Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1980, Image 126

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    ' PC—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, September 27,1980 .
Maryland pork producers to vote on referenduw
ANNAPOLIS Md for November 10' through to the Marketing Division of assessment per hog. .Watson' (Brandywine, J.G. Warfield, Marriott-
Maryland pork producers 1201 to determine d they the Maryland Department of Pork producers with Prince Georges County), sville, Howard County), Vice
will be asked to vote in an wish to continue a check-off Agriculture. questions about the MPPA President, 30LW9- President, 301-328-2575;
important referendum set f or their product according According to MDA referendum may contact one 6844; PauT Sfiortall "Jr.,- William Malkus (Cam-
- mnnnnn - Marketing Specialist, Tom of the following MPPA of- (Easton, Talbot County), bridge, Dorchester County),
Butler, pork producers in ficers for details: Russell G. Vice President, 301-8224418; Past President, 301-228-0768.
~~ sy, - , 1975 approved a check-off
MStet ■ 111 111/)13 system through referendum
I'/K(vfFi JUIIIhUI which has been carried out ■ M ■■■ ■ N M M BBfc B
County ■■ SWSTSTSS . lA|L 7 |)t Mill/1 MU '
I DMA fVL IIL IflUVlllll
(l I \ of contmumg the check-off
i: Monthly i| . . Til |cm A 111 APTARED
ii # Renort i; IU IXULA 111 (101UDCIf -
MJUf itupui i the present five-cent rate.
; i , | Producers who wish to .
secure a refund can do so by -X- Pflff 1 ®
August 1980 , applying in writing within 30
The August 1980 report of the Juniata County Dairy Herd davs of the assessment thus. a _
Improvement Association is as follows days oitne assessment, thus, X SnOWrOOTtI 'C))
Records were calculated for 5087 cows in 90 herds on ty those who wish to J
The five high herds in average butterfat production per cow, support the check-off a. f% «»#» fl^llCQ
per day are listed below Owners name, number of cows, program must contribute. W CIIWU9C
average daily pounds milk and butterfat per cow, are given in Voting will be easy as *A#* 11 B M. 11 •
LarrfftDavwJNoss 63 54 5 199 Will 06 All 111 Ufl©
p_ u • pu n u flnr ,. cq co c i Q 7 be done on tiie sdiiic dcy by * *■ »
MarkL Zook 52 111 195 Hie fanners wishing to cast Fafllify TA (PTUP Yi^ll
CharlesC.Saner 49 490 194 ballots. Polling places will ■ O Vlll T y I'W WC ■ V9U
James V. Wilson 27 50 9 189 be located in each county at * __ ,
Two hundred forty seven cows completed lactation records the County Office of the
of 305 days or less Three of these cows produced over 900 Maryland EVgtnn.«rinn Ser- ■ I SS I •
pounds of butterfat, 13 produced over 800 pounds, 38 vine
produced over 700 pounds, 75 produced over 600 pounds, Vl rr ~ , .„, __ \ riAtnilc +A Fallaw
and 118 produced over 500 pounds The Maryland Pork Pro- N UeTQIIS TO TOIIOW
The fifteen high cows are listed below The owner's name, ducers Association, which ' .
cow’s name, pounds milk and pounds butterfat are given in has called for the referen- m I _ ' 1
° rde [ ... . dum, is on record as L
PrTOburn & Norman Love favoring continuation of the I A D|■* IC QII |PMS NT i nG* I
iH Hill UJ check-off and adoption of the I
Roy & Glen Henry proposed higher check-off - "" 1
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