Cl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 22,1950 COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Three University of Maryland field faculty members have received recent honors from national and state professional organizations. They are Miss Julia A. Lockard of Bel Air (Harford county), Mrs. Kathryn K. Jenkins of Middletown (Frederick county) and Mrs. Constance H. Pergerson of Glen Bumie (Anne Arundel county). All are Extension home economics agents. Miss Lockard and Mrs Ohio chapter wins nat’l BO AC award KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Preserving the history of the 1800’s farm life by con structing an Agricultural Heritage Farmstead has earned the Monroeville, Ohio, Chapter of the Future Farmers of America the national FFA Building Our American Communities (BOAC) award. The chapter represen tatives received the National BOAC Citation, $2OO and a plaque. Working with the Huron County Fair Board and Heritage Society, the Monroeville FFA members moved and reassembled a 32 x 48 foot bam and a comcnb at the fairgrounds. They used the same construction techniques as the original builders did more thant 100 years ago by assembling handhewn beams, roofing the bam with cedar shingles and cutting poplar siding with a steam-powered mill. The bam is now used for senior citizen activities and square dances. A farmhouse is being refurnished, and THE WORLD’S FIRST AUTOMATIC KUBOTA You can Jmt ir with one toot Press >our to< s on the pt d il mei \ou j»o torw mj Put >our heel down tnd \ou hick up It's unornanc the twdrost uic innsnusMon is nr e ij\ mtage the Kuhot i B7IOOHST his o\er \ll other igneultunl trietors ot its si:e But our one ped il tr letor h is more th m one benefit Its powered bou need » tr letnr th its edsv to use md ettieienr to run isk FCubot ide iler FT IS response will lx Ultoin Itle dloU 111 iU Uf,‘iUJlit, new concerns and interests of families and have involved people in planning and carrying out such programs. Mrs. Jfenkins was recognized for her Extension education programs in mental health. Singled out for special mention was the “Way Station,’’ a resociahzation center for released mental patients which she helped to establish in 1978. The center assists outpatients in adjusting to the community by teaching them skills. Born at Hagerstown (Washington county), Mrs Jenkins grew up in nearby Jefferson county, W Va. She has been a county Extension home economics agent at Frederick since 1965 and county chairperson for the University of Maryland’s Cooperative Extension Service during the past three years. Last year she won the Distinguished Service Award from the NAEHE. Mrs Constance H. Pergerson of Glen Bumie has been named as the state’s outstanding Ex tension home economics agent with four to seven years of professional ex perience. A native of Portsmouth, White Heaters... Save pigs, feed and fuel. MYER’S PROPANE GAS SERVICE, INC. Va , she has been an Ex tension home economics agent in Anne Arundel county since 1975. Mrs. Pergerson is county supervisor for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program of the U.S Department of Agriculture. She is also the Extension resource person for food and nutrition education work with all audiences in the county. Her newsletter reaches 500 persons in the county’s hard to-reach areas of low-income housing complexes. She also works with senior citizens groups. Her weekly P.O. Box 71 Manheim, PA 17545 Phone: (717)665-3588 DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME newspaper column of ‘’besl buying tips” reaches an estimated 17,000 persons. She also makes daily telephone recordings with timely nutrition information Mrs. Pergerson is president-elect of the Maryland Dietetic Association, and she serves on several statewide professional home economics committees. She has appeared many times on local television shows. In some of these appearances, she uses a puppet show which she designed as a symbol for the state dietetic association.