Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 8
AfiMLmotst•r&nahii, Stturctyy S«ftembcr 27,1910 - m. 4IHAKh c SEPT. 29-OCT. 5, 1980 First frost and all is lost. Mice start coming'mside now Ford introduced Model "T" Oct 1, 1908 .. Last quarter of the moon Sept 30 . Average length of days for the week, 11 hours, 36 minutes .. Special-delivery mail service began Oct 1, 1885 ' Milky Way high in thesky now If you can't bite, don't show your teeth Ask the Old Fanner: During a recent trip around the Northeast we came across many old wells, some of them very deep and most small in diameter I just can't understand how they were stonecfupand down after they were dug J G., Mansfield, They were actually stoned before they were dug The well-diggers started to stone from the top They dug down a few feet, then stoned up what'they had dug. They kept doing this until they finished Home Hint*: If you want to have comfortably fitting shoes, buy them in the afternoon when the muscles of your feet have spread ' OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS , New England: Gear, unseasonably warm, at week's start, then sjtowers, cool temperatures, weekend is seasonal. Greater New Jersey: Gear and pleasant through mid week, with rain and cool temperatures for midweek and weekend. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with cold snap, with rain developing middle of week, for week's end, clear and mild. Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Showers west start the week, then cold, showers developing north middle through end of week (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Hunter’s Auction Monday, September 22 Rising Son, Md. Report supplied by auction FEEDER HEIFERS: High CHoice and Prime 55.00- Good to Choice 51.00- FEEDER STEERS; Good to Choice 68.00-73.00; Standard to Good 57.00-64.00. BULLS: 480-550 lbs. 62.00- 73.00; 600800 lbs. 52.0057.00; lbs. 52.5056.75. COWS: High Choice to Prime 47.50-48.75; Good to Standard 46.25-47.50; Utility tk OLD 44.5046.00; Cutters 42.50- 44.25; Canner 537.5043.50. CALVES: Prime 200800 lbs. 85.0087.00; High to Choice 140-180 lbs. 74.00- 92.00; Good to Choice 120-140 lbs. 82.00-96.00; Standard to Good 90-110 lbs. 68.00-77.00, few 82.00-91.00; Utility 7085 lbs. 52.00-71.00, few 80.00- 87.00; Low Utility 65-75 lbs. 42.0058.00, few 62.00-71.00. FEEDER PIGS: 20-25 lbs. $6 to $l2 by hd.; 3085 lbs. $lB to $22 By hd. HOGS: 140-180 lbs. 38.00- 42.00; 200-225 lbs. 48.0050.50. SOWS: 38.00-42.50. BOARS: 34100-39.00. , . SHEEP: 20.00-22.00. % m Valley livestock Valley Stockyards Athens,Pa. Monday, September 22 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of. 148 cows, 39 bulls, 468 calves,l3 heifers, 25 steers, 174 hogs, 38 lambs, 11 sheep. Cattle market reported steady, calf market reported stronger. Holstein Heifer Calves to 200.00; Veal Calves 65.00- 102.50; Bobs, 90-110 lbs. 70.00- Bobs, 80 and down lbs. 50.00-68.00; Grassers & Feeders 63.00 90.00; Lambs 37.00-65.00; Sheep 14.00-26.00; Hogs, 200 250 lbs. 43.50-51.50; Sows 36.00- Boars 23.00- 34.00; Pigs 6.00-26.00; Heifers 37.50-58.00; Steers 48.25-58.50; Steers, feeder 59.00- Bulls 48.5080.00; Cows, utility 46.50-49.00; Cows, fat 44.00-46.25; Cows, medium 41.75-45.50; Cows, poor or small 20.00-41.00; Horses per bead 300.00- 460.00; Ponies to 95.00; Goats 20.0043.00. St. Louis Cattle' Thursday, September 25 Report supplied by USDA Receipts This Week 4,500 Week Ago 4,600 Year Ago 5,600 As compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter heifers 1.00-1.50 lower. Cows fully 3.00 lower. Bulls mostly 2.00 lower. Slaughter supply mainly Choice and Mixed Choice and Prime 24 1050- 1225 lbs. steers, around 35% heifers and2o% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Mixed Choice and Prime 24 f '-7 * i •* - Livestock market and auction news 1050-1275 lbs. 69.0069.50, load 69.75, package 70.00. Choice 04 9501300 lbs. 67.5069.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 9001175 lbs. 64.00-66.00. Standard to Good 2-3 HOO 1300 lbs. 56.0061.00. Mixed Good and Choice 24 9001200 lbs. 66.0067.50. Good 2-3 900 1175 lbs. 64.0066.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 24 875-1050 lbs. 65.5067.00, closing 65.5066.00. Choice 24 8501050 lbs. 64.00-66.00, closing 64.00-65.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 8001000 lbs. 62.5064.50; 700800 lbs: 60.0062.50. Good 2-3 700950 lbs. 58.0062.50. COWS:, Closing week sales: Utility and Com mercial 2-4 41.0045.00. Boning Utility I*2 45.0047.00. Cutter 1-2 40.0044.00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 34.00 40.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 10501900 lbs. 50.0058.00, closing 50.0066.00. Yield Grade 1 12502400 lbs. 58.00 60.00, c105ing58.0058.25. FEEDERS: (Including around 1400 at the regular Thursday auction.) Feeder Steers and Heifers very uneven, Feeder Steers under 600 lbs. Steady, over 600 lbs. I=oo-2.00 lower. Feeder Heifers under 400 lbs. weak to 2.00 lower; 400-600 lbs. Generally steady; over 600 lbs. 2.00-3.00 lower. Supply mainly medium' frame 1-2 SMUCKER'S SALES & SERVICE We Have SR2I2 h.p. Lister Diesels, as is or rebuilt. • Good used diesel engines Install a blower fan for better diesel & refrigeration cooling. Longer life on diesel. LET ME BREATHE! FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374. i*', “ 'tr*" i-r*''’ 300400.1 b. Feeder Steers and Heifers. FEEDER STEERS; Medium Frame 1: 300-500 lbs. 75.0081.50; few lots 220 240 lbs. 82.5084.00; 500700 lbs. 71.0077.50. " Medium Frame 1-2:350500 lbs. 68.00 75.00; 500700 lbs. 64.0069.00. Large frame 1-2 HoMeins; 600825 lbs. 56.2547.25. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium frame 1:300400 lbs. m OPEN HOUSE 3 M AtTHe HI RoberfMartin Farm HI tSfc RD2 Myerstown 'ss# H# ggg ■■■■ I ■ DIRECTIONS:- ■— 1 |g| Take Route 419 North Sj* From Schaefferstowrt, ' Ist Farm on Left HI 730 Head Total ||| S& Confinemeßt Finishing Unit S& SSS 'Sifi klklfiklniikalabi bililillbl I lu fc-.’V. £ 277 RD #2, BOX 2i NEW HOLLAND, PA 17^57 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DISTRIBUTOR FOR: LISTER, PERKINS & SLANZI DIESELS AN All DEUTZ DIESELS 3 h TV- •» -■»- 65.00-69.00;, Package 186 lbs. 79.50; 400-600 lbs. 65.00-70.50; 600-700 lbs. 62.00-66.00. Medium Frame 1-2: 500-700 lbs. 55.00-62.0 p. • New Sputnik wheels and parts We mount diesels V on balers, crimpers, cornpickers, etc. For lower cost per . hour power, rely on Jusfci} DIESEL POWER ITHORIZED DEALER FOR .p. to 450 h.p. V