B2—Lwcastf Fanning, Saturday, October 4, 1980 Farmers told TMI cleanup will affect agriculture General Public Utilities f or damages. Legal action would have to prove the TMj accident caused financial damage to growers. The agency .people (Turn to Page B 3) BY CURT HAULER MIDDLETOWN—A small government agencies was but vocal group of fanners impressive. John Collins, met Monday night with currently the Nuclear government officials to Regulatory Agency’s senior iKmiw the cleanup of Three man at TMI; William Kirk, Milo island and bow it will the Environmental affect agriculture. Protection Agency’s TMI It soon became obvious the Site Monitor; and Thomas government people intended Jaworski, Pennsylvania to dismiss only cleanup Department of En procedures while the far- viromental Resources all mens were interested in were on band at the meeting answers to a wider range of organized by the state questions. Grange. Three government specialists pondered farmers’ questions at Monday night’s meeting on the importance of Three Mile Island on farming. From left are En vironmental Protection Agency's Site Monitor William Kirk; John Collins, the Nuclear Regulatory Agency's senior man at TMI; and Thomas Jaworski, with Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Resources. TERRE HILL SILO CO. INC. Serving The Farm Commumt TERRE HILL. AUTHORIZED DEALER Patz • Main Spreaders • Circular Feeders • Marne Stackers • Material Movers • Starry Mam Pimp & Conveyors • Cotter Cleaners • Silo Unloaders •Cattle Feeder (Conveyors •Overhead Cattle Feeders 'ram-dome FIBERGLASS ALSO - FIBERGLASS FARM SILO CALF ROOFS* ACCESSORIES HUTCH CALL - TERRE HIL SALESMAN-JAMES ESBI The lineup from the “Potential economic impacts include possible resistance to consumption of agricultural and fishery products, that the public may think are radioactively contaminated,” NRC’s Collins told the group. Property values in the TMI area may drop, he said. While he maintained any fears of contamination were unfounded, he conceded they could cut into farm product P' ty For Over One-Half Century, PA. 17581 Manufacturers and Erectors of Terre Hill TRI-RIB STAVE SILO FOR OLD FASHIONED PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP ★ SEE AND COMPARE THE PROVEN INTERIOR SILO FINISHES .(215)445-6736 OR ENSHADE - 717-464-2090 momic losses predicted sales, especially sales of milk. “I don’t see any real affect on agricultural land,” he said. None of the agencies had any dollar figures on YOU CAN BUY THAT GREEN YANNIAR TRACTOR | NO PAYMENTS or INTEREST UNTIL MARCH 1,1981 - - _ - - - - - _ 1 — —* FISHER AND STOITZFUSTRAILER SALES Call 717-768-3832 between 7 a.m. & 9 a.m. or call 717-354-0723 after 6 p.m. East of New Holland, Pa. Check Our Prices Before You Buy, We Have All Types Of Trailers. TME FOLLOWING | jtmpf MODELS ON SALE *3375 Mod 135 -Turf, 13 HP Mod 135 -4 WD. AG. 13 HP Mod 135- 4 WD. Turf. 13 HP. Mod. 155 -Turf. 15 HP Mod. 155 -4 WD. Ag, 15 HP Mod 155 -4 WD. Turf. 15 HP Mod 240-Turf. 24 HP $6090 Draft Control $9320 *7120 We’re ready to deal, so come in today and pick up a compact tractor at a compact price ACT NOW - SALE ON CURRENT STOCK ONLY Register to win a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. When you come in to make a deal, be sure to register for Yanmar’s “Love Boat” style Caribbean cruise. You may win a 7 day, all expenses paid cruise for two, with ports of call in San Juan and St. Thomas Simply fill out an official entry form and deposit with us. No purchase necessary. Complete Sweepstakes Rules available at participating dealerships. Void where prohibited. "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" LAWN CARE OF PA. SALES & SERVICE Martindale, PA 17549 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8-8 1 Mile North of Martindale Wed. 8-5, Sat. 8-2 on Grist Mill Road “A little out of the way... * PH: 215-445-4541 but a lot less to pay" potential losses or projec tions of how long the area’s farms would be in a poor light. -The only recourse farmers would have, DER’s Jaworksi suggested, was to sue $4275 *3685 $4585 *3795 *3712 $4695 $4712 •3995 $4995 *4200 $5200 *4490 Standard Livestock trailer with metal top sleeper van. Comes in 16,20,24,28 ft. lengths, brakes on all wheels. Mod 240-4 WO. Ag. 24 HP Mod. 330 -4 WO. Ag. 33 HP, Live PTO, List Special 56795 *5495
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