Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-2319 or 717-866-5469 I SEE US AT THE FARM SHOW trophy for having the best garden m the chapter. Because he enjoys far ming and gardening, An drew hopes to continue his work on the Sunny High Farm Loren Ruth LOREN J. RUTH Owen J. Roberts High School Loren Ruth of Spring City plans to go into partnership with his father on their crop farm and to increase the size of their registered Angus herd. Though his dream is far away, another dream has been realized - Loren has been named a Keystone Degree recipient. To earn such a degree, Loren has raised veal calves and has a herd of five Angus cows and two heifers He also has ten Angus steers He has also served on the budget committee, the banquet committee and the citrus fruit sale committee Public speaking is a favorite pastime of Loren’s He has won first place in the county public speaking contest and has captured the Chapter Public Speaking Award For his FFA club, Loren has served as treasurer and president Despite the fact that Loren plays ice hockey, softball and hunts, rides bikes and does photography, he still hopes to find the tune to run his own crop and beef cattle farm someday Kathryn Soltys KATHRYN SOLTYS Owen J. Roberts High School A variety of projects, including swine, corn and LV dairy heifers, have been conducted by Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chester H. Soltys, Jr., 876 New Schuylkill Road, Spring City In addition to serving on banquet committees for four years with two as master of ceremonies, she has been on the public relations and citrus fruit committees. In 1979, she received the Foundation Medal for Public Speaking and was vice president on the parliamentary procedure team which finished second m the county and first in area competition Her leadership assign ments have included chapter reporter and vice president and county treasurer. In other activities she was a member of the school prom committee and the St. Joseph’s Youth Group. She is considering con tinuing her educational pursuits at a two-year college Bonnie Arrowood BONNIE L. ARROWOOD Oxford H.S. Bonnie L Arrowood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arrowood, of Ox ford, is now serving as treasurer of the Oxford FFA Chapter. She has also served as secretary the past two years Bonnie has been a member of the Parliamentary Procedure Team for the past three years and is planning on participating again this year Bonnie has also played during half time at the Annual Donkey Basketball Game the past two years. Bonnie is also an FFA Sweetheart this year for the second tune. She attended the National FFA Con vention in Kansas City in November. Bonnie is presently em ployed at Burger King in Oxford. She plans to keep working there over the summer and attend college in the fall to major in Hor ticulture. Charles Astle CHARLES ASTLE Oxford Area High School Charles Astle, 17 year old son of Mr and Mr. Otis Astle, of Oxford, serves in the Oxford Chapter of FFA as this year’s vice-president He is also in the Chester- Delaware County Chapter of FFA serving as student advisor Charles attends the Oxford Area High School and is in many FFA activities, such as public speaking, parliamentary procedure team, and the work ex perience program He served as last year’s Chaplain, and has received awards for public speaking, ag mechanics, poultry (Turn to Page D 35)