Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1981, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news Okalahoma Cattle Wednesday, December 31 FOR THE WEEK: Very limited supply of feeder steers under 600 lbs. steady to $l.OO higher. Heifers under 600 lbs. generally steady. Offerings over 600 lbs. untested. Slaughter cows steady to $l.OO higher. Late sales mclude Utility and Commercial 2-3 43.75- 48.75; Cutter 1-2 42.00-45.50. Slaughter bulls closed the week steady to $l.OO higher Yield Grade 1-21350-1600 lbs. 54.00-58.00. Salable receipts this week near 2,200 head compared with 2,064 head last week. Feeder steers and heifers 1,600 head (73%); cows and bulls (27%). HOG AUCTION- 100. Not enough of any one class on offer to make an adequate test of the trade. FOR THE WEEK. Compared to late last week: Barrows and gilts recovered part of the early loss to close .25-.50 cents lower; sows generally steady; feeder pigs steady to $l.OO higher. Salable receipts near 1,500 head for the holiday shor tened period and compares with 1,609 head for the comparable period a week ago. Feeder pigs totaled near 300 head and comprised 20 percent of the salable receipts. The week’s best price at $44.40 was paid for a few head of US 1-2 220-242 lbs. barrows and gilts. Peoria Cattle Wednesday, December 31 Report supplied by USDA 51 Weekly Cattle Sum mary : Slaughter Steers HAY AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY - 1:30 P.M. HORSE AUCTION - 7:30 PA BEIL'S SALES 1 Mi. North of York Springs on Rt. 15 717-334-7224, David W. Martin ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : FRIDAY, IANIURY 23 | i ON THE FARM MONTE! J BRED GILT SALE Sale to start promptly at 1:00 Z Every 4 weeks 1 Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, PA, 6 miles J south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britian, turn ♦ north, follow Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. 2nd z farm, OR Take Rt 222 out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill ♦ Rd. to Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. Watch for sale Z arrows. ♦ 2 & 3 Way Crossbred Gilts i York & Hampshire & Ouroc X Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale date. Now 1 everything vaccinated for both Lepto & Erysipelas, ♦ wormed and sprayed for lice. # Local trucker available. t No hogs sold on commission. ♦ Abe Diffenbach Auctioneer 1 NEXT SALE DATE - FRIDAY. FEB. 20 % mostly steady. Heifers steady to .50 lower Cows sold 1.00 to 2.00 higher than last week’s Light midweek run. Bulls steady to 1.00 higher. Trading moderate on Steers, active on Heifers during the week. As the price differential spreads on YG 3 and 4 Carcass buyers are more selective, cautious and those consignments carrying YG 4 are discounted ac cordingly.. Receipts this week about 3000, last week 2467 and 10903 last year. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice, few Prime 24 1050- 1300 lbs. 63,00-65.00, Mostly 64.00-64 50, m loads 1100- 1150 lbs. 65 50 on Monday. YG 34 62.00-63.50, Few loads mostly 4’s, few s’s 61.00. Mixed Good and Choice 24 1050-1350 lbs 62 00-63.50 Good 60.00-62.00. SLAUGHTER heifers; choice, few Prime 24 950- 1175 lbs. 61.50-63.50, bulk 62.00- IVz loads 63.75 on Monday. Part load 1300 lbs. 63.00 on Wednesday. YG 34 60.00- Part load 4, few s’s 55.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 61 00- 62.50 Good 59.00-61.00. COWS- Utility and Commercial 2-3 42.0047 00, few high yielding 48.0049.00. Cutter 40.0045.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1950 lbs. 47.00-53.00. Few YG 1 54.00-56.00 Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, December 27 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CAT TLE: Good Light Steer Calves 69.00-75.00; Medium 64.00-69.00; Plain 59.00 and 50 to 60 Head more or less CHRIST k BEILER RD 2, Quarryville, PA JOHN B. STOLTZFUS down; Good Heavy Steers 63.00- Medium 58.00- 63.00; Plain 53.00 and down; Holstein Steers not enough to quote; Good Light Heifer Calves 50.00-55.00; Medium 45.00- Plain 40.00 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 50.00- Medium 45.00- 50.00; Plain 40.00 and down, Slaughter Cows 44.00-50.00; Utilities 38.00-43.75; Canners & Cutters 36.00 and down; Milk & Stock Cows 550.00 and down; Stock Bulls 47.50- 54.50; Slaughter Bulls 40.00- 58.75. CALVES; Veal Calves 81.00 and down; Baby Calves 88 00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 58.00; Good Red O 52.00; Feeder Lambs 55.00- 56.00; Slaughter Ewes 11.00- 19.00. HOGS. Top 45.70; Light 32.00; Sows 45.00 and down; Boars 25.00; Butcher Hogs 43.50. G&M Livestock Monday, December 29 Compared to last week. Market report Cows weak Steers higher. Hogs lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prune None. Good to Choice 64.00- Good 58.00-64.00. Other Standard 50.00-58.00. FEEDER PIGS; 15-25 lbs. 15.00- 25-50 lbs. 22.00- 30.00 HEIFERS: High Choice and Prune None. Good to Choice 60.00-64.10. Other Standard 52.00-56 00. BULLS: 1200-1600 58.00- 162.26, 900-1200 lbs. 56.00- 58.00. COWS: High Choice to Prune 47.0049.00. Few to 50.10. Good 45.0047.00, 42 GO -45 00; 40.0042.00. Canners Down to 38.00 CALVES: High Choice 90.00- 00. Good to Choice 80.00- Standard 70 00- 80.00 FARM CALVES: Hoi Bulls 90.00-124.00 Hoi Heifers 120.00-187.50. HOGS: 200-240 lbs. 43.00- 46.50.170-290 lbs 42 0044 50 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, Inc. 12 Miles Eait of Lancwter on Route 23, New Holland, Penn*. WEEKLY FEEDER PI6 SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Sale to Start at 1:N P-1 6 Bred Gilts, York-Hamp Cross, which are pregnancy checked and vaccinated and due to farrow end of January will be sold Wed nesday. January 7th. Consigned by Amos Esh. We Will Receive Your Pigs Anytime From 7 A.M. Wed. Morning Slate Graded UntQ 12 Noon. All pigs inspected by State Approved Veterinarian. State tap available at our office for yoo to tag pigs at home to save 25 cents tagging charge. Tags delivered If you call 717-354-1341 oar office in advance. Calf Sale To Be Held Every Thursday At 3:30 P.M. NORMAN KOLB ABE DIFFENBACH 717-217*5531 717-323-44 M SOWS; 38 00-43.25. BOARS: 28.00-33.25. LAMBS: 49.00-58.00.*" SHEEP: 15.00-23.00. St. Louis Cattle Wednesday, December 31 Repon supplied by USDA Receipts This Week: 3,400 Week Ago: 2,800 Year Ago; 2,300 Compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers .50-1.00 higher except holstem steers steady. Slaughter heifers 1.00-150 higher Cows and bulls steady Feeder cattle prices not tested. Slaughter supply mainly Choice and mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1075- 1250 lbs steers, around 35% heifers and 15% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS- Mixed Choice and Prune 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 64.50-65.50; 1125-1300 lbs 63.00-64 00, closing 63.00-63.50; few lots 4-5 1150-1325 lbs. 60.00-61.00. Choice 2-4 950-1300 lbs. 63.50- 65.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 900-1200 lbs. 62.50- 64.00. Good 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 60.50-62 50. Standard to Good 2-31075-1300 lbs. 53.0058.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prune 2-4 875-1100 lbs. 62.50-63.50. Choice 2-4 800-1050 lbs. 61.50- 63.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 59.50- 61.50. Good 2-3 700-925 lbs. 57.5059.50. COWS: Closing week sales Utility and Commercial 2-4 42.0045.00. Boning Utility 1-2 45.0047.00. Cutter 41.1)0- 44.00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-235.0041.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1050-1900 lbs. 50.00-55.00. Yield Grade 1 1375-1600 lbs. 56 75-58.00. Omaha Cattle Dec. 31 Market Supplied by USDA Closing prices on slaughter steers were steady to 25 cents lower instances 50 cents lower, some con- NOTICE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981—A7 R‘s *LM AK^ (#2 JAN. 5-11, 1981 Shovel out to get about. Cattle need salt now First photograph taken from an airplane Jan 10,1911 New moon Jan 6 Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 17 minutes U S radar reached moon Jan 10, 1946 Arctic snowy owls return As much of heaven is visible as we have eyes to see Ask the Old Farmer: How eaily did the » "widow's walk" appear on houses in this country, and what was its primary pur pose 7 MM, Atlanta The ratled-m platform which some folks call a widows walk was necessary to fight chimney fires It dates from the time they put the chimney in the middle of the house instead of at one end, close to 300 years ago But nobody walked on them to watch for ships We have seen them 1,000 miles inland Home Hints: To make the job of varnishing easier, place the container of varnish m a pan of hot water The varnish flows on easier and dries faster OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Snow, heavy south and east, at start of week, cloudy and cold midweek, weekend brings rain, snow north Greater New York-New Jersey: Rain and snow, then gradual clearing and milder, weekend is rainy and warm Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rainy and milder at week's start, then clearing and warm midweek, week's end brings heavy rain, mild temperatures Piedmont Sc Southeast Coastal; Showers, heavy west, first of week, sunny and warm middle of week, rain north and central, showers south weekend (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) signments with substantial percentage 4 50-1.00 lower late. Heifers closed steady to 50C lower. Cows were steady to firm, instances 25-50 C higher bulls were firm. Three day receipts 12,700 this week; last week 10,600; year age 9,100. The fed. cattle trade followed an irregular course as demand was adjusted for the upcoming non slaughter holiday. Late trading was generally slow, cautious and selective on rather liberal marketings as buyers sought to keep live prices in line with rapidly changing carcass realizations. Yield grade was again dominant price - determining factor in reflection of the wide price differential between yield grade 3 and 4 carcasses. Suppies were rather liberal for a holiday period with some seller pressure to move market-ready cattle during the current year and also to avoid further excess finish. Slaughter steers made up approximately 44 pet and heifers 35 pet. Cows tom. HAM NATIONWIDE Rayß. Hartaotd Rd 1 Box 95 Hershey. PA 17033 PH- 717-964-2248 or 717-569-2061 r FOR SALE FEEDER PIGS \ I State Graded -Vet Inspected I Excellent Quality and Delivery Service 1 * Credit Service Available i JOHN H. THOMAS, JR. c Millersville, Pa. 17551 Ph 717-872-5646 I Complete Line of | RED ROSE Feeds Management (ailUltiOll @ Program FEEDS (ablation Compan) ihIQLD comprised 13 pet. feeders scarce. STEERS: Two loads choice and prime predominantly 3, 1175 lbs. 65.50-65.75. Closing trade choice 2-4, predominantly 3, 1050-1300 lbs. 63.25-64.50, part load 3 1200 lbs. 65.00. Three loads 3 1450 lbs. 63.25. Choice 1100-1337 lbs. large share 4 59.00- Load 4-5 1372 lbs. 55.00. Mixed good and choice 2-4 1025-1250 lbs. 62.00-63.25. Good 2-3 60.0062.00. HEIFERS: Two loads and part load choice with end prune 3 1009-1031 lbs. 63.50. Choice 2-4 900-1153 900-1153 lbs. closed mainly 61.00 62.50, Few loads 62.75-63.10. Lots with increased 4 58,50 60.50. Mixed good and choice 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 60.0061.50. Good 2-3 58.0060.00. AVERAGE OF LS 214 detailed quotations for choice 9001100 lb. Steers 63.92; 11001300 lbs. 63.67. Average cost steers this week 63.64. Average weight 1193 lbs. as compared 63.20 and 1182 lbs. a week ago. Average cost heifers 61.91 average weight 1047 lbs. as compared 61.61 and 1034 lbs. a week ago. COWS; Utility and Commercial 2-4 42.5045.50, few 46.00. Cutter 41.50-43.00. Canner and Low-Cutter id c UV49 on BULLS; 1-2 12002100 lbs. 49.00- few mdividual 1 55.0056.00. m