Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1980, Image 4
A4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27,1980 Poultry Markets Nest Run Eggs Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded m lots of either 300 or 750 cases Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification Class 1-Large Class 2-Large Class 3-Medium Class 4-Small Breaking Stock Checks Weekly New York Egg Market From Friday, Dec. 19 to Dec. 24 Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. WHITE 79 79 76 76 76 76 72 72 66 66 Jumbo Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets SHOWN Jumbo 92 92 89 89 87 87 Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Off Grade Large Checks ' 63 63 36 36 Tone Large barely steady Balance medium Copyright 1980 by Umer-Barrv Copyright 1980 by Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 • Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Robert G. Campbell, Publisher E. Curtis Harler, Editor Sheila M. Miller, Associate Editor Dick Anglestein, Staff Writer Debra L. Koontz, Staff Writer CORRESPONDENTS Mary Myers, Adams County New Oxford 717-624-8005 Laurel Shaeffer, Berks County Bernville 215-488-7475 Jane Bresee, Bradford County Ulster 717-358-3346 Sally B. Bair, LancastenCounty Columbia 717-285-4926 Susan Kauffman, Lancaster County Peach Bottom 717-548-3131 Vivian Paul, Northampton County Bath 215-837-1363 Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys Subscription Price: $7.50 per year; $13.00 - 2 years $l2 00 per year outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, VA&WV Established November 4,1955 | Published every Saturday | by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 4 Second Class Postage paid at Lititz,-PA 17543 i ; USPS 304-040 £ For address change form or new subscription see Classified Section. Wewbers of Newspaper Fan* Editors Assn., Fa. Newspaper Miikin Association, and National Newspaper Association. Dec. 23 Tuesday 54 50 50 48 46 42 Net Weight Per Case 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. 92 89 87 92 89 87 N. E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday Dec. 23 Report supplied by USDA Prices paid per dozen Grade ‘A” Brown eggs m cartons delivered to retail stores. MASS + Mostly N. HAMP Mostly 86-89 84-87 81-84 RI 93-94 91-92 87-88 VERMONT 91-100 89-98 86-94 Mostly 93-97 91-95 88-99 MAINE 91-92 89-90 85-86 + Includes Central and Western Sections only Baltimore Eggs Tuesday, December 24 Report supplied by USDA Supply adequate for a good last minute demand. Cartoned eggs prices to retailers, state graded tmm one case sale) white. Grade A Large 79-81 Grade A Medium 75-77 Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, December 24 Report supplied by USDA Prices unchanged Demand fair to lightly good Undertone unsettled Prices to retailers Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in car tons, delivered, store door A Extra Large 76-82, A Large 75-80, A Medium 70- 75% Pa. Auction Summary Friday, December 26 Report supplied by PDA easy CATTLE: 2440. Compared with 4032 head last week, and 2217 head a year ago. Compared with last Friday’s market: Slaughter steers & bullocks mostly 1.00-125 lower; SI. heifers steady-1.00 higher; SI. cows mostly 1.00 higher; SI bulls unevenly steady SI steers: few Choice & Prime No. 3-4, 66 50-70.00; Choice No. 2-4, 64 75-69.75, few to retail trade to 73.85; Good 57.00- 66.00; Standard 54.00-58.00; SI. heifers: Choice 62 25- 65.10, Good 60.00-63.50, Standard 52.00-60.00. SI cows: Utility & Commercial 46.00-51.00; Cutters 44 00- 48.50; Canner & L Cutter 40.0044.50, Shells down to 32.50. SI. bullocks: Choice 64.25-66.85, Good 56.00-63.75; SI. bulls Yield Grade No 1, 1000-2300 lbs. 55 00-63 50; Yield Grade No 2, 900-1600 lbs 48 00-58.00. i 3 CALVES 2281 Compared with 3534 head last week and 2151 head a year ago. Vealers steady-3.00 higher Few Prime 90 00-113.00; Choice 90 00-110 00; Good 75.00-90 00; Standard & Good 90-120 lbs 70 00-78.00 ; 60-90 lbs. 60 00-70.00. Utility 50-100 lbs. 50 00-65.00. FARM CALVES. Hoi. Bulls 80-125 lbs 70.00-126.00, mostly 90.00-115.00; Hoi. Heifers 80-150 lbs. 70.00- 182 50, mostly 90.00-150 00. HOGS 590 b Compared with 6283 head last week and 4039 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts steady -100 higher.US No 1-2 200-240 lbs. 47.5049.85; No 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 46.0047 50; No. 2-3 190-275 lbs 44 0046.00; No 1- 3 140-190 lbs 34.00-38.50. Sows US No. 1-3 300-570 lbs 37 0042 50, No 2-3 300-600 lbs 30 00-37 00. Boars 30.00- ' 3b 00 with few down to 25 00 FEEDER PIGS 1311 Compared with 1431 head last week and 906 a year ago. 3.00-5.00 lower. US No. 1-3 20- 35 lbs. 8.00-20.00 per head; Ex. Large 89-96 91-94 84-91 Large 87-94 89-92 82-89 No. 1-3 50-90 lbs 26.00-36.00. GRADEf) FEEDER PIGS: 1070 Compared with 2204 head last week, and 2095 head a year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder Pigs 6.00-14.00 lower. US No. 1-2 2540 lbs. 71.00- ; 40-50 lbs. 63.00- 80.00 ; 50-60 lbs. 45.0083.00; 6080 lbs. 44.00-51.00, US No. 2-3 3540 lbs. 58.0083.00; 40-50 lbs 53.0080.00 00; 55-70 lbs 44.00- SHEEP; 338 Compared with 707 head last week and 140 head a year ago. Wooled si. lambs steady-3.00 higher. Choice 70-120 lbs. 55.00-75.00, with few down to 50.00; 50-90 lbs. 48 50-58 00, few to 66 00. SI. ewes 14.00-33 00 LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED When is s 2oo°° less than $ 190 00 ? Da you know what your feed cost is per lb. of eggs or per dozen of eggs on your present flock? Moyer’s offers you the new DEKALB DK “Inflation fighter” layer. A bird eating .21 lbs. of $2OO/Ton feed will save you 9* per 100 hens per day over one eating .23 lbs. of $l9O/Ton feed. On a 60,000 bird flock this amounts to $378 a week difference! This could be the difference of profit or loss on your next layer flock. We’ve got more reasons to look at Moyer’s DEKALB for your next flock; Give us a call. TK&y&i 'a chicks, INC. SSe oua m«M; P 3 A ,« 8951 SI EGG LAYERS (215)536-3155 BROILERS' Small 66-73 68-71 61-68 63-66 70-71 Medium 94-91 86-89 79-86 68-69 SELL IT WITH A Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, December 24 Report supplied by USDA Current broiler/fryer negotiated prices for im mediate delivery mcludes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. RANGE: U.S. Grade A 47- 51; Plant Grade 4749; Premium X U.S. Grade A 51.00 WTD. AVERAGE: U.S. Grade A 49.11; Plant Grade 47.66; Premium X U.S Grade A 51.00. (X) - Includes special services, selected com petitive brands etc. Eastern Pa. & N. J. Poultry Wednesday, December 24 Report supplied by USDA Prices lower on light type hens. Farm offerings adequate following sharp drop in egg prices during past two weeks. Processor interest fair. Lightweight at farm. 11- 12,' mostly 11% FOB plant. 14-15, mostly 14 Heavyweight. TFTR. TOP OF THE HOG MARKET DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET OLDROUTC 11. DANVILLE, PA 17821' 717-275-2880 HORSE SALE HELD 3rd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Market your cattle & hogs the auction way. Sale every Monday 2 P.M. Melvin M. Lehman (Owner) Heinsey’s Poultry Market Root’s, East Petersburg Tuesday, December 23 Report supplied by auction MUSCOVY DUCKS, DRAKES: range .70-.88. MUSCOVY DUCKS, HENS: range .50-.62. PEKAN DUCKS; range .42-.52. PULLETS: 6-8 lbs. range .SB-.62. RED FOWL: 4-5 lbs. range 12-.18. . RED FOWL: 5-7 lbs. range .30-.36 CROSSBREED ROOST ERS; 4-8 lbs. range .34-.52. CROSSBRED ROOST ERS: 9-11 lbs. range .30-.42. GUINEAS: range 1.30- 1.45. GEESE: 12-18 lbs. range .88-1.04 GEESE. 9-11 ibs. range .70-.82. TURKEYS, range .34-. SB. PIGEONS, range 1 20-1 45 ea. WHITE PIGEONS, range 2.25-2 75 ea RABBITS. 4-6 lbs. range 1.10-1.34. RABBITS 7-10 lbs range 90-1 20. TOTAL COOPS. 420