Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 81
REAL ESTATE i 100 Dairy and cash crop farms for sale Central New York 50 • 200 cow farms with 100 acres to 1000 acres Send for our free farm list or call collect for an appointment after 8 PM or before 8 A.M. RSGHARO E. POSSON REALTY INC. 7 R.D. 03 Norwich, NY 13815 (607)334-9727 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY BUY-SELL THROUGH KINGSWAY SNYDER COUNTY 14 Acre vegetable farm, 7 tillable, 7 woods & pasture, stream, new fence, new barn, small shop, 700’ road fron tage, close to fishing & hunting, good view,., no house, priced for quick sale. $29,900. Hog Farm, 25 acres @ $74,900. Farrowing building, barn & silo, etc. Exceptional home, western part of County, owners wants action. 130 acre hog farm, over 100 tillable. 100 acre steer farm, can be purchased with gram dryer setup. 28 acre general farm in a little peaceful i /alley, good road frontage. Owner open or offers. '' 20 acres woodland near State gameland. JUNIATA COUNTY REDUCED!" Good 4 bedroom 2 story, lovely kitchen, farm buildings, not far to Rt.' 322, Trout stream, woods, ideal for hogs, poultry, horses, beef etc. Close to Mennonite School & churches. 16 acre farmette, 8 till., Mennonite Schools & Churches, stream, modern Ig. 2 story home, barn & other buildings. LANCASTER COUNTY 108 acres level fertile choice farm, 106 tillable, good brick home, 2 large tobacco sheds, shop, 6000’ road frontage, zoned agriculture, Landisville area. I 10 acre farmette. 2Vz story, 8 large room farm house. Modern barn with stalls with pasture with a stream. 5 acre farmette, Ig. dwelling, stream & pond. DAUPHIN COUNTY 9 acre farmette, small neat rancher w/lovely kitchen, a 30’x60’ block building presently used for sows. Woodsy secluded setting only minutes to 283 & Harrisburg. Needs a little T.L.C. Priced to sell. MONTOUR COUNTY 80 acres M/L, nearly all tillable $79,000. Option on remaining 28 acres, good starter farm, possible owner financing. Any of the Farm Men Would Be Happy to Assist You {kMK ( n gsway R ialty 1.3 R/ |i Kl 7 1770 Oregon Pike Ik N|/ Lancaster * _ ■V Phone 717-569-8701 1 or Leola 717-656-6717 . ( REAL EST>{^E^, [realtqi REAL ESTATE LYONS, NY 35 mi. E. of Rochester, 123 acre farm, 90 acres early tillable, 17 acres pasture, 10 acres woods, additional acreage available, 1 story barn 36x180 w/water & elec, fully insulated, 6 auto fans & manure cleaner, 18 ton silo, 2 story barn, approx 8760 sq ft., 200 amp elec., 2 insulated rooms, complete egg grading set-up, suitable for dairy, hogs or chickens, 2 machinery sheds, 4 Bedroom home w/modern kit., family room, Ist floor laundry, attached garage, financing available $172,000. Lcmimere Realty 315-331-2722 for appointment Joan Stauring 315-331-2787 100 A General Farm, Lebanon Co. 115 A General Farm, Lebanon Co. 44 A General Farm, Lebanon Co. 2 A Farmette, Lebanon Co. 160 A Dairy, Cumberland Co. 126 A Dairy, Cumberland Co. 100 A Land. Cumberland Co. 60 A Land, Cumberland Co. 28 A Country Auction, Cumberland Co. 54 A General Farm, Schuylkill Co. 84 A General Farm, Schuylkill Co. 235 A General Farm, Juniata County REDUCED 57 A General Farm, York Co. 110 A General Farm, Northumberland Co. 44 A Dairy Farm, Chester Co. 3 A Farmette, Chester Co. 60 A Dairy. Chester Co. 21A Land, Berks Co. 70 A Woodland, Clinton Co. 30 A Land, Berks Co. 80 A Dairy, Berks Co. 31A Going Campsite, Berks Co. 160 A Dairy, Perry Co. 7Vz A Woodland, Lancaster Co. Christian M. Mosemann Real Estate Broker 717-859-1004 Paul Z. Musser 717-733-8107 Emma Gish 717-653-5369 Paul H. Smith 717-933-8156 We have many more farms to show you through our cooperating brokers. V . . ' MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- 1 hp total en closed electric motor 110/220 single phase in good cond., $65 Samuel E. King, R#2 Box 1128 Quarryville, Pa. For Sale- 4 coming 5 yr old standard bred, 7 yr old saddiebred broke single & double. Ammon Z. Martin, RD2 Narvon, Box 42, Pa. 17555. For Sale- 1974 Chev Vz ton pickup6cylinder, new paint excellent shape, 51595. Also 71 Ford 10 passenger, country sedan, low mileage, ex cellent shape, 5475. 215- 488-6826 Berks Co For Sale- Nubian Billy Goat, would lend out. Leroy S. King, west Cattail Road, Gordonville, Pa 17529. West Cattail Rd., off of 772 3 miles South of Intercourse For Sale- Birch cup boards, 75'x105' sink, stove, hood, Shletland polisher scrubber, 5 pc Omet set. Call after 4.30 717-993-6111. Farm For Sale- 49 plus A. with 6 BR. Home and bank barn in Union Co, 4 mi. NW of Lewisburg, 717- 259-0047 REAL ESTATE MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- 18 mo son of Pacemaker, Dam by Elevation 305 day projected ME 24.760 M and 813 F Relative Value 10.240 M and 262 F. Call 301-557-7680 Harford Co., Md. For Sale- 1200 bu round corn crib. Daniel B Fisher, 1 mi. north of Georgetown, also Found 3 heifers about 6 mo. old. For Sale- 6 new IH binder pitmans. All for $25, will mail. 2 row New Idea Stalk Shredder $195. 717-924- 3847 Sullivan Co For Sale- NH forage wagon, 3 beaters and roof on Gehf tandem gear, $2,500. 717-859-2712, Lane Co For Sale- Oliver No. 5 cornpicker, $750, also Ford hopper blower $2OO Both in good cona, Lane Co 215-445-6976 For Sale- 5 Jamesway shutter stroke cleaners, 2 left hand & 3 right hand, 24 ft hquidmatic elevator Klenaid tank washer, 215-932-8108., For Sale-1970 Parker 26’ alum, dump, heated body, $7500 1968 Parker 24* alum dump $6500 Mont. Co 215-754-6290, eves after 7 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 27,1980—841 MAILBOX MARKET or Sale- Oliver 16 spout on rubber with small seed attach Dochester Co 301-943-3203 For Sale or Trade for Mare Gentle, nice 4 yr Appaloosa Gelding, green broke, Red Eagle bloodline, 201-876-4518 For Sale- G AC Loader, complete, pump & valves, 717-367-3346 eves For Sale- Shotgun Remington Model 870 Wing Master 12 ga full choke, 30” barrel, new condition, $l7O Lane Co 215-267-7049 For Sale- Oil Burner for furnace in good condition, 717-867-1011 after 6 p.m. Leb Co For Sale- Large supply of horse manure in sawdust, Must get rid of, $5 truckload, you haul, Manheim 717-665-7852 after 6 Wanted- A man to help half days at odd fobs around our home and grounds, $5 hr 717-786- 4251 Lane Co Wanted- Galloway Trail-R- Spreader Front unloading any condition 717-784- 1038 Columbia Co. For Sale- 275 gal, oil tank, $45. Rabbits - Bunnies - cages and supplies, Delco 215-494- 1411 For Sale- Large pile of seasoned pole length fire wood Cut and load your own Easy access $25 large pick-up load Berks Co 717-933-4269 For Sale- Slowspeed 8 hp Automan Diesel, 2 hp refrigation compressor, both in working condition Ira Z. Stoltzfus, RDB, Box 191 Danville, Pa 17821 For Sale- Cleaned, rye seed, also Reg Holstein bulls service age, one a Job, son from a VG 88 Net Profit daughter with Ex Udder, Gr Dam an Astronaut VGB6, 26.382 M, 1149 F Lane Co Turnpike, View Farms, Stevens, RD#l 17578215-267-7208 For Sale- 17 hands Standard bred carriage horse traffic safe. Well broke, Rufus Z. Martin, RDI Denver, Kramermill Road. Lane Co For Sale- Palomino x h Arabian Filly, $3OO. 3/4 Arabian colt $2OO, Ins Hooke, Hightown, Va 24444 703-468-2377 Highland Co Wanted- Mennomte man with family wants to rent dairy farm for spring 81, also have calf hutches for sale. Lane Co 215-484- 2483. Wanted- Old toy pedal tractors for my collection. Will pick up 717-768-3554 after 5 30 Lane. Co For Sale- Briggs & Stratton engine with exhaust pipe, 3 hp 80202, like new, $79 80 Also Electric motors Maytag V* hp. Henry K. Fisher, 494 East Mam St, Leola, Pa 17540 For Sale- 3 yr. old Standard Bred mare, traffic safe & sound. Christ F. Fisher, Strasburg, Lane Co., Pa For Sale- Spring wagons & buggies & horse related items. 301-398-5696 after 7 30pm For Sale- AKC Registered Blond Cocker Spaniel Puppies, Loveable & Friendly dog 215-589- 5487 Leb Co For Sale- 7 open heifers 1 Bred heifer dbe, Nov 1. Samuel K Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 125 Kirkwood, Pa 17536 Spou I Rd. For Sale- Windshield and all windows for 1966 Dodge D2OO Pickup you remove $5O after 6pm 717-349-7419 Franklin Co For Sale- Liquid manure pump for 40 to 80 hp tractor fits 6’ to 8' pit or lagoon, Give offer, 215- 693-5907 Wanted Used Jack Hammer Call anytime 717-345-3639 Schuylkill Go MAILBOX MARKET For sale- Kye tor covercrop, $5 per bushel, Amos Z Martin, RD2 Box 42 Narvon, Pa 17555 2'h miles east of Blue Bali along 322 For Sale- 16’ Badger Tandem axle silage wagon with roof, and 3 Beaters, good working order, Adams Co 717-334-8553 Wanted- Loader for Farmall FI Also cattle tilt table Shank's Machine Co preferred Lane Co 717-393-2639 For Sale- AKC Reg Chesapeake puppies, champion bloodline, ready to go 302-653- 9668 For Sale- Jersey cross family cow fresh 6 weeks with 3th calf. York Co 717-235-1187 Wanted- Harness stitcher sewing machine. Must sew leather */« to 3/8 inch thick, Jake Hershey, Box 24 Gorham, NY 14461, 315-829-3924 Wanted-Phone no of man in Lancaster than hyp notizes to help stop smoking and to loose weight, 432-5894 York Co For Sale- 1973 Pontiac Catalina 2 door hardtop, A/C, P/S, P/B, A/T, bad motor and right front fender, $lOO or best offer, Chester Co 215- 932-4728. For Sale- 300 yearling red hens, 90 cents each Take 1 or all Lane. Co Noah W Leid, RDI East Earl, Pa 17519, 1 mile east of Fivepomtville on Leid Rd For Sale- 8N Ford tractor $l5OO, Oliver 3 bottom cylinder lift plow $175, NH hay rake on rubber $B5O. Hummelstown 717- 566-0030. For Sale- Locust posts, 7 ft long, $2 each Used concrete blocks, 25 cents apiece Christ R Better, Quarryville R#3 Pa 17566 For Sale- 100 bu off grade barley, $1 25 a bu 20 bu off grade wheat $2.00 a bu 717-225-4131 between 6 & 7 a m only York Co For Sale- Int manure spreader #540, 185 bushel, good shape, 717- 272-5089 For Sale- 2 Nubian buck kids, good stock, excellent markings, $4O each, Berks Co 215-562-7131. For Sale- McCormick Deermg, 1 PR corn picker, m working condition, reasonable prices, Ben E Stoltzfus, RDI Box 345 Peach Bottom, Pa Wanted- 3 row corn head #322 for 300 MF combine, Garrett Co, 301-334- 4570 For Sale- Oliver 66 Live, PTO and hyd , and pulley gear Good condition, with new paint job, 717-243- 8519 Cumberland Co For Sale- 3 bottom Ford plow, automatic reset $l4OO, New spreader web NH 510 $250. 400 yearling brown chickens, $l.OO a piece, 717-733- 1048 For Salt Two 40 ft. drop frame van trailers, single axle, can be pulled with tandem axle tractor, good cond., 215-257-2377 Bucks Co For Sale- MF #43 quick tatch corn 1975 model Also lots of hay, 2 miles of Rt. 30 at Buckstown Pa Somerset Co 814-267- 4460. For Sale- (4) 23.1x26 Log skidder tires & wheels. (4) sets Massey Ferguson wheel weights, 301-775- 2849 Carroll Co. Wanted- Whtzzer motor bikes or parts or old Schwinn bikes, 717-354- 9127 For Sale- Quality Reg Angus heifers, cows and bulls, Brandywine Valley Angus, Chester Co 215- 857-3949 or 857-2168. For Sale- White faced cow with large caff, $lOOO Lane Co. Call after 4, 215-267-6086 MAILBOX MARKET r-or bale- Goats’ milk, GM child’s carseat, mobile home oil heater, mooern bathtub, sink, toilet, electric water heater all with fixtures Lane Co. 717-354-8042, 215-445- 7198 For Sale- JD gram dryer, Ml fertilizer spreader 8000 bu. capacity both in good cond, Bucks Co. 215-598-7669 Wanted- Case 580 CK Backhoe, loader for parts or 33 Case Backhoe at tachment, Joseph Thomas RDI Box 278, Wapwallopen, Pa, 18660 Luzerne Co For Sale- 1000 RPM PTO shaft to fit Case 930 or 1030 tractor Stationary air compressor, 1 hp motor - large tank, Lane Co 717-284-4618. For Sale- 8 ft airways fiberglass pickup cap tinted glass, top rack, in mint condition, Asking $250 717-599-5068 Dauphin Co For Sate- 2 40’ Drop frame van trailers, Single axles can be pulled with tandem axle tractor Trailers have fold up shelves on sides. 215-257-2377 Bucks Co. Wanted- Submersible pump in good cond , well is 6 inches I will pick it up Grover Jones, R#2 Wilson NC 27893 Call collect after 7 pm. 919- 237-0012. For Sale- Grade Charolais Bull, age 1 yr Carroll Co., MD Call after 7pm 301- 848-4829. Wanted- Will give good home to ARC Reg. Doberman German police or Airedale Must be excellent watchdog 717- 527-4750 For Sale- 3 Bottom -IHC 2 pt hookup cover lids and trip bottom plow. $4OO. 18' cattle bed with 55 Chevy Julius Phillips, Dalmatia, Pa 758-2057 after 7 pm For Sale- Cookware, stainless steel, waterless, must sell, ‘/z of going price, slightly used 717- 464-4662. For Sale- 8 Gauge galvanized wire, 300 foot lengths Montgomery County-215-489-7839. For Sale- Tye seeder with 3 seed boxes, 2 yrs. old, excellent cond , will deliver, available due to change in farming operation, 814-698-2400 For Sale- IH 234 mounted corn picker with 12 roll bed Brockets for 544-656 and 706 up, good cond., $l5OO. Chester Co. 215- 286-9391. For Sale- 6’ flail mower, Mott., exc. cond., $9OO. 609-234-1153 For Sale- Buffalo 4-row no till planter (demo) with dry fertilizer and insecticide, like new, $4OOO 6-row also available Franklin Co. 717-597-3858 For Sale*B N Tractor, 2 B plow, 3 pt Disc, harrow, side rake, wagon, horse dump rake, Massey 12’ SP combine. 68 Int. 16,'. truck. 215-346-7410 after 8 pm. For Sale- 9 grade Holstein, open heifers, weighing approx. 800 lb. asking $750 each. 2 3/4 hp electric motors. Chester Co. 215-383- 0581. For Lease Free or Sate- a stored Molly Chief calf born 8-15-80 Dam 23,000 milk with top quality udder Grandam 20,000 with 4 5 test. 717- 687-8893 Lane. Co For Sale- Black Angus, 4 cows and 2 heifers, bred by Black Marshall $BOO each. 717-244-3814 after 6 p.m. For Sale- JD Model AW 10 ft. disc harrow in very good cond., York Co 717- 632-4022. For Sale- Liquid manure spreader, milking goat and horses, a 6 yr old carnage horse ready logo anywhere Isaac S Zook, Vi mile S W of In tercourse.