Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1981, Image 98
ClO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981 Ladies Have You Heard? By Doris Thomas Lancaster Extension Home Economist THAT EGGNOG HAS ENGLISH ANCESTRY Nog comes from the word, “noggin," meaning a small drinking vessel with an upright handle. Eggnog has been popular in England for centuries, but it probably came from the Canary Islands or Spam because it contains wine Eggs, milk, ale or sack, a dry wine, are standard ingredients for eggnog Throughout its early years, eggnog was known by many other names egg-pop, custard posset, syllabub, milk punch, flip, one yard of flannel and auld man’s milk. Instructions for making it appeared in diaries and travel notes Later it was included in cookbook under "Invalid Foods”' However, according to travel diaries, many com forted themselves with eggnog enroute to their destinations And eggnog was found at a number of taverns, so it didn’t take much persuasion to use it for socializing while engaged in holiday travel Eggnog parties were very popular in the nation's capital during the whole period between Christmas and New Year’s Members of the Cabinet and Congress as well as Washington socialites looked upon this time as a good season to make their rounds Southerners, then and now, keep a pitcher of eggnog refrigerated for such a time as callers appear. Whether you make your own or buy it ready-made, eggnog is an easy refresment to serve during the holidays. It’s a sip-able way to toast vour friends FISHER AND STOLTZFUS TRAILER SALES Call 717-768-3832 between 7 a.m. & 9 a.m. or call 717-354-0723 after 6 p.m. East of New Holland. Pa. Check Our Prices Before You Buy, We Have All Types Of Trailers, 'V with a 'Merry Christmas or “Happy New Year ABOUT HOW TO STORE CHOCOLATE Chocolate is becoming more and more of a precious commodity as the price indicates It you received chocolates for Christmas and want to portion out the goodies past the holiday season, here are some tips on how to store chocolate Chocolate can be stored successfully because the cocoa butter in chocolate is a stable fat and keeps for years at room temperature It’s the cocoa fat in chocolate that makes it melt in your mouth, unlocking the taste But this same cocoa fat can also cause chocolate to ‘bloom” When exposed to high temperatures the cocoa butter will melt and rise to the surface When the chocolate rehardens a grav film on the surface remains This is called bloom Chocolate with bloom' is perfectlj safe to eat but it may not be as creamy as when it was bought fresh. To get the full benefit from chocolate, follow these simple rules Keep chocolate a wav from moisture Refrigerating or freezing chocolate is not desirable When chocolate warms, or is defrosted moisture may form on the surface and cause 'bloom' Ideal conditions for storing chocolate are over 60° to 70° F and about 5(1 percent humidity In hot weather, keep chocolate in a cool place Over 80* F milk chocolate will begin to soften, over 85* F it will begin to melt Soybean ST LOUlii, Mo Ai Uiui Goeken ofDelavan, Illinois has been elected President of the American Soybean Development Foundation He began his term of office at the Foundation’s December board of directors meeting in St. Louis Also elected were Vice President Carl Gangwish of Shelton, Nebraska, Secretary James Ferguson of Cainoun Citv. Mississiddi. Treasurer Mike Willette of Delavan, Minnesota; and Assistant Treasurer Andrew Whisenhunt of Bradley, Arkansas The 36 soybean growers who serve as directors of the American Soybean Development Foundation have been elected as representatives by their state soybean promotion boards. Producers in 23 states, who invest one-half to one cent per bushel in state soybean grower investment programs, are represented on the Foundation’s board of directors Directorships are allocated on the basis of C r *» •♦U* »v>ovl»Vtn*n r\^ IT’S MAGIC / How quickly [ You Get Results V Fro: X Clas,' PREVENT u FROZEN PIPES m WRAP-ON fj BQliu-ORCUn HEATTAKU ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY R#4 Box 140 Lititz, PA 17543 Phone 717-738-4241 Standard Livestock trailer E with metal top sleeper | van. Comes in I 16,20.24,28 ft. lengths, B brakes on ail wheels. I Foundation names president three representatives per state Funds forwarded to the Foundation by the 23 state promotion boards are in vested in overseas market development, soybean research and education programs Programs are selected and funded on their ability to promote profitable soybean produciton The Foundation contracts with the American Soybean Association to conduct ac tivities on behalf of the grower investment program Soybeans are now the nation’s top cash crop and No 1 agricultural export The soybean’s two basic products - soy oil and soybean meal - are im portant in both human and animal diets and have many industrial uses U S soybeans must compete with other oilseeds and soybeans produced in other countries for their share of the world market Soybean growers opened the first soybean market -N PHONE V 717-394-3047 'X or 717-626-1164 y/V^ i f - A BETTER BUILDING as well as saving time and money depends upon selecting the quality building materials that meet all your neds With LAMINATED RAFTERS and WOOD ROOF TRUSSES-such as displayed above—Rigidply Ratters otter a complete line of building materials that have given proven performance with all types of farm, utility and commercial buildings Telephone. /o\ t 717) 86S-S5Bl ■ MANUFACTURERS LAMINATED RAFTERS and WOOD ROOF TRUSSES RICHLAND RDI, Pennsylvania 17017 OAKLAND ROS. Maryland 21550 development office 25 years now export more soybeans ago when soybean exports were grown just 12 accounted for 25 percent of a years ago. 450 million bushel crop This Soybean research projects year, one out of every two selected by the Foundation rows of a 2.3 billion bushel f° r funding are developing 1979 crop made their way to ways to boost production foreign markets efficiency and increase Through the nine foreign soybean demand Produc offices of the American bon research has helped Soybean Association, farmers cut harvesting soybean growers conduct looses'and provided them work to maintain their with improved soybean market share and to develop varieties Utilization has and expand market op- created new and improved portunities in 76 countries uses for soybean and As a result,* U.S fanners - soybean products STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET RETAIL MEAT MARKET •FRESH CUT BEEF & PORK • FRESH EGGS RIGHT FROM THE FARM ★ OUR OWN COUNTRY CURED HAMS. BACON AND SWEET BOLOGNA Orders Taken For Beet Sides Wrapped And Ready For Your Freezer PH: 768-7166 Directions. 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772 Reg. Hours: Thurs 9-5, Fn 9-8, Sat 8-5 laSui OUR OWN CORN FED BEEF Attention Farmers: We Do Custom Beef Slaughtering GRANDRIB WHITE IN STOCK 14' 16' 18' 20 22 24' Aluminum Roofing 0195 GAUCE/PLAIN INSTOCK 12' 16' 18 20 22 24 ALL ROOFING ACCESSORIES Nails ridge cap gable trim, tiller strip, drip edge, j-channel SPECIAL ORDERS Two-week delivery Starline Door Hardware Pre-Hung Vent Dor Door Kwik Frame FOR FAST ASSEMBLE OF ALL SLIDING DOORS Engineered Roof Trusses Dimensional Lumber Exterior Plywood Wood Siding Glass Tile Ondulme DEPENDABLE sEKVTCI on tne-e and other materials at out East Linden Street location Richland,PA