C6—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday* Wovamber 1,1980 4% Bone On The Range Pumpkin Pleasers As bright, npe pumpkins, m colors to fit the season, show up at fanners’ markets and supermarket entrances, people naturally get a taste for pumpkin pie. This traditional American dessert is a favonte finish to special autumn meals, especially after Halloween tune. When cooked by the colonists, pumpkins were often stewed and mixed with Indian meal for bread. An easy pumpkin pudding was made by slicing the top off a small pumpkin, removing the fiber and seeds and filling the hollow with milk. The top was replaced and the pumpkin baked until the milk was absorbed by the pulp. Spiced apple stuffing was also used in baked pumpkins. ' No one knows when the first pumpkin pie was baked in the colomes, but the first recipe for the New England delicacy was published in 1796 in Amelia Simmons’ “American Cookery, ” * i To keep pumpkins fresh between the first frost and the tune to use them some resourceful homemakers of this period would leave a long piece of vine on the pumpkin when it was harvested. They would stick the vine in a jar of milk which supplied the vegetable with nutrients and moisture as it continued to grow. Modem cooks don’t have such problems, but whether they use fresh or canned pumpkin for pies, they and their guests will get vitamins and minerals as well as a taste treat. One-half cup cooked pumpkin supplies more than a day’s requirement of vitamin A and only 40 calories. Pumpkin also is nch in phosphorus, calcium and iron. Nothing adds elegance and accents pumpkin pie’s spiciness like real whipped cream. If you Idle this topping sweetened a bit, try using honey for a new taste. Whip 1 cup whipping cream until stiff, fold in 1 1/2 tablespoons honey. Garnish with toasted, salted, slivered almonds. Your family and guests will be certain to make room for pumpkin pie, even when they think they don’t have room left, because it’s more than a tradition; it’s an American favorite, and has been for more than three centuries. Try these delicious pumpkin recipes. In addition to the traditional pumpkin pie recipe, we have included a new treat called Autumn Gold Pie, compliments of the American Dairy Association, which is a unique variation on the traditional pie. Cook’s ?f%- Question V '/ Comer QUESTION - I would like to see the recipe for velveeta cheese. QUESTION - Since I am on a low calorie diet, I tried making a hot milk sponge cake. I followed the recipe exactly; beat the eggs as long as it said, but it didn't rise. What may I have donw wrong? Mrs. Viola Biddle, R 4 Box 338, Tyrone, PA Address questions to: Cook’s Question Corner, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543. Any answers we’ll receive, we'll publish in Home on the Range at a later date. November ■ 15 22 '^29 .-■><, ~ i < Recipe Topics Pumpkin Pleasers Breads for the Baking Make Room for Mushrooms Thanksgiving favorites Rabbit - A European Delicacy, An American Delight Autumn Gold Chiffon Pie, decorated with toasted pecan “trees", deliciously combines orange and coffee flavors with the traditional taste of pumpkin and spice. PUMPKIN CREAM PARE AIT Combine 3% ounces vanilla pudding mix (not instant). 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/8 teaspoon cloves Put in sauce pan and add 11/2 cups milk and bring to a boil stirring constantly. Remove from heat, mix in 1 cup Libby’s Pumpkin..- Chill, cover with plastic wrap or wax paper. Spoon into 4 parfait glasses alternately with 1 cup whipped cream or topping and put 1/2 cup chopped nuts or crushed peanut brittle on top. EASY PUMPKIN CREAM PIE 1 package Jello-o-Brand Vanilla Pudding (6 serving size) 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice " 1 can (■IS oz.) evaporated milk 1 egg slightly beaten 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 baked 9-mch pie shell, cooled Combine pie filling mix, sugar, spice, milk, eggs and pumpkin in saucepan Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture comes to a full bubbling boil. Remove from heat. Cool 5 minutes, stirring twice. Pour into shell and chill 4 hours, garnish with coolwhip and nuts. Mrs. Louise Jones, Hunlock Creek Mrs. Ebersol Your guests will make room for pumpkin pie pumpkin. And remember, one-half cup cooked even when they don’t think they have room left. pumpkin supplies more than a day's requirements Try this and other recipes using the delicious of vitamin A and only 40 calories. Mrs. Louise Jones PUMPKIN CAKE ROLL Beat 3 eggs > 3/4 cup flour | 2/3 cup pumpkin 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda Spread on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Loosen with knife, turn over on paper towels coated with lOx sugar. Roll up with towel and lei cool. Unroll and spread with filling and re-roll(withoii paper). Filling; 1 cup lOx sugar 8 ounces chream cheese 4 teaspoon butter 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups white sugar 1 cup brown sugar 4 heaping tablespoons pumpkin ' 4 tablespoon melted butter 6 tablespoon flour f I teaspoon cinnamon 1 6 cups milk 8 eggs(separated) Beat egg whites and add last sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake at 425 or 450 degrees for 15 minutes and then 300 until done. Mrs. Elam Lapp. Litite Mrs. Clyde Bowman PUMPKIN PIE (Turn to Page C 8) i