C6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 13,1980 Borne On The Benge Sweet Christmas favorites Wmters are sharp, long and severe in Scandinavia. That’s undoubtedly why its people make such a celebration out of Christmas It’s their antidote to darkness, a way of chasing away the gloom. Preparations start early in December when Scan dinavians brighten their homes with scrubbing and decorations, trim trees with old and new ornaments and stock larders with all kinds of goodies, especially baked ones In every way, it’s a real, old-fashioned Christmas, complete with snow and even reindeer m some areas. Two ideas prevail beneath all this preparation for the Christmas and holiday celebration The first is that you must be hospitable and generous with your food during this season, even with strangers Whoever calls on you during this time must be served from your table Only in this way do you keep the Christmas spirit in your home Should anyone leave your home without eating, he or she will take the Christmas spirit away Scandinavians also believe that the fruitfulness of the year to come depends on the abundance of holiday feasting Feasting that’s stingy will bring a lean year while a lavish feast means a prosperous one Whichever of these traditions might be yours, or borrowed, the ideas behind them are delightful To help with your “abundance” of food we featured Christmas cookies last week and would like to continue Cook’s it \ Question V'/ Comer ?_/ QUESTION I would like a recipe for making "pot” or “cup” cheese. We used to buy it in the store in the winter months I have tried making it from raw milk but it just doesn’t come out right. I want the recipe from the beginning, using raw milk, to the end. QUESTION I tried the velveeta cheese recipe that Mrs. Adam Miller, Hartly, sent in and mine didn’t get right. It was the first recipe that did not call for soda. Was it left out of the recipe or is no soda added 7 ANSWER No, it wasn’t missed We ran the recipe as we received it. Perhaps other readers can help you where you went wrong. CORRECTION Just a note to let you know that in the November 1 issue there was a mistake on my Pumpkin Cake Roll recipe. Some how “1 cup of sugar” was missed If you can correct it, I would appreciate It very much as it is a very delicious recipe. Recipe Topics December 13 January 3 Esther Hepler, Salfardville, PA 18958 Mrs Martin Mrs. Clyde Bowman Christmas Candy and other sweet favorites Traditional Christmas delights New Year’s Day Sauerkraut and Other traditional foods Microwave, an easy meal Winter salads for that summertime feeling Celebrate Christmas with these Hawaiian Waikiki Nogs. They’re flavored with pineapple-grapfruit drink and topped with vanilla ice cream. Serve with offering “goodies” this week by running sweet tasting delights When company comes you want to be ready with the food the Scandinavians prepare What could company enjoy more than a plate full of peanut treats, caramel corn, date balls, chesse balls and Christmas cookies 9 Also, for the diet minded, offer a hospitality tray full of cheeses, meats and olives Popcorn on the side could serve as an added feature Next week we will have favorite egg nog recipes, but this week is an added treat for the kids We have a Christmas nog, Hawaiian style called Waikiki Nog How ever your celebrate Christmas, make it happy and abundant and enlarge your circle of friendship in the gesture of good will toward men! 'e . jspitality tray for Christmas which con- salami slices, Cheddar cheese cubes with olives, sists of the following, clockwise, from the front, cherry tomatoes, Cheese spread, Swiss cheese, rye Colby half moon slices on either side of Gouda bread and green onions, wedges, Caraway cheese sticks, Brick in rectangles, Hawaiian macadamia nuts and coconut chips or your favorite Christmas cookies. 1 cup butter P/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups chopped dates 2 teaspoons vanilla 4*/2 cup Rice Knspies 1 cup chopped nuts grated coconut Boil together for 2 minutes the first 5 ingredients Remove from heat and boil slightly and add other ingredients, except coconut. Shape in balls and roll in coconut Samuel Esh, Lancaster (Turn to Page 07) DATE BALLS