Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 40
Fiwlpi, Srtrtff, Siptawfcir 27,19» Dan and his son, Dary!, currently milk 91 cows, producing 16,844 lbs. of milk and 644 lbs. B.F. Dan feeds Haylage and Cornlage out of his 2580 HARVESTORP and High Moisture Ground Ear Corn out of his 2070 HARVESTORE . Dan previously handled his corn with a portable grinder mixer, but he was discouraged because of the tremendous amount of time and labor in volved in handling his corn after it was stored in the crib. Tired of grinding feed weekly with a portable grinder, Dan decided to experiment. During harvest, the corn was acid-treated and stored on the barn floor. Acid-treating slowed up field harvesting of corn because of the application procedure. Harnishes found that acid-treated corn was extremely corrosive on equipment. In three years of feeding acid-treated corn, Dan found that his elevator, augers and mixer wagon were rusted and inoperable. Dan purchased a 2070 HARVESTORE to handle his High Moisture Corn. He was able to reduce labor, also, according to Dan, “The dairy DAN & SON DARYL "ALL MY FRUSTRATIONS OF HANDLING CORN ARE GONE" 4^- Memories of the past are occasionally rekindled as the Harnishes walk past the remains of the old, rusted-out mixer wagons and the parked portable grinder on their way to feed the High Moisture Ground Ear Corn outpf their HARVESTORE' Structure. Penn-Jersey HARVESTORF Systems, Inc. P.O. BOX 7 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 ../S cows really like HARVESTORE' High Moisture Corn much better than dry ground corn. My cows reached a new high in r ß.F. production, peaking at 4.2% B.F. with a yearly average of 3.8%. All my frustrations of handling corn for our cows are gone no more time and money for grinding dry corn and no more rusted equipment from acid treated corn.” i PHONE 717-354-4051 Daniel J. Harnish Richland. PA -i £ Sf ■* ||p' t DAN VALE FARMS Daniel J. & Lillian Harnish