B4B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 6.1980 It I . ift l ' I # i 'bm* * OV X 2 How did Pioneer 3591 and DeKalb XL-55a Our new Yieldbook shows you the results of Jacques hybrids against top competitive varieties. Most tests have at least one main Pioneer or DeKalb number. You can’t decide whether to plant one of these two old standbys next year without comparing them to pos sible replacements like Jacques. We give you the information you need to do just that. The tests of our hybrids against top competitors make the hottest reading in the corn belt. These tests are run just the way you would want: field length rows com bined and moisture-tested out in the fß boo* Jacques ' do against Jacques JX180? ... Just say Jakes /■■■ m • I p *C •s3S%' Jj. » J open and the results published for everyone to see even when we lose. Is there any other company that you know of that does all that? Send for your free 1980 Yieldbook now. Then sit back and study how your present hybrids did and which ones may need to be weeded out. We bet you’ll find an hour spent on this will make you more money than any other hour you can spend. Send in the coupon right now. t I * A" ■V * /X * V * * *- tV*X ik * | Send this coupon to | Jacques Seed Co. .. Prescott, W 154021 1 Rush me a copy of your 1980 Yieldbook iwi L lam mterested m a Dealership f Name Address |, City State Zip I / -t // '*V if #1 1 w Jf* 1 ¥ 7$ f? f, ft % f 'y \?, i} f -y -* 1980 Field Shelling Trial Fred Bechtel Curryville, Pennsylvania Planted May 5 1980 m 94 inch row FarUhzmr WO Its actual Nas Urea plowdnwn 200 lbs W 20 10 starter Soil Typa Clay Loam Inaacttcida Furadan Waad Control Atrazme and Lasso with pi inter Fraviaua Crop Corn Harvaatad October 20 I°Bo with a 0600 John Deere •rand Jac qua* itC^UM JKfIM J*C4|WM Jaeqwaa JaCqw** Jacquaa Jk«im Jae*w*« Jacqw** Waair •Aacqwa* .JacqwM Jmafum ■laaqu** Jat