fend off a fat groundhog that feasted on the tender bean plants and something that was eating the fruit from 28 tomato plants as fast as they ripened. My husband is not fond of tomatoes and so all my complaints fell on deaf ears until I said not only would we have none this summer but I’d have to buy them canned all winter. Then he set the box trap and caught several opossums. Now I am getting tomatoes. ■* We’ve never had trouble As cold weather ap with animals in the garden proaches, I think the flower necessary to lay the soaker until this year. We listened to garden becomes more and hose on the 100 foot row of others say that birds ate more beautiful. The petunias sweet potatoes and me 50 their peas and strawberries are so very pink, the forget footrowof Kentucky Wonder and rabbits chewed off the me-nots so very blue and the beans. Now when the snap plants and felt secure in that cockscomb are bursting with are finished, I’ll still it couldn’t happen to us as we bright crimson color. So I have lots to pick off of the v ha ve lots of cats to patrol the pick bouquet after bouquet fence. area. and hope that frost will be My cucumber seed did not v Well, this year we had to late in coming this year. r 1 I Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser My garden is finally slowing down a bit. It has kept me very busy this summer. I do believe that lima beans like dry weather as I’ve picked more bushels this year than previously. Although, I did feel it was UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. AND LIQUIDATION SALES LANCASTER STORE 3019 Hempland Road 717-397-6241 — MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M.-9 P.M. tlOv* SATURDAY " 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Off 30 West By-Pass at Centerville Exit Pit Groups...? &10 pc...At Wholesale Prices.. 2 year Guarantee...on Fabric... Liquidating for Manufacturer... 1000...0ffice Staplers... Reg $l2 95 Assortment of Hunting Knives.. 300 - 4*/z" Pocket Hunting - Knife O.P. *3.00 300 - 6Vz" Pocket Hunting __ Knife.. . Reg. 529.95 O.P. # *OO Assortment of Musical D0115...10”...14” 50% to 60% off Price On Mattress and Foun dation-Cancellation Of One Of Largest Chain Stores In America... O P. *159.95 0p ‘189.95 . o p. *269.96 King.. . Reg. 5799.95 '. O.P. *369.95 Limited Offer... First Come... First Served... 20 Year Warranty... Singles.. . Reg. $439 90 . Double!... Reg $499 90 Queen.. . Reg $589 95 25-Bunk Bed Sets... Complete ae ...Pine...Maple.. .Reg $349 95 O.P. 12V«“5 IS - Bunk Bed Sets... Complete $ _ _ ...Pine...Maple.. .Reg $369 95 O.P. Lots of Bed Room Suites On Floor Now... 350 - Recliners... Purchased Through Cancella tions of Chain Stores and Private Business...On Floor Now... Name Brands... 75-Axes.. .Reg $l4 95 23 - Mattress and Foundation ...Headboard...Adi. Rails... «■**** Reg $309 95 O.P. * 109.95 500 - Bar Stools... Liquidating Fbr Local Mfg... Swivel Seat- Padded Heavy Duty... $0 _ nn Reg $79 95-$B9 95 O.P. id«UU 10-Bentwoodßockers... _ Ladies... Reg $lB9 95 O.P. *69.V5 Liquidating For Mfg. of Foundations and Mattresses 252 & 312 Coil... Same Price... Your Choice... o p *69.95 Single Sets.. . Reg j 189.95 i _»_i OUR PRICE o.p. *4.00 o.p. $ 6.00 germinate very well but I can be glad as the eight plants that grew have given me ft pints of tiny spiced pickles so far. The ears of sweetcom were small and the harvest less than ample. However, if I couldn’t seU any, at least I managed to freeze 50 quarts. Some of these foodstuffs will ■ be given to our college son as he has an apartment and cooks for himself and every little bit helps. YORK STORE 4585 West Market St. 717-792-3502 MONDAY -FRIDAY 10A.M. to9P.NI. MW W SATURDAY * 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Double SetS...Reg $249.95 O.P. *89.95 i Queen...King...Sets...Too... ' f 27 - Hope Chests... Reg $369.95 O.P. *98.951 11 - Bedroom Suites... Triple | Dresser...Mirror...Chest... I Headboard...NiteStand... __ * Reg. $669.95 O.P. *279.95 | 35 - Double Ped Desks... .. _ I Reg $179 95 O.P. *©9.95 | 12-End Table Sets... Antique A I White... reg $229.95 O.P. *79.95 | 22 - Rd. Tables...Pine..Maple I ...4Chairs...Leaf... -__ A X Reg $389 95 O.P. *179.95 I 39-OvalTables.. Pine... __ * 4 Chairs.. . Reg $659 95 O.P. *229.95 I Liquidating For Furniture Up1...5 Loads... 2 & 3 x pc...Early American Living Room Suites... Pillow | Arm... | 3 Pc. Sofa...Chair..Love 5eat.,.100% Nylon... i Prints... Lots of Colors... A I Reg $1829 95 O.P. 589.95 X 2 Pc. Sofa...Chair...Wood Trim jj ...PillowArm... . _ | Reg $1229 95 O.P. *429.95 | 2 Pc. Early American Living Room Suites... | Nylon Prints... Big Pillow Arm... s _ _ _ x Wood Trim... Regs $1689 95 .O.P. *349.95 I 26 - 3 Pc. Early American Living c Room Suites...Antron Nylon... A _ ft Prints... Reg $2489 95 O.P. *009.95 | Dining Room Sets.,.Hutches...Corner Cup- | boards... Dry Sinks...Desks...All Styles... Pine... I Maple... English Walnut... Below Dealer Cost... ,x 300 -Bar Stools.. .Heavy Duty... I Full Size.. Swivel Seat... Backs... A A ± Reg $159 95 O.P. *39.95 ft (6 to a customer) Loads of TV's...Stereos...Mostly Around Whole sale... Fully Warranty Occ. Swivel Rockers...Mirrors...Rockers...Odd Tables...Grandfather...Grandmother Clocks... Hide A Beds...Lamps...Large Selection of Tool’s Drawers...Maple... _ _ Pine.. . Reg $169 95 .. r O.P. *09*95 Terms - Layaway - Closed Sunday Not Responsible For Typographical Errors j I Uncaster farming, Saturday, September 27,1980—€ Davidsburg DOVER The September meeting of the Davidsburg 4- H Club was held at the 4-H Center as a Family Fun Night. The business meeting began at 7:30 p.m. with reports given as follows: 4-H Fair, Kathy Eyster; 4-H Olympics, Hans Spahr; County Council, David Detter; York Fair, Amanda Spahr; and Farm Women’s Monthly Meeting, Annette Shermeyer. Lee Augustine volunteered to be the club’s cookie chairman this year. Election of officers followed the business meeting. Elected was President, David Detter; Vice President, Hans Spahr; Treasurer, Annette Sher meyer; Assistant Treasurer, I 4-H meets Beth Sheely; Secretary, Amanda Spahr; Assistant Secretary, Lisa Miller; News Reporter, Joanne Markman; Assistant News Reporter, Todd Sndbaker; Historian, Karen Ruhhnan; Assistant Historian, Stephanie Hotchkiss; Song and Game Leader, Audrey Shermeyer; Assistant Song and Game Leader, Wayne Eyster. After the election, members participated in group games. The next meeting will be a Halloween Party. 89