Grangers ask extension of present farm bill CEDAR RAPIDS, la. National Grange delegates representing farmers from 37 states meeting here this week have called for a one year extension to the present farm bill due to expire in 1981. In telegrams sent to President-elect Reagan and members of his Agriculture Pohcy Advisory Committee, the Grange leaders stressed a one-year extension to allow the new administration tune to properly evaluate present farm programs and policies before recommending any changes. A- Oi CD g g p out forage for sure, unloading FICKES SILO COMPANY, INC. (gmz y^2/Sm^tnmn»in □ Please send me literature on Stlo-Mattc Feeding Systems □ Please send me literature on Bottom Unloader Systems NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE The Grange is the first general farm organization to meet following the recent Presidential election. It is the only farm group still in support of the Russian Gram Embargo. National Master Ed Andersen said this issue will be deliberated further. However, delegates Tuesday passed a resolution calling for an amendment to the Food and Agriculture Act which would remove the negative impact of future embargoes of agricultural products. The amendment would stipulate that when P.O. Box? Newville, PA 17241 Phone: 717-776-3129 Please Send me information on □ Fickes Silos STATE At national convention the President places an embargo on products such as gram and soybeans, the Congress must concur and a minimum 90 percent of parity be guaranteed to fanners during the embargo and for six months thereafter. The Grange is also con tinuing their strong support of small family farms by urging legislation to help ease the financial burden of people entering farming. Specifically, the rural leaders said that the Far mers Home Administration, Tough tungsten tipped knives slash thru tangled or frozen forage to move outthevolumeyou seton controls Floor-track gear drive at outer end of auger means positive no-stall unloading Laidig design and ruggedness prevents many break downs and repair costs often associated with other bottom unloaders Insist on a Laidig. t&UD/G- SUo-Mffic FEEDING SYSTEMS ZIP Extension Service, and other USDA programs should continue to provide in creased emphasis on part nerships and other relationships that would encourage young people to enter to stay in farming. The Grange commended the U.S. State Department and USDA for progress made in limiting textile imports, and expressed support of further efforts which would lead to a per livestock. Some attention to foundation. Since most of the farm security at this time leaves are off our frees, it might avoid serious losses. might be a good idea to clean out these items before we get heavier rams, or melting snow. No doubt many spouts are full of twigs and leaves, which means they will clog and the water will run down against the foundation walls. This will help make wet TO CHECK GUTTERS AND DOWN-SPOUTS Buildings need the protection of gutters and down-spouts to take the water away from the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 15,1980—A2S manent agreement They also recommended that the Defense Department’s textile procurement pohcy be structured to supply present and future fabnc needs from cotton. They further urged that all producer organizations maintain a loan level that would encourage the production of cotton. ASCS county employees received particular attention by Convention delegates. Now Is The Time (Continued from Page A 10) / 1 I » \\ .M V 1 CHEESE ON BURGERS a picnic delight m r, * .. ' Oo / P The Grange believes these employees deserve em ployment benefits equal to those received by federal employees such as leave, retirement, tenure, salary and insurance when they might transfer to other non- USDA federal agencies. The Grange also endorses USDA’s efforts to fill vacancies at the state and national level with persons possessing a background in ASCS county offices. basements, or could result in water getting into the building. This clean-out process should be repeated several tunes each year if the building is under or near trees. The gutters and spouts are there for a very good reason; they should be kept open in order to function as planned.