Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 20, 1980, Image 8
Faming, Saturday, Stpfwbr 20,1910 \ wr tK&MEjft 4IMAHh C SEPT. 22-28, 1980 Sunsets glow, then dark clouds blow. Fall begins Sept 22 at 409 PM Dan'l Boone went west Sept 25, 1773 Full moon Sept 24 Average length of days for the week, 11 hours, 59 minutes . First hearing aid patented Sept 23, 1879 . Woodchucks begin hibernation Country fairs abound ->w Modesty is a virtue, bashfulness a vice Ask the Old Fanner: What is ■■he origin of the word dough iut 7 1 have heard they were first made with a hole so a sea ■> plain could hang them on ic spokes of his helm SG, iashua, N H 'he original doughnut was lied ' ? ddugh-knot" because >omen rolled the dough into a rope- igtn mm ... - ends together to form a ring Home Hint*- A marble placed in the bottom of a double boiler will rattle and let you know when the water gets too low OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Rainy and cold at week's start, then clearing and warmer middle of week through weekend Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week brings show ers, cool temperatures, then clearing and pleasant through week s end Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rainy and cold, then clearing and cool midweek, weekend is clear and mild Piedmont Sc Southeast Coastal: Partly cloudy and cool, showers west, rain southeast through midweek, clear and pleasant for weekend (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) East Coast Carlot Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Prime special fed veal generally steady in narrow test Good and Choice boning veal steady to 2.00 lower.- Compared to last week boneless beef 90 chem lean firm in limited test. VEALCARCASS HIDE ON (5 HEAD Prime (Special Fed): 180- 240 lbs. few 180.00-185,00, generally steady. BONING TYPE GOOD AND CHOICE HIDE ON Northeastern Suppliers: 65-75 lbs. 106.00-110.00. all steady to 2.00 lower; 55-64 lbs. 106.00-108.00; 45-54 lbs. 104.00-106.00; 3544 lbs. 102.00- 34 lbs. down 100.00- Inshipped: no sales reported. BONELESS BEEF US & Canadian Origin 2 Loads 90 pet cbem lean, fresh 134.00-136.00, including late' yesterday. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS IS Loads Skinned Hams: 16-20 lbs. 88.00-90.00. Semi-Boneless Hams: 14- 17 lbs. 109.00 steady. Semi-Boneless Hams; 17- 20 lbs. 106.00. Boneless Hams; 13-17 lbs. 130.00 weak. Picnics: 5-7 lbs. 78.00. No. 1 sliced bacon vacuum pack, 1 lb. pkg. 110.00 steady. Franks, 70 beef 30 pork, 1 lb. pkg. 93.00 weak. NEW CROP CORN! Dry or High Moisture PIEDMONT FERTILIZER can 703-371-1800 Fredbg. VA 50 mi South of D.C »E OLD Peoria Cattle Thursday, September 18 Report supplied by USDA Compared to last Wed nesday, slaughter steers lost part of the week’s early advances on Wednesday’s biasing rounds to close mostly .50-1.00 higher. Heifers .50 to mostly 1.00 higher. Cows and bulls remained steady. Both slaughter steers and heifers opened the week on an active note; however,, midweek trade on steers became slow while heifers sold under good demand and continued their weekly price climb. Receipts this week 3200 as compared to 3876 last week and 4637 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1000-1200 lbs. 69.00- closing 69.00- Load YG 3-4 1300 lbs. 69.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 67.00-69.00. Good 64.50-67.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 2-4 900- 1000 lbs. 68.00-68.50. Choice 2- 4 990-1075 lbs. 66.50458.00. Few part loads YG 3 mostly 4’s 65.00-66.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-950 lbs. 64.50-66.50. Good 60.5065.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3 45.00-51.00, Cutter 42.00-48.25. BULLS : YG 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 53.0060.00, individual 61.00. PIGS Have you ever attended the "State Graded" Feeder Pig Sales at Westminster 7 ★ Lots of pigs ★ Easy to get to ★ Super sanitary ★ Outstanding quality ★ Quick Service ★ No tagging charge ★ No shipped pigs FRIDAY, SEPT. 26 1:30 P.M. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCDON For directions or info call collect (301) 733-8120 or write Box 108 Hagerstown Mci ■ 1 Omaha Cattle Thursday, September 18 Report supplied by USDA Midweek prices on slaughter stems were steady to 25 lower, instances 50 off late. Heifers closed firm to 25 higher. Cows were 1.00- 1.50 higher, and bulls firm. Four day receipts this week 12,900; last week 12,500; year ago 10,400. The fed cattle trade was characterized by an air of caution despite moderate marketings, and most buying interests were still quite selective. Carcass trading at times the forepart of week reacahed a virtual stalemate before trending downward. Yield grade was a major price-determining factor as the differential between yield grade 3 and yield grade 4 carcasses widened to 12.00-13.00 per cwt, on steers. The overall finish of the steer and heifer supply was not particularly attractive through midweek with a large share Good to average-Choice. The Thursday run was swelled by the arrival of the 10th annual “T-Bone Special” from the Audubon, lowa area. Slaughter steers made up approximately 40 pet and heifers 35 pet. Cows com prises 10 pet. and feeders 14 pet. STEERS: Four loads and part load Choice with few Prime 3 1150-1300 lbs. 70.75- 71.00, few loads and part loads Choice and Prime 3 with moderate end 4" 1150- 1225 lbs. 70.00-70.50. Choice 2- 4 1050-1275 lbs. ranged 68.50- 70.50, large share 69.00-70.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1250 lbs. 68.00-69.25. Good 2-364.00-67.00. Average of LS-214 detailed quotations for Choice 900- 1100 lbs. steers 69.32; 1100- 1300 lbs. 70.02. Average cost steers for three days this week 68.76, average weight 1123 lbs. as compared 69.23 and 1125 lbs. a week ago. Average cost heifers for three days this week 65.95, average weight 979 lbs. as compared 66.42 and 967 lbs. a week ago. HEIFERS: Two loads and part load Choice with end Prime 3 1000-1025 lbs. 68.25, moderate volume Choice and Prime 3-4 952-1137 lbs. 67.50-68.00 during week. Choice 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 65.75- 67.50. Mixed Good and AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY - 1:30 P.M. Straw, Grain, Firewood, etc. HORSE AUCTION -7:30 PJM. BEIL'S SALES 1 Mi. North of York Springs on Route 15 Hay - 717-334-7724, David W. Martin, Auct./Mgr. Horse - 717-528-8218, Wm. Artrip, Auct. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise, Pa. Special Feeder Cattle FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 7 P.M All breeds and all weights. If you have any cattle to consign Contact - L. Robert Frame. 717-442-4181 or 768-8204. Home Phone. 215458- 8518 We have 2 possum bellied trailers to haul cattle locally and long distance Livestock market and auction news Choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs. 64.00- 66.00. Good 2-3 60.00-63.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-4 46.00-49.00, few 49.50. Cutter 44.0046.50. Canner and low-Cutter 42.00- 44.50. BULLS: 1-2 1200-2300 lbs. 53.00-58.00, individual 159.00- 60.00, few Good fed bulls 62.00. Leesport Auction Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 295: Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers steady, spots stronger. Slaughter cows steady to .75 higher. Few High Choice & Prime 1100-1250 lbs. slaughter steers 71.00-73.60, Choice 1000-1250 lbs. 68.00- 70.25, few 71.25, Good 64.00- 69.00, Standard 58.50-62.50 Choice 850-1250 lbs. slaughter heifers 62.85-66.00, one at 68.35, few Good 58.25- 63.50. Utility and' Com mercial slaughter cows 48.00- few 54.75, Cutters 46.0048.00, few 51.50, Canner & Low Cutters 42.5046.75, Shells down to 37.50. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 66.00- few Good 61.50- 65.00, few Standard 55.00- 60.00, Yield Grade No. 1, 1150-2150 lbs. slaughter bulls 58.00- few 65.10, §2 (few) 1000-1150 lbs. 54.00- 57.75. Lot Large Frame #l, 415 lbs. feeder steers 98.00, 700-900 lb.s 64.25-70.25, few Large Frame #2, 400-600 lbs. 60.00- few 750-1050 lbs. 56.75-60.00, Medium #l. 300- 440 lbs. 74.00-82.00, few 700- 900 lbs. 60.00-64.50. Lot Large Frame #l, 385 lbs. feeder heifers 99.00, few 700-900 lbs? 56.00- few Medium #l, 280-330 lbs. 72.00-77.50, few 475-660 lbs. 54.50-62.50. Few Large Frame #l, 725-900 lbs feeder bulls 55.00-64.75, (Stock cows Large Frame #1,900-1200 lbs. 54.50-64.25). CALVES 119: Few Choice vealers 90.00-97.00, few Good 79.00-85.50, Standard and- Good 90-110 lbs. 65.00-75.00, 70-85 lbs. 60.0088.00, few Utility 50-90 lbs. 40.0085.00. Farm Calves; Hoi. Bulls 90- 115 lbs. 85.00-107.00, few down to 70.00; Hoi. Heifers 90-120 lbs. 120.00-177.50; few Beef cross bulls and heifers 70-110 lbs. 89.00-115.00. HOGS 380: Barrows and gilts $l.OO-1.75 higher. US No. 1-2 2-245 lbs. barrows and gilts 50.75-51.75, No. 18 195- 250 lbs. 50.00-50.75, few down to 46.00, No. 1-3 165-180 lbs. 43.5046.50. Sows steady to strong. US No. 1-3 300-680 lbs. sows 38.0041.75, few 46.50. Boars 32.00-35.50. FEEDER PIGS 175: US No. 1-3 30-65 lbs. feeder pigs 50.00- per hun dredweight, few down to 41.00, few No. 1-3 95-115 lbs. 52.5065.00 CWT., few Utility ' 20-301bs. 46.00-56.00. SHEEP 20: Few Choice 55- 95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 60.00-70.00, one 75.00, few Good 65-70 lbs. 52.00- 55.00. Few Slaughter ewes 20.00- GOATS 13: Large 26.00- 52.00 per head. Yearling Holstein Steer Sale Galax, V*. Friday, September 12 Report supplied by VDA There were 1,468 head sold. All steers were graded by Representatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Large Frame No. 1: 500600 lbs. 58.0060.00; 600-700 lbs. 58.0061.00; 700- 800 lbs. 58.7562.00; 800-900 ibs. 56.0068.50; 900-1000 lbs. 55.00-58.00; 1000-1200 • lbs. 50.0063.75. Large Frame No. 2: 400- 500 lbs. 65.0067.25; 500600 lbs. 58.0065.00; 600-700 lbs. 56.7568.25; 700600 lbs. 55.50- 58.75; 800-1000 lbs. 53.75- 55.00; 1000-1300 lbs. 46.75- 53.75. Large Frame No. 3: 400- 500 lbs. 55.0066.00; 500600 lbs. 51.0068.50; 600-700 lbs. 50.0067.00; 700600 lbs. 48.00- 54.75; 800-1000 lbs. 42.00- 54.00. Medium Frame No. 1: 500- 700 lbs. 55.0060.50. Inferior: 300-700 lbs. 50.50- 60.00. Valley Livestock Valley Stockyards Athens,Pa. Monday, September 15 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 150 cows, 33 bulls, 507 calves, 46 heifers, 19 steers, 110 hogs, 26 lambs, 12 sheep. Cattle ATTENTION AN OFFERING OF FALL FRESHENERS APOLLO ROCKET DAU. Ist calf due Sept 21, bred to Trailblazer, Dam has records to 28.000 M, 900 F HILLHAVEN STANDOUT JOB DAU. 2 yrs. 8 mo., due in Sept., bred to an Ivanhoe son, Dam GPB3, 3-5, 269 d, 12.670 M, 4.0,503 F, very good frame. SIMPSON’S BURKGOV SNOWMAN DAU. 3 yr. due Sept. 25, bred to Top Notch, 2-2,17.587 M, 3.7,685 F, Dam vgBs. DIAMOND S PIETJE STANDOUT DAU. 3 yrs., due Oct 21, 335,14.480 M, 3.5, 507 F, bred to Penraar Apollo Topper. DIAMOND S PIETJE STANDOUT DAU 2-2, 330, 19,847 M, 2.8,563 F, bred to Gay, due Oct. 26 KEYSTONE FLEETFOOT 24, 273,11.453 M, 3.5,404 F, bred to Conductor, due Oct. 25 FANCY! 1 ' VIGO CHARMCROSS DAU 6 yrs., scored vg 85. 5-0, 262,16.570 M, 3.6,590 F, bred to Nugget, due Nov 20. RED & WHITE S GRADE 5 yrs , due in Sept. Fancy' BEAUTIFUL UDDER' 11 DALE K. STOLTZFUS 1006 Log Cabin Road Leola, Pa. 17540 717-626-9157 or 215-626-8555 market reported active to higher, calf market reported steady. Holstein Heifer Calves to 150.00; Veal Calves'to 92.00; Bobs, 90-110 lbs. 75.00-95.00; Bobs,-80 and down lbs. 65.00- 70.00; Grassers & Feeders 51.50-81.50; Lambs 50.00- 63.00; Sheep 18.00-25.00; Hogs, 200-250 lbs. 44.5049.00; Sows 32.0040; 00; Boars, 24.00- Pigs 8,00-25.50; Heifers 48.00-54.50; Steers medium 56.00-59.25; Steers, feeder 51.50-83.00; Bulls 51.00- Cows, utility 48.00- Cows, fat 46.00- 47.75; Cows, medium 44.00- 45.50; Cows, poor cr small 32.0040.00; Horses to 520.00; Ponies to 110.00; Goats 10.00- 44.00. Belknap Auction Dayton, Pa. Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 81. Reported half of the sale and prices for cattle & calves were not enough to provide pricing information. CALVES 127. HOGS 383. Barrows & gilts uneven, mostly $1 to $2 higher. US No. 1-2 210-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.50 50.80, lot 54.00, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 49.00-50.60, No. 2-3 200 260 lbs. 45.0049.00,. No. 1-3 185-195 lbs. 41.0045.00. US No. 1-3 250-690 lbs. sows 35.0045.00, few Utility '215- 365 lbs. 26.00-34.00. Boars 28.00- FEEDER PIGS 164. US No. 1-315-30 lbs. feeder pigs 11.00- per head. No. 1-3 3545 lbs. 17.00-25.00 p| W head. SHEEP 34. Mixed Good & Choice 80-95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 55.75-59.25. Few Slaughter ewes 12.00 17.50. DAIRYMEN If? <1