Dl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 27,1980 p a# Junior Dairy Show BY SHEILA MILLER HARRISBURG—Over 700 the 2Stb Pennsylvania Junior dairy animals paraded Show kicked off the biggest across the floor of the large week of dairy exhibitions in arena here at the Farm the state. R. Steven Kauffman, 18, of RI Elizabethtown, Lancaster, won the 4-H Holstein junior cham pionship with “Penn Spring Milestone Ada,” a junior yearling. John Zimmerman, ~ .ata, Lancaster County, won .jnior championship of the FFA Holstein show with his senior yearling, "Zimridge Penstate Honey Sheri”. Eddie Breckbili, 19 years old, of Rl, Oxford, Chester County, won the FFA Holstein senior championship and the grand championship with his 3-year-old cow, “Breck-A-De Linda Tippy Sue." Also pictured is John Rinehart, judge. Local Juniors bring home champs Show Complex on Monday as In the Junior Holstein shows, competition was stiff with over 300 animals vying for the the titles of grand champion. Judge John Rinehart, of Taneytown, Maryland, tagged two Holstein grands one for 4-H and one for FFA. Eddie Breckbill,l9, R 1 Oxford, Chester County, exhibited his three-year-old cow, Breck-A-De Linda Tippy Sue to a blue ribbon m her class of 3 and 4 year olds. She was selected as the Best Uddered Cow in her class and then went on to : be selected as the Senior Champion. The'daughter of Edeal Pinonia Matt Tippy was then pinned Grand Champion. Breckbill was recognized as the First Place Owner- Breeder in his class and received Master Fitter and Showman honors. Following Breckbill’s entry for the Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion honors was Kenneth Seller’s aged cow. The Mifflinburg youth’s Holstein was the first place entry in her class. Lancaster County’s John Zimmerman, R 1 Ephrata, exhibited his senior yearling (Turn to Page Dl5) >, w. _ _ county, captured the grand and senior championships in a 4-H Holstein judging competition at the 25th Penn sylvania Junior Dairy Show with “Burket Falls Elevation Sophia,” a 6-year-old. The animal was sired by "Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation.” Making the trophy presentation is Mike Weiner of the Pa. Holstein Assn. William Henley, 15, of Rl,' Cochranviile, Chester County, won the grand senior championships in Ayrshire judging competition at the 25th Junior Dairy Show with ‘‘Tower View Kelly’s Heather,” a 6-year-old cow. This marks the fifth straight year that the' Henley entry has won the grand cham pionship in state youth competition. Also pictured are Judge John McKitrick and Harold Kulp, Pa. Ayrshire Assn. President. Tina Rutter, 18, of Lightner Road, York, York County, won the grand and senior championships in Guernsey judging. Also pictured are Judge John McKitrick and National Guernsey Queen Millie Linde. '■ ! 9» ft i K• 1 1 * i A , * \ : *
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