C4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 15,1980 Hey, know what November is? It’s National Farm Wife Month! I really wonder about something, though. If God had wanted women to be farm wives, you’d think He’d have equipped them dif ferently. You’d think He might have given them extension arms for gathering eggs, reaching up to a high limb on an apple tree or grabbing for a sow that was halfway out the gate. You’d think He’d have designed them with broader shoulders for boosting hay bales, bigger hands for washing cows udders and steel-tipped toes for loading St&€l*S You’d think He’d have stretched their legs just a bit longer for taking bigger strides when chasing escaped heifers and a stronger back for lifting potato sacks and half-bushel baskets of peaches. But God, of course, in His ammmmmmmmmmmm 71508 Coal & Wood Heater ALL MODELS IN STOCK C-60D Wood Heater LARGE SELECTION OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE; NEW SPRING AIR BEDDING INCLUDING THE FAMOUS BACK SUPPORTER. SOME MISMATCHED SETS AT BARGAIN PRICES. CATNAPPER RECLINERS, LANE CEDAR CHEST, VARIETY OF QUALITY BEDROOM, DINING ROOM. LIVING ROOM SUITES. NEW SOFA BEDS, SOME SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR AT DISCOUNT PRICES. DESKS,- ROCKERS, GUN CABINETS. GOOD USED BEDS. BOX SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. COAL. OIL, GAS, AND WOOD HEATERS, GOOD USED.METAL & WOOD OFFICE DESKS, CHAIRS. FILE CABINETS, SOME ANTIQUES. ETC • Immediate Delivery Available • Installation Service Available FISHER'S FURNITURE ROUTE 896 • 6 Mi. SOUTH OF STRASBURfi Mon Tues Wed & $ IN VILLAGE OF GEORGETOWN ThurV & Fn 8 9 BOX 57, BART, PA On being a farm wife -And other hazards .i Joyce Bupp infinite wisdom, knows best. He knew farm women would cope, would find a way to overcome their physical shortcomings, would hold their own when needed to help produce food for a hungry world. After spending many hours this week rubbing shoulders with farm women from across the country, attending the American Agri-Women convention at Hershey, I’m reminded that God has given these farm partners capabilities that outweigh sheer physical muscling. He gave them deter mination, not just to work the fields and bams beside their men, but to go forth and become vital spokesmen for their industry, to speak out agd work to preserving the way of life which they cherish for their families. He gave them patience, that extra measure of care to lavish on small children, ailing animals, tender AFI-36 Fireplace Insert , 3* Frm I Coal & Wood Heater Underwriters Laboratory List 25-HFR Wood Heal Ashley Columbiai • CORONA KEROSENE STO • WARM MORNING COAL HEATERS plants, tired farmers, to soothe and smooth tempers and hurts through drought, hail and eighteen-hour days. He gave them a sense of humor because in His wisdom God knew that almost anything can be borne more easily through honest and shared laughter, whether it be a tractor stuck in the swamp, pigs in the garden, aphids devouring the alfalfa or the bottom dropping out of the gram market overnight. And He gave them a sense of faith, deepened and sustained through the seasons that roll on eter nally, through years of minimal harvests and those of overflowing bounty. And in November - and always - farm women pause to thank him for always being there to listen to their problems and their cares and for the blessing of working the land in this nch and free America. ) Have a nice weekend... M m .%ilU|ll" *ll4 M litj ttH W W iMf [W t\ Nil •• . «um (OCI