LONG JOHN BALMER INSULATION 643 Penryn Rd. Manheim, PA (717) 665-4132 Structure • Fully Insured • Free Estimates We Can Do The Job Now Champs at Eastern National TIMONIUM, Md. - The Grand Champions at Sun day’s 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America competition of the 34th go out Eastern National Livestock Show went to two Ohio youngsters and an Indiana shepherd. Nmeteen-year-old Belinda Melton of Washington Courthouse, Ohio beat 127 other 4-H’ers to take the Grand > Champion steer trophy with her 1285 pound entry. Her crossbred Chianina z Angus steer sold for $4 a pound to Pasadena Super- Thrift, Pasadena, Maryland. Melton also received $lOOO from the American Chianina Association for her win. Another Ohio youth exhibited the Grand Champion market hog. Eighteen-year-old Jeff Frobose, Pemberville, showed the top bog, a 230 pound Hampshire crossbred. Frobose’s grand champ sold to Hatfield Packing Company, Hatfield for $2530 —sll a pound. Frobose also took first place in the 195-210 pound class and second place in the 235 pound class with his entries in the 4-H and FFA contest. Shelley George of Wakarusa, Indiana, and her 130 pound Suffolk lamb were tagged Grand Champion of the 34th Eastern National Livestock Show. The lamb brought |6.25 a pound at public auction held at the Maryland Fairgrounds, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 4,1980—85 of state selling to Pasadena Super-Thrift for $808.50. George also won first place in the 110-115 pound Suffolk class and her sister, ' Tammy, won with her crossbred lamb and took second place in the 121-130 pound Suffolk class. The Reserve Grand Champion -steer was exhibited by David Carlson, 19, of Edwards, Illinois. His 1305 pound entry sold to Esskay Quality Meat Company, Baltimore, Maryland, for $1.45 a pound. The Reserve Champion market hog was a 225-pound Hampshire shown by Todd Brown, 13. of Edinburg, Local hog places high in Minnesota test EPHRATA W.J. Ruoss, Ephrata, placed high in the recent National Barrow Show Production Tested Barrow Contest. His barrow was put on test in the National Barrow Show Production Tested Contest at the National Barrow Show Test Station in New Ulm, Minn., on May 23. The test was completed on August 29 and the barrows were evaluated at Geo. A. Hormel & Co.’s Austin, Minn., plant. There were 757 barrows which started the test and 196 or 26 per cent of the Virginia. The hog was also purchased by Esskay Quality Meat Company. Brown’s sister, Teresa, took first place in the 215-220 pound class. The Reserve Grand Champion market lamb was shown by Wendy Harmann of Woodbury, Connecticut. Her 132 pound Hampshire' brought $330 from Henry Stapf Meat Market, Baltimore, Maryland. Harmann also took third place in the 90-101 pound and the 102-115 pound Hampshire classes, second place in the 85-100 pound Suffolk class and third place in the 121-130 pound Suffolk class. barrows finished the test meeting all of the requirements. His barrow met the requirements ex celling in Average Daily Gain and carcass merit. Ruoss is a Duroc hog producer. The carcass measurements on his barrow were: length 29.6; fat depth 0.75; loin eye area 5.45. The National Barrow Show is sponsored by Geo. A. Hormel & Co., and the National Association of Swine Records.