Al2—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, December 27,1980 * v ~ I, I Wilmer Horst, left, and J. Earl Horst, of R 2, New Holland, receive a plaque for owning the 300,000 th cow on continuous DHIA test from Ray Livestock projects help 4-H’ers grow NORRISTOWN Four-H shows give members a livestock projects with chance to get to know one sheep, goats, rabbits, beef, another, and their leaders, swine and others offer Solid friendships are formed youngsters more than a blue that long outlast the years in ribbon at the fair or some 4-H extra spending money when their animal is sold. Responsibility is a major part of owning and showing an animal. That animal depends on the 4-H’er for food, shelter and care. “When another life depends on your survival, you’d better be responsible,’’ said one young boy. “You also leam a lot about managing money,” he ad ded. From purchasing the animal to keeping regular records of ff eed and other costs, boys and girls learn how far money goes and how to make U stretch even farther. Club activities, fairs and —— ■■ f" ■ ■ y>x - ' *5? ■* ' p «■ ** *■ if Livestock projects help the 4-H’er develop skills in basic veterinary procedures, feed rations, animal husbandry and a good general knowledge of the species they are working with. They leam about their own limits, feel the pride of ac complishment, leam how to win and lose gracefully and come to know themselves much better. Raising and showing an animal is hard work and good fun. Most of all it is a learning and growing ex perience for the 4-H’er. They may not get the ribbon but some things are worth more. Horst owns 300,000 th DHIA cow Pruss, DHIA administrative assistant at Penn State. • CONVENIENT FINANCING • LEASING • RENTALS ~ STOUFFER BROS., INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambers burg, PA (717)263-8424 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE p \}~ £ V' WAIVER OF CHARGES UNTH. S 4 BUDS ■j Dec. si, 1981 If you buy any of our new Case farm tractors or one of our used agricultural tractors of any make between November 1,1980 and December 31.1980... and finance it through J I Case Credit Corporation ...we’ll waive all finance charges until March 1,1981. We’re trading high on new advanced design Case models and on every used agricultural tractor on the lot. A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave Quarryville, PA (717) 786-3521 Bethel PA (717)933-4114 ■%- ■» .. £ * * • PARTS • SERVICE _ ~ • RECONDITIONED 900 Of Call US TRACTORS EDWARDS FARM EQUIP. E. W. DILEWICZ 291 West Moorestown Road EQUIP., INC. (Rt 5!2 Clearfieid) E , mer R(J Rlchwood NJ Nazareth. PA tanas am ocao (215)759-0240 (609)8812692 PEOPLES SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills PA (717)463-2735 C.&P. FULTZ EQUIP. RDI Spring Mills, PA (814)422 8805 BY DEBBIE KOONTZ NEW HOLLAND - Some people win awards because they have worked long, tedious hours, filled out endless coupons, or have written mounds of jingles. But not Earl Horst of R 2 New Holland. He received a plaque for owning the 300,000 th cow on continuous test in the DHIA program simply because he put her on test at just the right time. What does one do to be so lucky? “I was really sur prised. 1 didn’t even have to do anything. I put her on test just like my other cows and a few weeks later I was called and told I had reached the 300,000 mark for DHIA,” Horst laughed "Welsh-Mt. Gay Pam,” a registered Holstein heifer, is the honored party at the Welsh-Mt. Farm enterprise, which has 41 other Holstems. This past year Horst and his son Wilmer reached a herd average of 17,164 pounds of milk and 622 pounds of butterf"* no BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Rd Lititz, PA (717)626-4705 CLAIR J. MYERS I & I SUPPLY, INC. Lake Road R 1 Thomasville, PA <717)259-0453 “Pam was a good choice for 300,000 th 1 because she have never been placed on test before, she’s just a heifer,” Horst said. But if 300,000 cows sounds hke a lot to you, consider the fact that Pennsylvania boasts 701,000 cows making this award winning number 44 1 percent of the total. This “total”, according to DHIA administrative assistant Ray Pruss, in cludes 5,764 herds, 3,807 ot these on DHIA testing, 1,007 on alternate am-pm testing and 950 on the owner sampler method. Pruss earlier has said, "The program started in 1911 with 517 cows on test, that year. In 1954, Penn-" 1 sylvania DHIA broke the 100,000 cow mark and 22 years later 200,000 cows were enrolled. It took just four more years to add another 100,000 cows to the membership rolls,” And to Earl Horst, it was worth the waiting. 1980! C.H. WALTZ SONS, INC. ROl Cogan Station PA (717) 435-2921 PAUL SHOVER’S, INC. 35 East Willow St Carlisle, PA (717)243-2686 RDS, Danville PA (7X7)275-0927 2 mi S offßte 54
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