UNIVERSITY PARK - assessment of manure Management systems, trends in fertilizer and pesticide use, and new concepts in weed control will be topics discussed at the 1981 Lime, Fertilizer, and Pesticide Conference to be held January 20-22 at Penn State. Penn State to host lime, fertilizer conference Conference registration will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on January 20 in the University’s J.O. Keller Building, points out Peter Ferretti, Extension hor ticulture specialist and University program chairman. He emphasizes that the program is designed to be of interest to ag-industry personnel, farmers, and extension staff members in Pennsylvania and bordering states. Programs will be available in Pennsylvania county extension service offices in December. Speakers and their topics during the afternoon of January 20 include Gene Graves, vice president of planning and economics for Agnco Chemical Company, discussing the fertilizer outlook, short and long term; Wayne Himsh, Penn State assistant extension director, adjustments to the phosphorus soil test; William Leibhardt, of the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29,1980—815 University of Delaware Plant Science Department, excess use of poultry manure; David Mathews, of Agway, Inc., an agronomic assessment of manure management systems; and Richard Fox, Penn State agronomist, the University’s new lime test. The program the morning of January 21 includes pesticide trends in the future by Leo Bontempo, vice president of marketing for Ciba-Geigy; and iden tification and control of alfalfa insects by Stanley Gesell and Arthur Hower. Ferretti notes that the conference will conclude at noon on January 22.