Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 95

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D13006A FWD Tractor - Actual Photo
D13006A 4-Wheel Drive DEUTZ Tractor
135 HP Turbocharged Power
Tremendous fuel saving investment Producers up to 17 71
HP/HRS per gallon based upon Nebraska Tests 4 Wheel
Drive feature delivers up to 50% fuel savings over 2-wheel
drive New paint 50/50 warranty
ftauffer Diesel Inc.
312 W. Main St. New Holland, PA
Ph: 717-354-4181
Retail, Wholesale & O.E.M. Sales
Balanced Design To Give You Peak
Power For Your Application;
Balanced Designed for greater motor starting ability per dollar
'v •
• Frequency of R.P.M. modulated Voltage Regulator permits load to
be applied at the same rate the engine can take the load without
stalling. Results in peak motor starting capabilities per engine H.P.
Also easier on electric motor windings.
• Cycle cranking control
• Overload Protection
• Under Frequency Protection
• Brushless Alternators
We Also Have Special Designed Switch Gears
Manufactured by Westinghouse to our Specifications
Bus. Ph: 215-445-4800 Res. Ph: 215-267-7771
i Junior Cooktofil
J Edition j|
During the cooler days, it’s fun to spend time out of
doors in active sports like football, horseback riding,
running, etc. Here’s a treat to whip up for after school to
give you the energy to play hard before supper.
You’ll need a 9x9x2 mch pan which you should grease
with butter or margarine. A large saucepan will be
necessary to melt the cereal mixture, and a small
saucepan to melt the chocolate topping. A large wooden
spoon is helpful for stirring.
16-ounce package butterscotch chips
Vt cup light com syrup
2 tablespoons margarine or butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
5 cups Cheenos _
l¥i cups miniature marshmallows
1 tablespoon shortening
15.75 ounce package chocolate chips v
Grease the bottom and sides of the square pan. Put
butterscotch chips, the com syrup, margarine and vanilla
in the large saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring all the
time, until melted and mixture is smooth. Remove pan
from heat and turn off the burner.
Add the cereal and marshmallows. Mix until evenly
coated. Spread a little margarine on the back of the spoon.
Turn the mixture into the pan and press evenly with the
back of the spoon.
Melt 1 tablespoon shortening m a small saucepan over
low heat. Add the chocolate chips. Heat, stirring, until
chips are melted and mixture is smooth. Spread chocolate
mixture over the cereal mixture in the pan. Refrigerate
until firm, about 1 hour. Remove from the refrigerator for
10 minutes before cuttmg.’Cut into bars (6'rows x 4 rows).
Makes 24 bars.
2 cups seeded dates
Vi cup almonds, pecans or walnuts
confectioners sugar
Chop the nuts very fine. Stuff each date with the nuts
and roll in the confectioners sugar.
Arlene Zeiset, Narvon
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 17,1980-Gll
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter
Combine the sugar and water and bring to a boil.
Dissolve the cream of tartar in a little water and add.
Cook until a syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold
water, 265* F. Remove from the heat and add vanilla.
When cool, pull like taffy until snowy white.
Arlene Zeiset, Narvon
2 cups sugar
2% cups corn syrup
1 cup water
% cup warm Karo
7/8 cup egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cook sugar, com syrup and water to 242* F., medium
ball stage. While this mixture is cooking, place the Karo
and egg whites into a bowl. Beat slowly until mixed, then
beat hard until light and fluffy. Pour the first mixture into
this in a fine stream. When the mixture is completely
combined, beat hard for 3 minutes. Add the vanilla and
store in cans or jars. Don’t cover until the mixture is cold.
Arlene Zeiset, Narvon
% cup milk
% cup sugar
V* cup margarine
Vz cup warm water
2 packages active dry yeast
2 eggs, beaten
4 cups sifted flour
Scald the milk and stir in sugar, salt and margarine.
Cool to lukewarm. Measure the warm water into a Urge
bowl. Sprinkle in yeast. Stir until dissolved. Stir in
lukewarm milk mixture, beaten eggs and half of the flour..
Beat until smooth. Stir in remaining flour to make a
slightly stiff dough. Turn dough out on a lightly floured
board. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.
Place dough in a greased bowl, turning to grease the top.
Cover. Let rise in warm pUce, free from draft, until
doubled in bulk about 1 hour. Punch down. Turn out on a
lightly floured board and roll out like cookie dough.
Spread with butter and sprinkle brown sugar and cin
namon on to suit taste. Roll up like a jelly roll and cut
down. Put in pan and let set in a warm dry place, free
from the draft, for about an hour or until doubled in size.
Meanwhile put the % cup butter, brown sugar, com syrup
and water in a small saucepan until the mixture is well
blended and the sugar is dissolved and begins to clear.
Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Pour over
the buns just before baking. Bake for about 15-20 minutes
at 360°F.
(Turn to Page Cl 3)
/ _ r'tr w ~'”X
EASIER STARTING: Heavy flywheel provides
easy starting. No electric
heater plugs.
QUIETER; Runs quieter than most water cooled
diesels. Very quiet exhaust.
F2L-912 SPECS: 22 Hp @ 1500 RPM
27 Hp@ 1800 RPM
34 Hp @ 2300 RPM
It has direct injection, lube oil cooling, and ail
cooled pistons. This engine has proven to sur
vive the extreme heat of a heavy load in a smalt
engine house better than any other engine.
fteufffer Diesel Inc.
312 W. Main St. New Holland, PA
Ph: 717-354-4181
'Nancy Sadler, Age 14, Myentown
Since 1968
F2L-912 diesels have
earned the reputa
tion as the most
reliable diesel.
Don’t settle for less.
2Cyl F2L-912
(New Style)