CB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, November 29,1980 H Societies i To all Farm Women Societies. Lancaster Far ming would like to request that you send in your 1981 yearbooks as soon as possible so we can continue coverage of your scheduled events m the farm women calendar Lancaster Co. Society 2 Lancaster Farm Women 2 held their November meeting at the home of Luella Low with Grace Hahn acting as co-hostess One guest, Dorothy Gibble Waltermyer, was present. The meeting was con ducted by vice president Mae Hosier Ladies resonded to roll call by answering the question, “Why do I attend farm women meetings 7 ’ ’ Guest speaker was Mrs. Leahman who presented two readings “Deacon Brown,” and “The Old Man in the Stylish Church.” Society 2 received the second prize for attendance at the Lancaster County Farm Women Convention Members voted to present gifts to guests at the Harrisburg State Hospital Holiday gifts of fruit baskets will be distributed by members of Society 2 New member Mabel Hackart was installed by Esther Petticoffer In coming officers were in stalled by Betty Geib They are president, Mae Hosier; ELMER M. SHREINER LET US HELP PLAN YOUR FEEDING PROGRAM DAIRY COWS RAISING CALVES M pennfield feeds LET US SHOW YOU THE ADVANTAGE OF PENNFIELD'S NEW DRY COW FEED a ■ , . . , “20 YEARS OF A compete line of animal OUTSTANDING SERVICE” health products and supplies. ~ _ 0 . pc. _ CALL TODAY 717-786-2500 Rohrer s Garden & Flower Seeds SERVICE— Ortho Lawn & Garden Products “OUR GREATEST ASSET” vice president, Luella Low, recording secretary, Edna Loose. Ladies will have a gift exchange at the December meeting which wiU be in the form of a covered dish social. It will be held at the home of Edna Loose of Penryn Lancaster Co. Society 6 Lancaster Farm Women 6 met at the home of Mrs Earl Hoffman, Oley Nineteen members attended and answered to the roll call, “What are the nicest things you remember about Christmas as a youngster 7” A variety of holiday foods were brought to the meeting by the members. Mrs Robert Noll, Oley, Rl, was installed into the group as a new member. She volunteered to take the groups Christmas gifts to the Hamburg Center A number of fruit baskets will be made at the home of Mrs. Sally Hauseman on Thursday, December 18, starting at 6 p.m Pomsettas also will be given to shut-ins in the community. The members mil be serving at the refreshment stand at Oley on Friday evemng, November 28 A Christmas party will be held at the Village Diner in Douglassville for members and their husbands or a guest, December 5 at 7.30 p.m T/A GOOD'S FEED MILL RD2, NEW PROVIDENCE, PA Lancaster Co. Society 14 Farm Women 14 met at the home of Nara Wenger, November 18. Twelve members were present. Members are to bring paper products and tooth paste and brushes to the January meeting for “Women in Crisis ” Society 14 gathered 23 articles of food and ham for a needy family for Thanksgiving. Christmas family night will be December 16 at Campbelltown United Methodist Church Mrs. Galebough, a nurse spoke and demonstrated first aid on many things to do before seeing the doctor Lancaster Co. Society 22 Lancaster Farm Women 22 entertained their husbands at the Refton Fire Hall on November 8 with a turkey supper Roll call was answered with ‘ How I met my husband ” Mrs Pat Landis led the group in several hilarious games Mrs. Ann Diller gave a very beautiful and in teresting slide show of her trip to Alaska. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Harold Zook, 220 Lampeter Road, Lancaster Lancaster Co, Society 32 Lancaster Farm Women 32 held their November meeting at Witmer’s Greenhouses, Lancaster Fifteen members were present Following a brief business meeting, members were shown a slide presentation on different types of house plants and proper care of them. After a question and an swer session on how to care for the plants, members SWINE SOW & LITTER BEEF ■- ->■' • J were served refreshments by Anna Shirk and Linda Umbrell. A tour of the green house ended the evening. A Christmas banquet will be held December 15 at 7 p.m. at the Mastersonville Fire Hall. You Can Depend On a KNIGHT manure spreading.^. that blended rations... giving every animal all the necessary feeds ...for increased production Put more profit in your operation with an AUGGIE mixer blender from Knight The Auggie assures you that every mouthful of feed is a balance of ingredients tailored to meet your herd s needs Blended feeds are more palatable and cannot be separated by boss cows so yourjierd feeds uniformly providing profitable results and reducing wasted j ‘ T' feed The Knight AUGGIT IP* the top quality mixer-lee with many years in the t feeding business The Ki AUGG'E---buill with the Knight ruggedness you I you can depend on Opt electronic scales availab accurate weighing of raf Ybt/, can depend ~ on a Knight AVAILABLE AT LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT DEALERS DISTRIBUTED BY: TODD FARM EQUIPMENT INC. HAGERSTOWN, MD. - CHESAPEAKE, VA. Lancaster Co. Society 20 Lancaster Farm women 20 met at the home of Arabelle Heilman with fifteen members present. Three members were installed as follows: Audrey Mull, Beatrice Mull and Lorraine Shirey. Installation of new officers a job needs doing ...usually in a hurry! You Know how manure can pile up in winter when snows run ' crops are in the fields So when id a rugged dependable spreader it the job done fast Knight has size manure spreading chore All irm gear driven have special cor ind auger beaters wilh alloy steel ional hydro-fluid endgate assures ipy stuff to the field Large cap tors can also De truck mounted many more insure you II get the job done in a hurry without delay , , for the county board will be Decembers The next meeting will be held at the home of Linda Himmelberger. EacMj member is asked to bring a" two dollar gift, twenty one cookies and a receipt. You, can , depend on a Knight