Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1981, Image 161
(Continued from Page 032) and wrestling team, enjoys hunting and sports BILL ZOLLERS Kutztown Area High School Bill Zollers of Berks County hopes to attend Penn State University majoring m dairy production After completion of this program he hopes to operate his own dairy farm. PAY FOR YOUR TRIP TO THE FARM SHOW WITH THIS RED BEDDING CHOPPER SALE OFFER. Your choice of one of these steam locomotive limited ed ition fine art prints is included free with a special Pennsylvania Farm Show purchase of a tough built, red bedding chopper from US Farm Systems of Pennsyl vania. When you think about the early days of American Agriculture, you remember these steam-driven engines hull ed your grandfather's produce, gram and livestock to the hungry cousins m the growing towns and cities of the Northeast. The return trip provided the life-blood link of mail and medicine to the remote farm whistle-stop communities that nestled in the plains and valleys of that by-gone penod of history. Because these prints were created as limited edition prints designed to grow in value as they hang in your home or farm office, only a relatively small number of sets were produced before they threw away the original. Bill, the son of William and Sandra Zollers, has had projects in dairy heifers, vegetable garden, field com, oats and dairy cows. He has served as chapter secretary also. Bill’s committees include safety, leadership, seed sales, window exhibit, pumpkin contest, parliamentary procedure, citrus sales, records, and banquet. Bill is a member of the parliamentary procedure team which placed first in the county m 1979. Besides participation in the Penn sylvania Junior Dairy Show and Southeast Junior Dairy Show, Bill’s acheivements include attaining the chapter scholarship award in 1980. : w j^H| «*W Bill Zollers Order At The Farm Show To pay for your trip to the Penhsylvama Farm Show this year, be prepared to place an tough-built, red bedding choppers on display at our booth. These science-engineered choppers, take bales of straw, old hay or corn stalks and chop the mater ial into fluffy short cut bedding even your highest producing cows can enjoy. No more sawdust to hold moisture and germs under your cows. No more long straw to shake out. In addition, dairymen use the tough-built, red bedding chop per to make first-cutting hay more palatable. With the short cut hay stems, cows eat more. Eat all of it. Produce more milk (SBwi SEE THE RED BEDDING CHOPPER AT BOOTHS 568 & 569 Bill is senior class president, a 4-H dairy club member, 4-H county council member and high school yearbook staff member and cross country runner. Bill says he enjoys all sports, especially ice hockey. Laura Miller LAURA MILLER Tulpehocken High School Laura Miller of Bemville has been a member of the Tulpehocken FFA Chapter for three years. During that time she has concentrated her efforts toward dairy farming, a project she hopes to turn into a career someday. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Miller, Laura Get A Free Historical Americana Limited Edition Steam Engine Print. for tl lIC farm SYSTE MS Your Toujh Built Red Bedding Chopper Distributor was chairman of the Banquet, Farm Safety, Orange Sales, Bulb Sales and Float committees. This Keystone Farmer served as both chapter president and county secretary for 1980. She was chosen by the Pennsylvania Farmers Association to represent Berks County at the conference at Elizabethtown College where she earned awards for public speaking and top bulb salesperson. Laura presenting is em ployed at the Hildelberg Country Club, but continues to work on her dairy project. She hopes to remain a member of the FF A until age 21. Laura enjoys stamp collecting, volleyball, dairy judging for 4-H, woodwork and high school chorus Bradford County ANDREW SPRINGER Towanda High School Carving and building with wood is how Andrew Springer spends his time when he isn’t busy farming. As a Keystone Farmer Degree recipient, Andrew So pay for your trip to the farm show. Order a tough-built, red bedding chopper from the models on display at our booth. And choose your free limited edition invest ment locomotive print from the set on display. To take early delivery on this special farm show offer, write to U S Farm Systems of Penn sylvania, 4070 Blue Ball Road, Nottingham, PA 19362. Or better yet, call: (301) 398- 2948 New Dealer Inquiries Invited To Help Handle The Farm Show Crowds Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—D33 has sold most everything from fruit to seeds and nuts to bolts to help his FFA Chapter. The son of Andrew and Elsie Springer, Andrew has earned his Chapter Farmer Degree and has been a reporter for his FFA. This winner from Towanda hopes to keep on farming in the future Chester County Brad Hershey NOW! EARLY PURCHASE PERIOD AND WINTER APPLICATION ★ Com Starter Fertilizer ■ Prem. tirades-with Mg.S.&Zn Other minor elements added on request December Prices Pre payment incentives Your money worts all winter Dec. payment earns the most You take delivery in season Pesticides: Anything for com Early prices avail. Limestone: Field spread. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR PRAIRIE STREAM FARMS | SEED CORN '! AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ;j ASGRQWSOYBE ANS ORGANIC i'l mmarn'M PLANT '* [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA j FOOD CO. 2313 NORMAN ROAD, LANCASTER, PA. 17601 PHONE: 717-397-5152 OPEN Mon. thru Fn 7.30 to 4:30 Sat. till Noon Closed Saturdays Starting January sth BRADLEY HERSHEY Ocotrara High School Brad Hershey of Cochranville is a three year member of the Octorara FFA Chapter. While m FFA, he served as county secretary and chapter president his senior year. Brad scored second in the state m dairy judging and fourth in the eastern U.S. in eleventh grade. “I mostly had swine and dairy I fattened ten hogs last year and I plan to do ten more in March. I won five animals: two cows and three yearlings.” Brad was a member of the Recreation and Banquet committees. This Keystone Farmer is a member of the Mount Vernon Mennomte Church, Oxford, and the cross country team and wrestling team at his high school. He enjoys water and snow skiing and jogging. In his future Brad hopes to attend Delaware Valley College and major in dairy science. DALE STOLTZFUS Octorara High School Dale Stoltzfus of Octorara High School hopes to own his dairy operation someday. But for right now, he’s contest with just winning the Keystone Farmer Degree The son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner S. Stoltzfus of (Turn to Page 034)