At Pennfield Feeds, our basic goal is to help our customers make more money. We believe we can accomplish this for you, too. Unlike many other feed companies, we develop custom feeding programs for each individual operation. It all starts with a Pennfield man reviewing your operation with you. Your goals. Your records. The health and overall condition of your birds. Whether you grow chicks or buy pullets. The type of equipment you use. The production potential of your flock. Your management practices. And other factors that have an effect on your profit potential. With the aid of computers, we then design a feeding program specifically tailored to your birds’ needs a program that can improve your profits by reducing expenses, increasing production, or both. And we’re a local company. We buy our feed grains locally. Shipping savings are passed on to customers. Our feeding pro grams are developed through test work and field trials based on local conditions. These and other Pennf ield advantages are helping hundreds of customers in crease their profits. We can do the same for you. Phone or write us today. 1 0!) peonfieldfeeds * * 711 Rohrerstown Road Box 4366, Lancaster, PA 17604. Local calls: Lancaster 299-2561 Red Lion, 244-4511. 717 and 215 areas dial toll free 800-732-0467. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981—AS
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