Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 128
P»-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, September 27,1980 Eight hitch sheep team to perform at show HARRISBURG - The ewes are coming to Harrisburg, trailing a wagon behind them, October 3 and 4 during the Keystone In ternational Livestock Ex position at the Harrisburg Farm Show Building. It will be an event to make the Clydesdale teams a bit envious, eight, sheep will be hitched to a blue wagon and perform figure eights, change leads 90 degree turns and many other driving features - all without the use Edwin Etzler steers his eight hitch sheep driving team in a practice run on their home in Van Wert, Ohio. The Etzler's will be performing at the Keystone international Livestock Exposition at the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex Oc tober 3 and 4. The Exposition runs October 2 to 6. # WOOD OR COAL Find out why we’re #1 in the World! • Adds on to your existing Hot Water Heating System • Cast Iron Construction. • Wet Base. • ASME Approved. • Burns Wood or Coal. • Converts to Oil or Gas. • Automatic Control. Buderu HOWARD E. GROFF CO. Fuel Oil, Gasoline, and Coal HIE. State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone; 717-786-2166 . Keystone Expo to open Thursday of a bit in their mouths. - The eight hitch pure-bred Hampshire sheep driving team is owned by the Edwin Etzler Family of Van Wert, Ohio. The team will perform on the State Capitol steps. Third Street side, Friday, October 3, at 8:30 ajn. with State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowell £$ the “When I was on my helm. v father’s farm,” he said, “I The team will then liked driving horses and proceed to'the Harrisburg decided I would like to drive Farm Show Building for sheep. Everyone told me I performances Friday af- was crazy, and that sheep ■ . ' ■ temoon and all day Satur day. A special performance will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m.'in the large arena. The unique hobby of the sheep, and idea belong to Edwin Etzler. Etzler drives either a two, four, six or eight sheep hitch. were too dumb to learn to drive.” (Turn to Page D9> LIQUID GLASS ITS WATERPROOF, ACID AND SALT PROOF Apply like paint, when dry has a surface like porcelain. Has lasted for 11 years in milk houses and still is in good shape Some Uses: • Poultry & Cattle • Bunk Feeders water troughs ' • Milking Parlors • Farrowing & Finishing • Mangers Houses • Use Instead of • Water Proofing White wash Basements USDA APPROVED FOR MEAT PROCESSING ESTABLISHMENTS. , AT A FRACTION OF THE COST . OF GLASSBOARD AND TILING! / ARMSTRONG CO GEORGEMUSSER RDI, Box 268 New Bethlehem, PA 814-275-3774 , BEDFORD CO. Bedford, PA - 814-623-8601 BERKS CO. LONGACItE ELECTRICAL SERVICE, INC. 602 Main St. Bally. PA ‘ 215445-2261 IRADFi HARLAN NARTW’S SURGE SALES Troy, PA 717-297-3972 CENTRE CO. HENRHE CLICK Box 203 C, RD2 Howard, PA 16841 DAQPHIN CO,. LANDIS LABOR SAVERS RDI, Box 410 Millers burg, PA 17061 717-692-4647 FRANKLIN CO. DON UPPERMAN DAIRY El 1126 N. Franklin St. Chambersburg, PA 717-264-6007 NORTHERN FRANKLIN.* CUMBERLAND CO A. ARTHUR WIMR RDI Fayetteville. PA 17222 717-352-7910 clair c. beatty R.D 4 Box 188 A Indiana. PA 13701 412-465-7368 . . Direct Dealership Inquires to: HORACE E. HEINDEL & SONS FARMS Eastern Region Distributor P.O. Box 3146, York, PA 17402 ' Call Jeff-717-755-8062 > BENCE FARM El INDIANA CO lANCASTI ’ I.B.2IIIW£IWAIIIS«fS Blue Ball*, Strasburf, PA - 717-354-4955 BRANDTS SUPPLY INC.. 601 E. High St Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1221 LANCASTEI :rco. LAPP’S HARDWARE t DAIRY SUPPLIES RD4, Box 96, Loop Road Quarry vilte. Pa. 17566 717-786-3970 ■BANONCO HUBER’S AKMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES 810 Tulpehocken Road Myerstown, PA 17067 TRI-COUNTY SWINE SYSIESM 608 E. Evergreen Rd - Lebanon. PA 17042 717-274-3488 MIFFLIN CO. BA. ROOK Box 552 Milroy, PA 17063 . 814-364-1243 ' 717-667-2115 alienvilie PIAWNS MIL E. Mam St. Allenville, PA 17002 717-483-6386 MONTOUR CO LANOiS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION RD. Box 207 Milton, PA 17847 717-437-2375 NORTHAMPTON CO ARTHUB HALER SURGE DAIRY SUPPLIES Wind Gap. PA 215-863-9712 PERRY CO RONALD FAUTH R. 0.1 Loysvitte, PA 717-438-3530 POTTER CO. M C M BARN SALES RD #1 Westfield, PA 814-334-5504 Somerset co. MULTI SERVICE EQUIP. CHRP. RD2, Box 114 Somerset, PA 15501 814-445-6842 lAMSCO YORK A PARADISE FARM £ HOME CENTER RDI,Box26S Thomasville, PA 717-225-1064 WESTERN MARYLAND KINSHKER CENTRAL TRACTOR PARTS RD2 Oakland, MD 21550 301-334-4129 MARYLAI PIS EQUIPMENT INC. 3639 Grier Nursery Road Street. MD21154 Tft STATE FARM AUTOMATION, INC. Rt. 9, Box 338 Hagerstown, MD 21740 VIRGINIA JOHN G. DALLAIN RD 1 Box J 13 Remington, VA 22734 703-439-3342