Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 18

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    AlB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 27,1910
Berks County 4-H 9 er
ig up . ips> .e
lambs. The Berks County Lamb Show and roundup will be held October 1 at
2:30 at the Leesport Market and Auction, Leesport. Fred, 11. attends the sixth
grade and Lisa, 16, is in the 12th grade at Conrad Weiser School District.
Now Is The Time
(Continued from Pago A 10)
time. When storing spray
materials, always keep them
in their original containers
and away from all children,
pets, and livestock. It is best
to have a separate room or
building for pesticide
storage. Wetable powders
are easy to store; however,
emulsions and liquids may
be harmed by freezing
weather. Producers are
urged to follow the label and
instructions in this respect.
It might be necessary to
keep some of them in a
heated building. Be sure
they are not near feed
suplies because accidents
can happen. Pesticides kept
in a room or building under
lock and key is a good way to
prevent costly mistakes and
If you did not get good
weed control this year in
your fields, now would be a
good time to investigate. As
we travel throughout Lan
caster county, we note quite
a variation in the weed
control success. Some fields
are nearly weed-free, while
others are quite weedy. This
can be observed after the
crops have been harvested.
If the weed control program
is being done by a custom
operator, then that person
should be with you to ob
serve the conditions and
to make plans for next year.
In addition to materials,
timing, and weather, please
keep in mind that soil acidity
has a definite part to play in
good herbicide performance.
In sour soils 'most of our
weed killers will not do a
-good job. Take time now to
observe your weed control
—, ... .Angi ceer in
preparation for the annual Berks County 4-H Lamb and Market Steer round-up
to be held November 5 at the Leesport Market Auction, Leesport, beginning at
Junior Suffolk Assn,
, to sponsor lamb raffle
HARRISBURG The i llB * before the Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Junior Suffolk Suffolk Salet at 6 p.m. on
Sheep Association has a lot Saturday, October 4, 1980 m
of activity scheduled for the the sheep arena.
Keystone International The Junior Suffolk Sheep
Livestock Exposition. Association will bo holding
The JSSA will sponsor the Pennsylvania Suffolk
Suffolk Booth at'the show Queen contest the same day.
and they will be selling raffle Any interested young lathes
tickets on a registered are members of the
Suffolk ewe lamb. Jum <> r Association should
contact Mrs. William
The raffle will take place MacCauley at 215-693-6521.
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