Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1981, Image 82
B42—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 3,1981 -MfSCELLANfc'OUS Conveyors, tanns, tillers, washers, S S packing tables, belting, pulleys, sprockets from a canning plant Farm machinery parts 301-452-8452 SAVE - Heat your home with good seasoned hard wood Will cut to your size & Deliver any amount 215-145-6427 LOW OVERHEAD CASH AND CARRY PRICES on new and used automatic washers dryers-gas refrigerators and ranges used wringer & engine washers. New bedroom furniture. Delivery and in home or shop appliance repair available. Financing available with approved credit. Open 7:30 until 4:30 - Sat. 7:30 to 12 noon evenings by appointment. MYER’S WASHER - DRYER Along Rt 772 between Brownstown and Leola Bright yellow house 717-656-7169 FOR SALE Peerless Roller Mill, 9x24 in., rolls w/motor & drive. Used short time. Daffin 16 in. hammer mill, 75 h.p, motor & drive. 30 h.p* motor & fan blower, 3600 rpml direct drive- Pit screw var. speed, drive & motor. 26 ft. elevator leg,! 4x7 buckets, motor & drive, needsi repairs. 9x30 in. crimper w/motor & drive, set extra rolls. 1 5 h.p. gear head motor, various sizes three phase motors. Propane radiant heater, portable, like new. Ph. 717-532-5418, Franklin Co. ATTENTION HOME OWNERS WITH HOT WATER TACT HEAT You can eliminate or draetieally reduce your heating oocti with the SFB 3 WOOD FIRED ROII-ER • UtKata Exlatlng Syatam • Fully Autamatic • Pay* tor lUett • ControHad Electrically' -3 • Remote Inataltation poeatole Rt-MHtnovcr f» (Midway HtnomrlCrotskir* USX) HOURS: Mon.-Fn. 12:30 to 7 P.M Call (717) 632-7419 “Windmills for sale 1 ” Dealers needed also for America's best new windmill, “EAGLE #1“ "Free Brochure l ” (Tolf Free 1-800-431-2353, Op 132) American Wholesale Windmills Box 261, Stone Mountain, GA 30086 STRAIGHT LADDERS FORSALE IDEAL FOR FARMS HOME MAINTENANCE 22’to 26’ $2 PER FT 717-872 537 C MISCELLANEOUS UU YOU NEED MONEY for equipment, livestock expansion or any wor thwhile purpose 7 Call or write Johebime Financial Services, 1530 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 215 735-5323 Low Bank Rates Over 80 Years Experience We can Help You HEAL ESTATE Tioga Co Farm 110 acres Remodeled 4 bedroom house, bam and land in good condition, 20 miles west of Wellsboro, $98,000 Additional land available $260 acre, 814 367 5796 For Rent - 4 room house, middle aged couple, nice v « ’c* and parking Neff ' Lancaster Co , 717 5_- j j7O REAL ESTATE LEASE QUAUTY DAIRY CATTLE Various plans available. Call or Write Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave South Minneapolis, Minn 53403 612-3771489 Farm For Rent in Lycom mg County, Cogan House Twp House barn, gram Din, equipment sneo, corn cribs, 35 cow stalls, horse stable, box pens, bulk mik tank, 2 silos, 80 acres tillable, 23 pasture with shade and water Write Jacob K Stoltzfus, RD #3 Box 195, Danville, Pa 17821 For Sale Perry County, 1 to 8 acre wood lots, ap proved PH 717 438 3115 For Sale - 41 acre farm stone house & frame barn, in Drumore Twp , Lane Co 717-548-2236 For Sale - 98 acre hog farm at Clay Hill, Franklin Co, PA, brick house, garage, barn, silo and other hog barns, Limestone soil, Robert F Crider Realtor, 14 N Mam St Chambersburg, PA 17201, Ph 717 264 8528 Dairy Farm for Rent Huntingdon Co 125 acres with 6 room house bulk tank, 40 stalls. 2 silos, etc , 814-447-3203 FREE Exciting Seasonal Edition, Catalog l Over 5,400 coun try properties described pictured' Land, Farms, Homes Waterfront, Recreation, Retirement buys' Yours FREE from the World's Largest' STROUT REALTY 1801 N Front St. Dept 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717)234-0138 Farming Freedom Level to sloping 118 acres M/L has been Grade A dairy, could be again Tillable 100 acs, 10 wooded Good 2 family 100 yr old home, 5 bedrms, 2 baths, oil heat, 2 Franklin fireplaces, well Two-story dbl garage Grade A barn, 38 cow ties Silo Pole barn On state hwy S service routes, 3 mi to Dundee $78,800 STROUT REALTY, Inc, PO Box 69, Dundee, NY 14837 (6071 243-7419 or 243 8483 For appt only, 243 8448 Free Local Lists Picture Pretty Beef farm of 166 Penna acres New modular home for owner, 3 bedrms, bath, full bsmt Tenant house, 3 bedrms, bath Barns, machine shed Tillable 50 acres Woodland Some new cross fencing Situated for privacy, ideal for future development On road for mile $140,000 STROUT REALTY, Inc , 133 W Mam St, Westfield, PA 16950 (814) 367-5588 Res, 367-2710 Free Local Lists Lot For Sale m Agricultural Zone, 246’ hard road frontage, street teveh clear and perked, $19,50»k71 7-235-3421 YOfItfISOUNTY 112 Acre Central Farm Good buildings, Con ewago Creek frontage, 80 acres tillable, balance pasture and mature woodland, Close to Har risburg and York, l mile to 83 exit Selling due to death in family, very sincere Exclusive listing Mr Becker - 717-848-2841 Penn Realty of York 1545 N Queen Street York, PA 17404 ADAMSCOUNTY Cleared land, no buildings 2 tracts adjoin mg, buy together or separate, near Rt 15 just west of Heidlerburg, 17 acres, asking $21,900 and 31 acres asking $38,900 Exclusive listing Mr. Becker 717-848-2841 Penn Realty of York 1545 N Queen Street York, PA 17404 HEAL ESTATE 30 acres Excellent soil Modernized four bedroom brick farmhouse Various outbuildings Board fenced pasture One acre wooded. City water to property Located in Jefferson Boro, York County $155,000 An chor Realty, Realtor 717- 225-3643 . House for sale by owner Litt*7, Pa 2‘/ 2 story brick, 3 bedrooms 2 baths $59,900 Will finance @ 14‘/ 2 % wit h down payment 717-626 8257 NY FINGER LAKES REGION 339 acres, 180 tillable, capable of raising 600 feeder calves yearly, 8 room house with 2 large barns, owner financing, 507-868 3191 Young Vetennanan/dairy farmer couple wants to lease or purchase farm with facilities to milk 60 100 cows Call 215-444 1058 BAUGHMAN REALTORS Near Norman Wood Bridge, 71 acre farm (approx 50 acres tillable) bank barn, 2 story 5 bedroom frame house, spring, stream, nice secluded setting 717/741-4671 or 717)862-3869(1114) Farm For Sale - 20,000 bird house layers with hog and beef setup, fully automated wholesaling and retailing all eggs at home Montgomery Co send replies to Lancaster Farming Box 365 L-127 Lititz, PA 17543 For Sale <ar Rent house, barn and sthaji property on S Soudersbucg Rd , Daniel L Stoltzfus, 2910 Lincoln Highway East, Sou de rsburg, PA For Sale 180 acres $260 an acre, land contract available 814 367 5796 DAIRY FARM 5188,000 Sale or lease with option to buy Huntingdon Coun ty, PA Owner financing, 180 acres, 135 tillable, 45 pasture, 20x60 home with basement 2 yrs old, 12x60 mobile home on foundation, 44 freestalls, 4 unit pipeline milker, 2 yrs old, 500 gal bulk milk tank, 60’ Pate bunk feeder, 20x70 silo and unloaaer, new Near chur ches, schools and shopp mg areas Write for ap pointment Francis Litton, Rt 1, Box 253, Alexan dria, PA 16611 or call Sat or Sun 814-669-9379 Wanted Farming land to rent in Lancaster, Lebanon & Berks Co Will pay top price 717 733-4516 YORK COUNTY FARM. Ideal for livestock opera tion Buildings include 2Vz Story, 3BR farm house, Irg bank barn, corn crib, hog house, chicken house, 2 gar, 33 ac m/l, only $91,900, owner fmanc mg l Value Real Estate 717-246-1676 For Sale New York State - Wayne Co , East Rochester, 280 acres outstanding poultry operation with 9 pole barns 396 x 40, adequate acreage, housing and processing buildings to support protect Cir cumstances make prompt sale necessary Could be also used as a beef or heifer operation or could be bought without the pole barns Financing available to qualified parties Contact Willard Pengelly. Managing Broker, Harris Wilcox Inc , Brokers, Bergen, N Y 716-494-1880 SHEETZ REAL ESTATE RAY N. WILEY INC. 323 W. Main St Mount Joy. PA CALL 653-1481 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Farm Salesman - Eugene Krekler 2 Farms consisting of 120 d r of very fertile land, 2 sets of buildings for sale by the owner, John Strawbndge, 301-996 2022 If you’re looking for a farm, land or have any other real estate needs you li find what you want m the Beal Estate classifieds 717 394-3047 or 717 626 1164 wanted to Rent Barn in Ephrata/Brownstown area suitable for c “dll purebred ~,e opera tion Ph 7i7 733-2310 165 acre Cumberland Co Farm For Sale Near Mechantcsburg, PA Level limestone ground large barn, brick house, good spring, frontage on creek, state highway and by I 81 717 647 2523 921 2476 Indiana Co Dairy Farm for Rent and Cattle and Machinery for sale Write Box 366 J 160, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 2 FRANKLIN CO. FARMS NMrWWmvHiil 77 acres house t bam $96000 104 acres w/lovely home * barn £l5O 000 Owner will finance VAN GLEVE REAL ESTATE 717-392-3032 120 ACRE FARM With stream, Bethel Twp. Berks Co Immediate possession, $175,000 Owner financing available Contact 808 WEAVER 215-445-7550 or 717 392-0336 MONTOUR COUNTY 45 stanchion dairy farm, silo, 83 acres, approximately % tillable. DAIRY FARM 30 stanchions, 119 freestall barn, barn cleaner, pipeline, bulk tank, silos - 24x60 & 16x50 with unloaders, 3 bay equipment shed & 14 acres. A 4 bedroom house & a 3 bedroom house. East of Et. 15, Williamsport, PA. DAUPHIN COUNTY 58 acre dairy, space for 30 cows, 3 silos & equipment buildings, loafing area or steer stable. 30 acres more can be leased. Finan cing at 9%. CLINTON COUNTY 140 acres, $7OO per acre. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Dewart 97 acres, river bottom soil, 56 stanchion dairy. COLUMBIA COUNTY 70 acres, general, 52 acres tillable. DONALD R. WITWER REAL ESTATE Ephrata, P». - Office 717-733-4138 or Zl5-287-7N3 Today it takes two... PARTNERS and YOU 16 ACRE FARMETTE 16 8 acre farmette in Lebanon Co - includes remodeled main house, old 1740 stone Swiss bank house, 40'x70’ barn, 2 corn cribs, other buildings Asking $94,900 @3 RONALD W REAL KRALL ESTATE PARTNERS 717-866-2X31 ROUTE 422 MYERSTOWN BRANCH OFFICE QUENTIN RD LEBANON 717-273-1631 MEMBER LEBANON CO t BERKS CO MULTI LIST Each office independently owned & operated "WJW REAL ESTATE" "May the blessing of Good Health and Happiness be yours for the New Year" We thank everyone for the dynamic patronage of the past year and hope with the Good Lord’s help together we will have a joyous year filled with good things' A J Farney Broker Seneca Falls, N Y 13148 Finger Lakes - N.Y New Listing Just in Good 34 cow dairy farm includes 165 tillable acres Productive soil - two 40x80 pole barns large heifer barn many outbuildings good home In Operation 5220,000 WJW Realty Alfred L Farney Broker Seneca Falls. New York 315-568-5910 / 568-9534 FARMS FARMS FARMS For Dairy, Beef, Hogs or Poultry in Lancaster and York Counties. Call us today and start the new year right before predicted dropping interest rates cause a price explosion. Qnk%. .nm I® f."^ NERcoREALT ° Rs Quarry vi lie, Pennsylvania 17566 (717)786-2131 CENTRAL NEW YORK OFFICE GOOD ONE-MAN FARM 204 acres 120 tillable level 43 cow barn dump station unloading 18x55 silo 20x40 machine shed 10 room home oil/wood heat $lO5 000 easy terms cattle/equipment available 80 LARGE TIE STALLS on pipeline 16 young stock stalls 1000 gallon tank new 40x72 pole barn 2 concrete silos 2 Harvesters roller mill Ex ceptional 7 room colonial 3 bedroom mobile home 214 acres rolling fields Sensibly priced at $215 000 with large assumable mortgage 16 500# DHIA herd available plus equipment 510 ACRE DAIRY near Cooperstown good alfalfa and corn land 75 cow barn dump station two new 50' concrete silos 800 gallon tank Calf barn Good 8 room home 4 bedroom tenent house 3 bedroom trailer $225 000 or $375 000 with 100 head 5 tractors & machinery NEW FREE DAIRY LISTING H WIMPLE REALTORS Sioansville, N Y 518-875-6355 REALTOR® HURRY* This 3 bedroom aluminum sided home with attached double garage and frame horse barn on 12+ acres of land near Exchange (Montour County) won't last long at $37 500 ONCE IN A LIFETIME* This 162 acre farm features limestone home erected m 1810 plus 10 year old frame addition with modern facilities Little of the original ai chitecture has been at tected Ideal for restoration Dutch bank barn and other out buildings Offered at $350 000 SOME KIND OF HOUSE* Over 3 000 square feet of living area m this modem 2 story brick structure including 4 bedrooms 3 full baths family room with fireplace formal dining room laundry mudroom custom built kitchen with appliacnes Exceptional finish wm k by skilled craftsman Panoramic view $99 500 THE FAIRMAN AGENCY 210 Mam Street Watsontown PA 17777 Phone 717 538-2582