Al6—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 3,1981 IQQ% Crop actually loses money State lamb crop percentage continues to drop COCHRANVILLE - It will be lambing time soon for Pennsylvania’s sheep producers. For most it means cold nights m the barn and sometimes ex traordinary efforts to save the lives of newborn lambs. With the birth of the new crop comes the expectation of profits for the year to come. Unfortunately the income picture for Pennsylvania's sheep farmers is bleak unless a dramatic im provement occurs in the lamo crop. Since 1974 the number of lambs bom alive and saved per ewe has steadily declined m Pennsylvania according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. The 1974 lamb crop Clinton Co. beef (Continued from Page Al 5) bunks were kept intact to final finish cattle before sending them to market. Last fall the Master Farmer built another barn which has features to cut down on labor, including unproved ventilation and more slope to the floors. A manure pit, located near the two bams, holds over a million gallons. “It would not be a big task to pipe animal wastes into a digester for a methane generator but I can’t see any financial advantages to generating my own elec tricity at this time,” Dot terer notes. The Master Farmer was a pioneer with his feeding program as well as barn design. His farm was the first in the country to use cold-flow anhydrous am monia in feed to increase protein content. The ammonia gas passes through a jet and, when lowered to minus 28 degrees Farenheit, is liquid. The Penn State College of Agriculture used his farm to test this feeding program and he has been using it since on com silage and high moisture com Dotterer feeds alfalfa silage at 60 percent moisture was 107 percent. In each successive year it has declined by one percent, dropping to 102 percent m 1979. Figures for 1980 will be released in January. Actually the 1974 crop of 107 percent was a ten year high with lamb crops bet ween 1970 and 1973 vacillating between 98 percent and 103 percent. For the sheep flock to be profitable, lamb crops of 150 percent to 175 percent are necessary. In a recent study done at Purdue Umversity, David C. Petntz reported that a sheep farmer with a 100 ewe flock and a lamb crop of 100 percent would show a loss of $1648 per year if he marketed his lambs at $65 per cwt. in addition to high moisture ear com. All feed is stored in trenches. He uses an in dustrial loader to remove the silage from the trench and place it in feed bunks. Always conscious of energy, the beef cattleman planted 800 acres of corn by the no-till method this past year. He also plants 300 acres of com for silage and another 300 acres for high moisture com. Still another 200 acres of com are sold as a cash crop. “I grow 150 acres of alfalfa and have 130 acres of pasture. Most of the alfalfa goes into haylage but I do bale some hay to feed the new cattle,” he emphasizes. Dotterer was credited with over seven tons of alfalfa per acre in 1978 and 1979 while winning awards in the Pennsylvania Alfalfa Growers Program. Recognizing the ad vantages of hybrid vigor, the Clinton County farmer prefers to buy crossbred cattle. He likes crosses with Angus, Charolais, Sim mental, or Limousin beef breeds. The demand now is for larger crosses, he notes. The Dotterer farm dates back to 1825 and the Master Farmer is the sixth generation to operate it. With a 150 percent lamb crop he would make a profit of $9.50. At 175 percent his profit would increase to $838.25 and reach $1667 with a 200 per cent lamb crop. Ewes have the potential to produce lamb crops ap proaching 200 ' percent, however neo-natal losses and infertility of the ewe cause devastating losses to the producer. Occasionally infertility affects as many as 20 percent of the ewes m the flock. There is no accurate report on infertility in Pennsylvania’s flocks, but W. Duane Mickelsen found sheep producers in Washington State were accustomed to an annual loss from infertility of five “My sons will stay here, too,” he says. Charles graduated from Gettysburg College and is a partner in the operation. Ralph, Jr., has built a new house on the farm and shares in the management. Ralph, Sr., a Penn State graduate, and Mrs. Dot terer, a home economics teacher, have hosted foreign exchange students and have visited exchange student families abroad. In addition to spending full time operation the beef cattle farm, the Master Farmer is active m his church and community. Currently he is president of the Pennsylvania Beef Council and lias held offices in the Pennsylvania Cat tlemen’s Association and Clinton County Farmers’ Association. The 1979 Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Field Day was held on the Dotterer farm. He also is a two-time winner of the Outstanding Grassland Farmer Award presented by the Penn sylvania Forage and Grassland Council. Dotterer is a member of the United Church of Christ and belongs to various Masonic groups and Kiwams. percent to 20 percent, Observations of some flocks in Pennsylvania in tricate that infertility vanes greatly from year to year, with an individual flock occasionally havmg as few as 3 percent barren ewes and as high as 20 percent m another year. Many Pennsylvania sheep producers would like to have the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania study this problem. They hope the school will someday soon have an ovme speciahst to concentrate on sheep health problems, but Dr. Robert Marshak, Dean of the Veterinary School, says there are no funds available to aid the sheep industry. While reproductive science in other livestock species has grown technologically to include artificial insemination and embryo transplants, the sheep industry is left groping m the dark ages of reproductive science. Neither AI nor embryo transplants have been perfected for sheep in this country. Nor has any degree of sophistication in diagnosing reproductive track illnesses m the ovme species been developed. Essential to successful clmical diagnosis of animal reproductive problems is the ability of the practitioner to diagnose pregnancy. Two methods are commonly used for early pregnancy detection in sheep, the rod Get improved Cooling and FREE Hot Water When You Install A 8 ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY USED AT C. HOESE'S FARM 3/10/80 BEFORE & AFTER INSTALLATION OF PERKOMATIC: WATER HEATER BULK TANK COMPRESSOR After- 6 ' SSH 8 US6 3 Before: 21 66 KWH ’ S used After. ; 25 ; 55 KWH s used After -15.55 KWH’s used 14.95 KWH's saved on water 6.11 KWH’s saved on heater per day compressor per day TOTAL OF 21.06 KWH'S SAVED PER DAY X 05* PER KWH = *1.05 SAVED PER DAY OR *31.99 PER MONTH, *379*08 PER YEAR. AN AVERAGE OF 2843 POUNDS OF MILK WAS PROVIDED EACH DAY. MILK PICKED UP DAILY. 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED Box 618 - N. Farmersville Rd., RD 2 Ephrata, PA 17522 method and the ultra-some device. The rod costs less than two dollars but takes con siderable skill and practice to use accurately plus ex tensive labor. The sonic detectors range m price from $250 to $lOOO. With the ultra-some in strument, the sheep does not have to be upended or cradled as with the rod. When the some probe is place in the correct position a red light flashes if the ewe is open, a green light if she is pregnant. Pennsylvania’s only veterinary school has a large department of reproductive medicine Only a few of its faculty have made an effort to learn pregnancy diagnosis with the rod. Requests to purchase a some device have been demed. Yet it seems logical to sheep producers that every veterinarian who will be gomg out into the field to practice large animal medicine should be skilled in ovme pregnancy detection Good management in the lambing barn can help in crease the lamb crop, and Clair Engle of Penn State’s Extension Service has been doing yeoman service in teaching management skills to Pennsylvania's sheep producers. However, even in the best managed flocks reproductive problems and infertility abound For more information on the efforts of sheep P On Your Milk Cooler Thousands of Dairymen across the nation are now taking advantage of the PERKOMATIC SYSTEM! FEATURES: • Double-wall heat • Double thick exchanger insulation-3" thick » No moving parts • 2 year warranty on • No electricity used heat exchanger, 5 year warranty on glass lined tank AVAILABLE IN TANK CAPACITIES OF 66, 82& 120 U.S. GALLONS - FOR SINGLE OR DUAL COMPRESSORS. 82 & 120 GAL. ARE AVAILABLE WITH BOOSTER HEATER IN TOP Vb OF TANK. T.S. BURKHOLDER FARM REFRIGERATION (717) 859-1145 859-1146 producers to improve ovine medicine services in Penn sylvania, contact Annette Menhennett, RD #l, Cochranville, Pa. 19330, telephone 215/593-5726. SWING CHOICE For 20-mile-a-day comfort, sportsmen choose Red Wing Irish Setters. "Sizes 6-16 Widths AA-EEEE 'Not all sizes in all widths [ red | WING P’ BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATES?. QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 717-786-2795 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Mf
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