Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 33

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    Pequea Township Supervisors sign the 1980 zoning ordinance revision which
they adopted Wednesday night. From left are Ralph Schlegeimich, Kenneth
FunMnd Don Kepner.
Pequea ordinance
,j (Continued from Page Al)
provision limiting the
number of birds in a poultry
When the first thing a fertilizer
salesman wants to talk about is a
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to offer
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ter, giving you the advantage of
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application as early as you're ready
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NA-CHURS customers know tfiat
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operation to 50Q and the
number of pigs to 50 without
a variance. This section was
in liquid fertilizer
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* ©NA CHURS Plant-food Company 1980 ~
NA CHURS"* and ® • are trademarks of the NA CHURS Plant Food Company
deleted completely as was
another article which stated
that there could be no more
than three head of livestock
per acre of land.
A special message
to farmers who
appreciate the
□ Farm storage tanks are supplied
No charge'
□ Delivery is arranged at your con
venience No charge'
> □ Your NA-CHURS Representative
assists with installation and
calibration of liquid equiment.
No charge'
□ Follow-up service. Your *
NA-CHURS man is on hand
throughout the growing season
to help your crops reach full
yield potential.
□ Special credit terms and dis
counts are an important part of the
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help us plan for production, and
we’ll help you save money.
These are just some of the extras
that we calf SERVICE to help you
achieve optimum yields and after-cost
profits. That’s what the NA-CHURS
program is alt about See your
NA-CHURS man and talk about thereat
differences between price and value.
Home Office 421 Leader Street
Marion, Ofiio 43302
The new ordinance was
worked out between plan
ning commission members
add township supervisors
following the public outcry
on September 4.
Frank Myers, Lancaster R
6, member of the Planning
Commission, called the new
ordinance a “compromise
ordinance,” but added, “The
one bright spot is that there
will be a study on the
establishment of «n " ex
clusive agricultural
He said that depending
upon the outcome of the
survey of affected lan
downers, and according to
how the district is set up,
some of the restrictions now
in force would probably be
waivered within that
The announcement of the
proposed survey concerning
the ag district was made by
Township Solicitor. Charles
B. Grove, Jr., at the outset of
the meeting.
, He said, “I would urge the
superintendents to consider
an exclusive agricultural
district. I feel there is strong
sentiment for us. The
Planning Commission >has
offered to conduct a survey
of pfoperty holders.”
When questioned about the
few people in attendance,
Myers said, “Farmers
pretty well felt there was
little negotiating room.”
Bichard Haas, Lancaster
R 6, added, “There is a
degree of interest. Farmers
'are interested, but up to a
Myers commented that the
adopted ordinances contains
“more liberal interpretation
of special exceptions.”
He said one of the original
problemsand objections was
with farmers’ being
restricted in building
housing that would allow
them to have viable
economic units. A beef and
tobacco farmer, Myers said
be felt the Planning Com
mission, “did a good job in
ironing out the problems.”
Karl Hess, Lancaster R 6,
said of the ordinance,
“Anything different from the
original draft was a step in
the right direction, the
original draft was totally,
unacceptable.” Hess is Vice
Chairman of the Pequea
Township Planning Com
For high yields and high quality.
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Septembar 27,1910—A33
There were several
changes in the language of
some of the sections, and one
was to allow temporary
portable structures /lor
selling agricultural produts,
such as roadside stands.
Specific regulations for
these structures are spelled
out, but formerly a special
exception would have had to
be granted. ' 1
In answer to a specific
question about the
positioning of calf hutches,
supervisors said there were
no restrictions on the small
portable housing units.
The new ordinance uses •
125 feet as the limit for
setback from the property
lines and streets. Formerly
the ordinance required a 200
feet setback, and the Lan
caster County Planning
Commission had recom
mended that the longer
distance be maintained.
Under the new ordinance,
poultry houses of 10,000 birds
or more will need to get a
special exception, and will
be required to submit a plan
for manure management
which will provide for use of
Lampeter fair
(Continued from Page A3O)
Nevm Hershey, 3 Jay Garber Junior Mills, 4 Gra* Landis Senior champion
heifer calf 1 Mike-Mills, 2 James F r ey. 3 John Frey Reserve senior champion
Dale Hershey, 4 Matt Bushong In Mike Shertzer Grand champion - John
termediate heifer calf L James Frey, 2 Frey Reserve grand, champion - Mike
Steve Hershey, 3 Curt Hess, 4 John Shertzer Best udder 1 Jim Frey, 2 Mike
Burkholder Senior heifer calf 1 Steve Shertzer, 3 Spring-Belle, 4 Mike Mills
Hershey, 2 Cliff Snader, 3 Scott Shert Senior Get 1 Mike Shertzer, 2 Spnng
zer, 4 Lela Rohrer Junior yearling-1 J Belle, 3 Bob Kmdig, 4 Richard Hess
Mowery Frey. Jr, 2 Dale Hershey, 3 Best three females 1 J Mowery Frey Jr ,
Sylvia Frey, 4 Jeff Hess Senior yearling 2 Spring Belle, 3 Jay Landis, 4 Bob
I J Mowery Frey, 2 Jeff Burkholder, 3 Kmdig Dairy Herd 1 J Mowery Frey. 2
John Frey 4 Spring-BeHe Farms Junior Spring Be(le, 3 Bob Kmdig, 4 Jay Landis
champion James Frey Reserve junior Produce of Dam 1 Elvm Hess, 2 Richard
champion J Mowery Frey, Jr Junior get Hess Dam and daughter 1 John Frey, 2
of sire 1 J Mowery Frey, 2 Spring Belle, Spring Belle, 3 Mike 4 Karen
3 John Burkholder 4 Jay Garber Two- Shertzer Two and three year old 4-H and
year old 1 Mike Shertzer, 2 Sheila Frey, FFA. 1 Mike Shertzer, 2 John Frey, 3
3 Bob Kmdig, 4 Denise Mills Three year Denise Mills, 4 Pam Kmdig, 5 Karen
old 1 Jay Landis, 2 James Frey, 3 Shertzer Four year old and up 4-H amL.
Spring Belle, 4 Spring Belle Four year FFA. 1 Mike Mills 2 Darrell Mills, 3
olds 1 John Frey 2 Bot} Kmdig, 3 Karen Shertzer, 4 Jeff Hess Junior
Spring Belle, 4 Karen Shertzer Aged showman - Pam Kmdig Senior showman -
cow 1 John Frey 2 Bob Kmdig 3 Mike Gerald Garber
Reserve grand champion Holstein was exhibited
by Mike Shertzer.
the “most advanced
technological equipment
available” to eliminate
odors and other en
vironmental problems.
In explaining the
provision, Grove said that
the language allows the
Zoning Hearing Board to
tailor the equipment to the
needs of individual cases.
Manure handling under
the new ordinance will be in
accordance with standards
published in the Department
of Environmental Resources
manual, “Manure
Management for En
vironmental Protection.”
In accepting the new or
dinance, the supervisors
incorporated all the changes
suggested by the Lancaster
County Planning Com
mission but one. The
Commission also recom
mended that they strengthen
the agricultural district
regulations to help alleviate
Some inherent conflicts. It is
hoped that the survey on a
proposed agricultural
district will help clarify
these regulations.
PH: 717-299-2571