Pa. Dairy Judging team takes championship at LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The Pennsylvania team emerged as the champs during the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl during the North American In ternational Livestock Ex position, defeating six other teams from Michigan, Ohio, New York, Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky. Members of the cham- "CONTACT-US" For "MANURE PIT ELEVATORS." AND PROPER PIT DESDGN TO USE AMPLE BEDDING WE ALSO BUILD ROTO BEATERS COMBINATION MOWER UNITS SILAGE CARTS ETC. LARGE SELECTION OF WISCONSIN AND ALLIS CHALMERS POWER UNITS IN STOCK SHEARING AND PRESS WORK, MACHINE WORK AND FABRICATING SMUCKER WELDING & MANUFACTURING 2110 ROCKVALE ROAD, LANC . PA 17602 J=a 687-9198 LOANS AVAILABLE! i y Farmers First never stopped making loans. People loans for all purposes. And, we're making them easier to understand with our new Easy Loan Agreement too. Getting a "People Loan" has never been easier. Stop at one of our conveniently located offices and ask a Loan Officer just how easy it is. pionship team included Alice Mark, captain; Lois Mark, Howard Mark, and Allen March, with team alternate Steve March. Team coach was Roy Malik. The New York State team placed second in the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl competition which is expected to draw several more teams to the event next year. The Quiz Bowl, traditionally an invitational event for 4-H teams across the nation, had previously been held during the Virginia State Fair. When organizers of the annual 4-H event were informed that the Quiz Bowl would no longer be a part of the Fair, they started looking for a new home. George Heersche, Ex tension Dairy Specialist at the University of Kentucky Delmarva nematode survey underway GEORGETOWN, Del - Delmarva corn and soybean fields are once again being surveyed this fall for the presence of nematodes This is the third year for the survey, which is spon sored by the Mobile Chemical Company in cooperation with the ex tension services of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. The survey includes all of Kent and Sussex counties m Delaware, as well as most of the rest of the Delmarva peninsula. Now that the harvest season is drawing to a close, corn and soybean farmers should have more tune to get out and sample their fields for nematodes. University of Delaware extension plant pathologist Bob Mulrooney urges all Delaware farmers in the survey area to par JL te in and a co-manager of the event, said the size of the dairy shows at the North American were an im portant factor in moving the Quiz Bowl to the Eido. “With the quality and quantity of dairy cattle in volved in the North American International, having the Quiz Bowl in conjunction with it gives contestants (all between the ages of 15 and 19) an op portunity to view the best dairy cattle in the world as well as display and increase ticipate, since the kind of nematodes being found affect both crops. There’s no fee and you can sample any fields you want to. As a result of last year’s survey, heavy nematode populations were found in a number of fields and control measures were instituted Because of the high cost of chemicals involved in treating for nematodes, before applying any controls growers need to find out whether populations are high enough to warrant treatment The only way to know this is to survey suspected fields, says Mulrooney. Fall is the best tune to collect samples. Sampling procedures for nematodes differ from those for soil fertility in density of samples collected per acre, so for accurate results check ♦ •* A People FARMERS first mmi Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, November 22,1980—D21 their knowledge during the contest.” “What percentage of Holsteins make up the dairy population of the United States?”, “At what age does a calf’s rumen develop fully”, and “When preparing a cow for show, who do your leave some whiskers on the nose?” These questions, plus , many more, were asked to members of the seven teams participating in this year Quiz Bowl. Hoard's Dairyman, a national dairy publication. with your county agent for instructions on how to collect samples. The way soil is handled after collection will also affect accuracy of results. Nematode sampling kits and record sheets are available free from ex tension offices in par ticipation counties as well WASHINGTON, D.C. - USDA has proposed to discontinue its January 1 planting intentions report and has asked the public to comment on the proposal before December 1. A decision on the proposal will be made by mid- December. The two mam reasons for 4 3 Bonk USDA wants to kill January crop report Member F O I C NAILE was the reference for all questions asked. Gerald LaSalle, of the publication, moderated the final two rounds of the Quiz Bowl. Roger Hemken and Gary Lane of the University of Kentucky judged the Quiz Bowl, Gale Baumgardner, Dairy Youth Specialist at Michigan State University, and a co-manager, moderated the event. Peter Spike, Ohio State University, worked closely with the management and planning of the Quiz Bowl as from many area fertilizer salesmen. Farmers are urged to get their samples taken by the 16th of December. For further information in Delaware call you county agricultural agent in Dover (302/736-4675) or Georgetown (302/856-5250). the proposed discontinuance are a reduction in the cost to the government and an ef fort to reduce the individual farmer’s reporting burden. If the January report is discontinued, USDA may reschedule the April plan ting intentions report back to March. Details of Hie proposal are in the November 4 Federal Register, have a nice weekend... im **■ *•< m\ itn ■»* Jk wlf|W « tin uT~ J COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT • Modern and Efficient Method • Reasonable Prices • Spray-On and Brush-In Method • Sandblasting If Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE: ESN SPRAY PAINTING (Oamel S Efh C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER Box 350 A Ronks, PA 17572 or call this number 717-687-7007 or 717-687-8262 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL