Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1980, Image 10

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    Alo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27,1980
Lancaster Farming says...
A much criticized and expensive
government program for farmers is
on its way out The old ASCS crop
program, which cost taxpayers over
$5OO million last year, has been put
to sleep by Congress
The ASCS program will be replaced
by a pay-as-you-go 28 crop, all-risk
insurance program There will be no
acreage setaside or other ties, no
loan guarantees, no strings
Farmers who want to will be able to
protect their plantings by purchasing
insurance the same way they protect
their buildings from fire or registered
livestock from accidental death
The Federal ( Crop Insurance
Program will be similar to those in
France or Canada where over 80
percent of the farmers participate
Farmers in 39 Pennsylvania
counties will be able to purchase the
all-risk insurance this year Crops
like barley and wheat, alreadv in the
December 28, 1980
Background Scripture:
Matthe w 3:13 through 4; 25
Devotional Reading:
Ephesians 1:3-14.
Jesus began his public
ministry with the same
The farm office should be
a very useful place this time
of the year Tune spent going
over the farm accounts and
evaluating all records is a
very vital part of good farm
management Decisions
about what is to be done in
1981 are very important and
should require considerable
planning ahead. Tax reports
r eg f T~!?.
A loss that’s no great loss
ground, will not be covered until next
Private firms will act as agents for
the new program The same agent
who handles your property insurance
should be able to sell the crop in
surance you want
Big farmer and little farmer both
will be insured on acreage actually
tilled, according to expected level of
protection and coverage premium
paid There should be no more
charges that big farmers sucked up
all of the available funds in an area at
the expense of smaller operators
Each will collect, should the un
fortunate occasion arise, according
to the amount of the policy
This year in the Harrisburg Region
of the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation, over $1 million in in
sured crop losses will be paid to
policy holders.
pronouncement the people
had heard from John the
Baptist “Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven is at
hand” (Matthew 4:17). But
there was something else in
Jesus’ message that took
hips- and those who
responded to him a giant
step beyond John. As he
walked by the Sea of Galilee,
he saw two fishermen,
Andrew and Simon Peter,
and he called to them:
“Follow me, and I will make
you fishers of men’ ’(4:18)
Follow Me
John the Baptist had a
message from God. Jesus
was different in that he was
the message from God
Whereas John called for
are an essential part of
today’s farm records, but
these records should also be
utilized to make future
plans Today’s farmer needs
to be a good planner and a
good manager, to operate
from'day to day without
looking far ahead will surely
create costly situations and
delays When the plans are
made in advance, then
supplies and other needed
ingredients can be ordered
Don’t put off planning now
what you are going to be
doing in 1981
repentance in preparation
for the coming of the
kingdom of heaven, Jesus
invited people to a personal
encounter and relationship.
The gospels are full of the
stones of those encounters
between Jesus and people
Some became his apostles
with a special task but all
were called to be his
followers. It meant not so
much a matter of ac
companying him in a
physical sense, but of
following him as a disciple
follows a master teacher.
It was because of these
personal encounters with
Jesus that many of his
followers did, in fact, repent.
Face to face with Jesus they
I fear that too many far
mers and gardeners have
not become re-certified in
the pesticide program All
certificates issued three
years ago have now expired
and there is need for new
certificates or licenses If
this is not done, users of
spray materials will not be
able to buy their needs next
year We are told that folks
may still get re-certified by
attending one of the
numerous educational
meetings this winter When
these are held by out Ex-
50/720' thats the purpose of -mis pro^rhoy
Remember though after the
coming season, no policy, no
payment According to law, 1981 will
be the last time ASCS payments will
be made.
There’s an added bonus for signup
with FCIC insurance Farmers who
elect to drop out of the disaster
program for the coming season will
get a 30 percent discount on
A number of growers, especially in
the fruit belt, will wonder about
double payment for hail insurance
The FCIC program covers hail, but an
exclusion, and corresponding
discount, can be written into a policy
so a grower can stick with his regular
hail insurer
Farmers can buy three levels of
insurance coverage based on
average crop yields in their area over
the past several years Coverage
levels generally will be 50.65, 75
felt a deep and over
whelming need to change the
direction of their lives.
Some, like Simon Peter and
Andrew, became part of the
inner group that ac
companied him and later
became the leaders of the
first Christian community.
Others, however, like the
Romans centunan (8:5-13),
the Capernaum paralytic
(9:1-8), and the Canaamte
woman may
never have seen him again,
but we may assume that
they, like so many others,
continued to follow him
Fishers Of Men
This was one of the
principal differences bet-
tension Agents, or other
agricultural concerns, an
attendance slip will be
issued This can then be
forwarded to the Depart
ment of Agriculture at
Harrisburg for proof of being
better informed We urge
folks to attend one of these
sessions ami meet the
pesticide certification
Tobacco growers in this
part of the state are now
busy stripping the leaves
from their stalks: that is, if
we get enough moisture for
them to be able to take down
ween the message of the Old
and New covenants The Old
covenant was primarily one
with a people, the people of
Israel. There were, of
course, personal im
plications and many of the
Old Testament stories are
focused upon personal en
counters with God. But in the
preaching of Christ there
was a different' emphasis
the New covenant with God
was for all who would
respond to his invitation and
Thus, in most com
munities, Jesus found-some
who responded favorably to
his ministry and some who
did not. One member of a
family might choose to
the dried tobacco from their
sheds to the tobacco cellars
Most growers are looking
forward to a very good price
per pound because the crop
is not as heavy as usual hnd
the quality' is very good I
think it would benefit most
growers if they will take the
time to sort out the ground
leaves, or other less
desirable leaves, and keep
them separate from their
good tobacco Most buyers
will appreciate this practice
and be able to pay more for
the bulk of the crop that is of
better quality In most other
farm commodities, the
farmer that produces the
crop that is of strong market
demand will get the better
price This same thing
should be true in tobacco
marketing If you have what
the buyer wants, then you
should be able to market the
product to your advantage
Ivi mentioned this
thought previously but it still
Farm Calendar
percent of average production.
In addition, farmers can select
from three choices of price to value
any production lost under the in
surance plan
No advance premium is required
to buy a crop insurance policy
The idea is a good one all around A
person generally gets about what is
paid for. ‘Free’ programs with strings
attached look bad to farmers caught
by the strings; make the farmer look
bad to outsiders who couldn’t see the
The grower who needs protection
can buy it in a straight business deal
Protection on one crop won’t change
acreage on others
The farmer is back in the drivers
seat and can run his business m a
businesslike manner
It's good news for farmers any time
government’s finger is pulled’out of
the farm pie
follow him, while others
vigorously opposed him or
were indifferent. The
kingdom of heaven he
proclaimed would not be
limited to the people of
Israel, for it was apparent
that Roman centunans,
Canaanite women, tax
collectors and other
foreigners would also be
included by their own faith.
So, Jesus came, not with a
set of theological
propositions, not with new
rituals, laws, nor an ec
clesiastical institution, but
with an invitation to a
personal encounter with God
the Father through Him.
And the invitation is still in
force today. •‘Follow me”'
is an important one at anv
time Due to continued in
flation, and due to the large
number of home
burgulanes, insurance
adjustments need to be
made more frequently than
in the past The insurance
coverage should be for
replacement costs and not to
cover only the original cost
Most insurance companies
require a high percentage of
coverage In order for them
to pay a large percentage of
the claim in case of a loss
Both farm real estate and
personal property values
should be considered for
insurance coverage Home
burgulanes have become far
too common, these thieves
seem to be after items that
can be quickly converted
into cash Property such as
jewelry, silver, furs, TV
sets, and radios are often
stolen Perhaps special
insurance coverage for these
items should be included in
\our insurance program
they may not be covered
Thursday Jan. 1