ClO—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, September 27,1910 Societies Berks Co. Society 5 Berks County Society of Farm Woman-5 held their September meeting at the home of Joan Hoover, Womelsdorf, R.D. Ways and Means Chairlady Carolyn Peeg reported that our Ham On Roll Sale will be held Oct. 11. Orders should be placed one week before. Vice President Dorothy Moyer reported that Berks Heim Bingo will be held Nov. 13. President Anna Moyer reported that 12 members will be going to the County Convention Oct. 4 at the Ag Center. Our group will be seling Shoo-Fly pies, cakes & cupcakes at die Reading Fair Oct. 23,1980. Our program £or the evening was a talk on nutrition by Member Joan Hoover. The Halloween party for our next meeting was changed to a Come As You Are Party at the home of Alberta Keener, Oct. 27, Womelsdorf,R.D. Berks Co, - Society 12 The Sept, meeting of the Society of Farm Women Group #l2 of Bemville was held at Risser Restaurant, Stoucfaburg. The women held a birthday party and ex changed birthday gifts. Five women attended Group 9, Tenth Anniversarj Party at Douglassville. The next meeting will be held Tues., Oct. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Gloria Christman, Hamburg R.D. #l. A 4-H Representative will present the program for the evening. New officers will also be elected. UNDERGROUND LIQUID MANURE SYSTEMS * Eliminate manure stacks for cleaner and neater appearance * Eliminates breeding places for flies and insects * Eliminates odor with underground manure storage Above ground systems also available ASCS APPROVED MAR-ALLEN CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC. RDI, EPHRATA, PA 17522 PHONE: 717-733-9404 cfo/im Berks Co, Society 1 Berks County Society of Farm Women Group §1 held their monthly meeting in the home of Ann Yanos, R.D. 2, Douglassville, Pa. Mrs. Inna Bloss of West Chester prepared a Hungarian dinner consisting of chicken paprika, egg dumplings, cucumber salad and hungarian fruit squares. Twenty members responded to the question, “Do you have a hobby and what is it?” President, Catherine Yanos, reminded members of Group #9’s 10th an niversary on September 17 in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Douglassville. Other dates to remember are County Convention on October 6 at the Vocational Agricultural Center, Bernville, the Reading Fair on October 20 to 25 and a Bingo Party at Berks Heim on November, 13,1980. The nomihation com mittee consisting of Grace Schaeffer, Martha Levan and Ella Richard will Present new officers at the October meeting. Program chairperson, Agnes Noll informed members to meet at Red ner’s Tiger Market, Douglassville, Pa. at 7:30 p.m. on October Bth for a tour of the store after which members will go to the home of Catherine Yanos for the conclusion of the meeting. Lancaster Co. Society 2 Eighteen members and one guest of Lancaster County Society of Farm Women #2 met at the home of Betty Geib, Manheim, with Esther Petticoffer of lititz serving as co-hostess. Serving committee was Margie Shelly and Luella Low. Devotions were led by Betty Degier. Ladies responded to roll call by telling, “The way I like to make Irish (or white) potatoes.”- Baked was the most popular method of making potatoes, although some new recipes were heard. Ladies report Home Makers Days will be held on October 20 and 21 at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. Cake walk reminder: Martha Brandt, Treba Ruhl, Elizabeth Shenk,Mae Hosier and Betty Geib. The Sunshine Com mittee reports sending cards and visiting shut-ins. For mer Society #2 President, Grace Miller, reports her husband Harry is a patient at the St. Joseph Hospital Lancaster. Saturday, Sep tember 20, the ladies leaving by bus, toured the Eisenhower Estate at Gettysburg. Betty Geib is in charge of the nominating committee. LARC once again has angles to decorate; this project is a repeat as the angels were successful last year; craft days are October 3 and 4 at Park City. Ladies sent a monetary gift to the United Way. The fall con vention will be held November 1 at the Farm and Home Center. Ladies of .Society #2 and #3 entertained guests at the Conestoga View Home. A silent auction was held as a part of the September meeting. Twenty-four ar ticles were sold. Hand crocheted articles were brought for judging; ladies voted Grace Hahn’s hand crocheted articles to be sent for further judging. By December, the grand children’s arts and crafts will be entered for judging at the Farm and Home Center. Edna Loose of Penryn is the newsreporter; Martha Brandt is the Society #2 president. Lancaster Co, Society 3 Members of Society of Farm Women No. 3 met last Saturday m the Fellowship Hall of Swamp U.C.C., Reinholds. The Society prepared and served food at the Ephrata Fan-, Sept. 23- 27. Two hundred and seventy-five pounds of chicken were boiled and boned to be used in potpie and chicken com soup, and five bushels of apples were .made into apple sauce. Pepper cabbage was prepared using three bushels of cabbage, 1 crate celery, % bushel peppers, and 20 pounds of carrots. Fourteen hundred clams were opened and chopped for deviled clams and 90 pounds of flour and 18 dozen eggs Were made into pasta for potpie. During the business meeting final plans were made for “A day in the Poconos” on October 8 and the Lancaster County Day Tour on October 18. It was decided that Christmas favors would be made for the Christmas party for the victims of Cerebral Palsy. Linda Toledo was hostess for the evening and carried out devotions. President Allegra Leininger conducted the business meeting. (Turn to Page Cl 2) COMPACT HYDROSTATIC LOADER Tha Uttl« Dippar ' V/L' Manure Fork 8 O The Lrttl« Dipper Dirt Bucket <«•. 4m REAVER SMALL ENGINE REPAIR James Creek, Pa. , CLARKS FARM SUPPLY Williamsport, Pa. PAUL DOTTERER FARM EQUIPMENT ' Mill Hall, Pa. FUNNER FARM EQUIPMENT Prospect, PA. GEORGE N. GROSS, INC. Dover, Pa. ALHART Cochranton, PA HETRICK FARM SUPPLY New Bethlehem, Pa. HUTTON FARM EQUIPMENT Mahaffey, PA LARIMER FORD TRACTOR SALES Greenville, Pa. Contact the above Dealers for information and Demonstrations. If not near a Dealer, write for literature and price list. Dealerships open in some areas. Wayne R. Wyant, Factory Representative Hawthorn, Pa. 16230 'hone (814) 365-5100 icturing Company, Inc. Hecla, South Dakota 57446 Totophona (MS) WF2171 LASPINA EQUIPMENT North Huntingdon, Pa. ROBERT LITTLE Zieglerville, PA McCONNELLSBURG MOTOR IMP. CO. McConnellsburg, Pa. R.T.MARKEL State College, Pa. MONTGOMERY IMPL CO. Mansfield, PA NORTH EAST EQUIPMENT CO. North East, PA CLAUDE H. RINEHIMER Berwick, Pa. SAGAN TRACTOR SALES' Titusville, Pa. SHUEY SALES * SERVICE Ono, Pa ' TICKLE EQUIPMENT Kittanning, Pa. Single Stage Snow i blower tha Log Splittar UNIONTOWN FARM EQUIPMENT Uniontown, Pa. C. J. WONSIDLER MOS. Quakertown, Pa. C. 1. WONSIDLER BROS. New Tripoli, Pa. YINGUNG IMP. CO. Gettysburg, Pa. IVAN ZOOK Belleville, Pa. AG INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Rising Sun, Md. GALLUP* TEN HAKEN Clymer, NY FRANK RYMON Washington, NJ ST Th. » Lrttit ’ Dippor with a Fork Lift