Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 20, 1980, Image 6
A6—laacs3tar fanriwg, Saturday, Sapttwbar 20,19t0 Hay Markets Good’s Hay Leola,Pa. Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by auction 49 loads. Alfalfa 98.00-105.00; Timothy 75.00-84.00; Mixed 73.00- one at 118.00; Straw 71.00-82.00; Corn 119.00- New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, September 15 Report supplied by auction 76 loads. Alfalfa 56.00-116.00; Timothy 78.00-104.00; Mixed 42.00-130.00; Straw 47.00- 70.00; CornBs.oo-130.00. Regional Hay Friday, September 12 (All hay No. 2 and better, (Bices paid by the dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay and Straw steady to $5 higher. Alfalfa 65.00-85.00, few to 95.00; Mixed hay 50.00-70.00; Timothy hay 40.00-65.00; Straw 40.00-45.00, few down to 30.00; Mulch 20.00-30.00. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Monday, September 15 Report supplied by PDA 26 Loads Hay and 5 Loads Straw. Alfalfa 70.00-86.00, in dividual 106.00; Mixed Hay 67.00- Timothy Hay, few 78.00-90.00; Orchard Grass, individual 76.00; Straw 60.0068.00, individual 45.00; Ear Corn, 4 loads 122.00- individual 141.00; Rye, individual 4.20 per bushel. [ for SALE FEEDER PICS I | State Graded - Vet Inspected | I Excellent Quality and Delivery Service | Credit Service Available Z JOHN H. THOMAS, JR. I Millersville. Pa. 17551 Ph 717-872-5645 x Complete Line of I RED ROSE Feeds * Management (Redßosaldjfe) I n swinc reeo I I H Program (amation Company TRANSPORTATION ON STOCK OR FEEDER GATTIE FROM THE SOUTH We Have 2 Possum Bellied Trailer Rigs Available. Call VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise, Pa. L. Robert Frame, Manager Phone: 717-768-8204 or Home: 215-458-5060 Call Anytime Central U.S., Carlot Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday's 4:30 report: Choice 3 steer beef steady. Choice 4 and Good 1.00-3.00 lower than last test on Monday. Heifer beef steady to 1.00 lower with undertone finning after noon. Demand and trading moderate to good with packers turning bullish late, in spite of another downturn of $.47 on the boxed beef carcass cutout value, which settled at an estimated $113.71 per cwt. on Wed nesday. Supply of carcasses mostly current. Sales reported on 123 loads of st- and heifer beef. STEER BEEF 15 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3: 700-900 lbs. 107.00, steady. Choice 4: 600-000 lbs. 94.00- 95.00, mostly 95.00, 1.00-2.00 Iwr. than Monday. Good 2-3; 600-900 lbs. 102.00-104.00, mst 102.00- 103.00, mstly 2.00-3.00 lower than Mon. Good2-3:600-900 lbs. 101.50 (hols. type). FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 2-3: 500600 lbs. YG 3 107.00-107.50; YG 2 108,00- 109.00. - HEIFER BEEF 58 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3; 500-700 lbs. 104.00-105.00, bulk 104.00 early, steady-1.00 Iwr. Choice 4: 500-700 lbs. 94.00- 95.00, mostly 95.00, mstly 1.00-2.00 lower than Mon. Good 2-3: 500-700 lbs. 100.00, steady-1.00 Iwr. Cow Beef not established. COW BEEF ILoad FOB Omaha Basis Utility: 400 & up lbs. 90.00. (BNG) 2-3. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 7 Loads FOB Omaha Basis FORES: 130-210 lbs. 98.00- 100.00. RIBS; 24-43 lbs. 149.00. ROUNDS (H): 60-85 IJjs, 115.00. BRISKETS: 59.00. boneless processing beef/beef TRIMMINGS 25 Loads FOB Omaha Basis 50% chem lean fresh 70.00- 73.00, bulk 71.00, mstly 2.00 Iwr. FOB Amarillo Basis 50% chem lean frozen 72.00. Livestock market and news 50% chem lean frozen 73.00 US. Compared to Tuesday’s 2:15 report: Fresh pork loins not fully estblshd., few sales uneven. Picnics steady-. 50 higher. Fresh hams steady -1.50 higher. Sells bellies 1.00- 2.25 higher. Trading slow; demand light. Sales reported on 36% loads and 3 loads of trimmings and variety meats. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS: 14/dn lbs. 91.50 & 94.00 export; 14-17 lbs. 91.50; 17-20 lbs. 87.50-08.00. PICNICS: 4-0 lbs. 62.00, steady; 8 & up lbs. 62.00- 62.50, steady-. 50 higher. BOSTON BUTTS: 4-8 lbs. 78.50 frozen. SKINNED HAMS: 14-17 lbs. 86.50; 1.50 higher; 17-20 lbs. 82.00, 1.00 higher; 20-26 lbs. 81.25-81.50, steady-. 50 higher; 2580 lbs. 75.25; 26 & up lbs. 75.50, .25 higher. BELLIES, SDLS: 10-12 lbs. 53.50-54.00, 1.00 higher; 12-14 lbs. 60.00, 2.00-2.25 higher; 14-16 lbs. 60.00, 2.00- 2.25 higher; 15-18 lbs. 58.00- 59.00;. 18-20 lbs. 57.00-58.00, 1.50 higher. BNLS CT BUTT: 1%8 lbs. 114.50. VARIETY MEATS CHITTERLINGS: 45.25 frozen. FORK TRIMMINGS BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (Chemical Lean) 42% lean trimmings fresh 52.00. 72% lean trimmings frzn 92.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 16 Fredericksburg, Pa. Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 200. Compared to last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows mostly steady to $1 higher. Choice 2- 4, 1035-1230 lbs. slaughter ' steers 68.25-72.25, one at 73.75, individual Good at 64.85, few Standard 57.25- 61.75, Grood and Choice holsteins 61.25-66.60. Few Choice slaughter heifers 64.5fc69.00, few Good 60.00- 62.60. Utility and Com mercial slaughter cows 48.75-50.75, few 55.00, Commercial 3-5, 46.00-49.50, Cutters 45.50-49.60, few 50.50, Caimer and Low Cutters 39.00-45.75, Shells down to 35.25. One Choice slaughter bullock at 66.75, few Good 62.00- Yield Grade No. 1, 1230-1965 lbs. slaughter bulls 60.75-61.85, couple 62.75 & 63.25. CALVES 220. Vealers grading Standard and Good mostly steady. Individual Prime vealers 132.00 & 137.00, Choice 97.00-110.00, jew Good 73.00-88.00, Standard and Good 90-120 lbs. 70.00-76.d0, 60-90 lbs. 63.00- few Utility 45-100 lbs. 50.00-60.00. FARM CALVES: Active. Hoi. Bulls 80-140 lbs. 80.00-112.00, mostly 90.00-110.00; Hoi. Heifers 80-210 lbs. 120.00- 198.00, mostly 150.00-186.00; few Beef cross bulls and hdifers 70-100 lbs.' 74.00- 110.00, HOGS.2OO. Barrows and gilts inostly steady, spots 25 cents higher. US No, 1-2 200- 240 lbs. barrows and gilts 49.00-49.85, No. 18 200-245 lbs. 48.00-48.85, lot 190 lbs. at 47.00, few No. 28 200-240 lbs. 47.2547.85. Sows steady to $1 lower. US No. 18 250860 lbs. sows 39.0043.75, few No. 28 235-565 lbs. 36.7588.50. Boars 30.0084.75. FEEDER PIGS 10. Few US No. 18 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 51.0083.50 per hun dredweight. SHEEP 23. Choice 75-105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 54.0088.00, few Good 45-80 lbs. 50.0089.00, one at 61.00. Few Slaughter sheep 28.00- 35.00, Middleburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, September 16 Report supplied byPDA CATTLE 230. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, - slaughter steers 50 cents to $2 higher. Slaughter cows 25 cents to $1 higher. Few High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 70.85-73.60, Choice No. 24 1000-1350 lbs. 68.10- 71.60, Good 58.25-64.00. Choice slaughter heifers 62.75-66.50, one at 68.85, few Good 58.0080.50. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 46.25-50.25, couple 51.35, Cutters 44.7547.75, few Canner & Low Cutter 40.75- 44.00, Shells down to 36.25. Fedw Choice slaughter bullocks 63.85-67.10, few Good 57.10-64.00. Yield Grade HI 1050-2150 lbs. slaughter bulls 57.25-63.00. Few Large Frame §2 450-700 lbs. feeder steers 52.0088.00; few Large Frame #1 600-700 lbs. feeder heifers 60.00- 61.50. CALVES 149. Bulk of supply returned to the farm. Few Prime vealers 95.00- 104.00, Choice 85.00-95.00,' few . Good 75i00-80.00, Standard & Good 70-95 lbs. 60.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 85-125 lbs. 75.00- mostly 85.00- 100.00; holstein heifers 85-140 lbs. 132.00-195.00. HOGS 531. (MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1980). Barrows & gilts 25 cents to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 215-2,40 lbs. barrows & gilts 49.00- 50.10, No. 1-3 210-250 lbs. 48.0049.00, No. 2-3 195-270 lbs. 46.2548.00. US No. 1-3 300-585 lbs. sows 40.7542.50, No. 23 300-500 lbs. 36.75- 39.50. Boars 33.00-34.25. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1980. HOGS 96. US No. 1-2 200- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.50- 48.00, few lots No. 13 200-240 lbs. 47.1047.60. FEEDER PIGS 390. US No. 13 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 11.50-18.50 per head, No. 13 35-50 lbs. 17.00-25.50, few lots No. 13 60-75 lbs. 32.0035.00 per head. SHEEP 28. Choice 80-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 63.0087.00. Oklahoma Cattle Thursday, September 18 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Receipts 7,500 Same Day Last Week 8,071 Actual unloads near 1000 head short of the early estimate. Moderately active, feeder steers under 700 lbs. and feeder heifers steady; feeder steers over 700 lbs. $.50 to $l.OO lowetf full decline on fleshy offerings; majority receipts Medium Frame No. 1 and mixed No. 1-2 450850 lbs. feeder steers and 400850 lbs. feeder heifers; feeder calves in relative small supply; moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame No. 1 few 310865 lbs. 81.0081.50; 400- 500 lbs. 77.0082.50; 500800 lbs. 77.0080.40; 600-700 lbs. 73.25-76.00; short load and package 611832 lbs. 77.90- 78.20; 700800 lbs. 70.75-73.90; 800-916 lbs. 69.00-70.40. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 OH THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale to start promptly at 1:00 Every 4 weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, PA, 6 miles south of tjuarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britian, turn north, follow Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. 2nd farm, OR Take Rt. 222 out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Rd. to Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. Watch for sale arrows. 2 & 3 Way Crossbred Gilts Yovlc & Hampshire & Duroc Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale date. Now eveiything vaccinated for both Lepto & Erysipelas, wormed and sprayed for lice. Local trucker available. No hogs sold on commission. Abe DHfenbach Auctioneer NEXT SALE DATE - OCT. 31 Medium Frame No. 1-2 500- 600 lbs. 73.75-77.75; 600-820 lbs. 69.25-76.00. Medium Frame No. 2 500-700 lbs -68.50-76.00. Small Frame no. 1574 lbs. 71.00; 808 lbs. 70.0 C. Large Frame No. 2 Holstein: 285 lbs. 67.10; 420 lbs. 63.60; 548-566 lbs. 60.25-63.90; 762 lbs. 60.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame No. 1400-500 lbs. 67.00-72.30; 500-600 lbs. 64.00-70.20, largely 65.00- 69.50; few 600-735 lbs. 63.50- 66.80. Medium Frame No. 1-2 300400 lbs. 66.00-67.25; 400- 500 lbs. 62.00-66.50; 500600 lbs. 63.50-63.75; small package 627 lbs. at 62.80. Medium Frame No. 2 446 lbs. at 62.75. Small Frame No. 1 325-360 lbs. 63.50-66.00. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last wee, ) feeder steers under 700 lbs. and feeder heifers recovered the early loss to close steady to firm; feeder steers over 700 lbs. $.50-1.00 lower. Slaughter cows steady to firm, late sales Utility and Commercial 2-3 42.7547.20; Cutter 1-2 39.2542.80, high dressing to 44.60. BULLS: Near steady, late sales Yield Grade 1-2 1000- 1600 lbs. 50.00-55.00. Salable receipts near 25,500 head compared to 28,152 last week. Cows and bulls made up 15 percent of the supplies, feeder cattle and calves 85 percent of the total. New Holland Dairy NewHolland,Pa. Wednesday, September 17 Report supplied by auction " Reported receipts of 215 cows and 81 heifers and 5 bulls. Market stronger. Load of NY fresh cows, 790.00- Load of Pa. fresh cows, 1220.00-1550.00; Load of 2 herds, W. Pa. all stages cows, 600.00-1725.00; Load of Wise, fresh cows, 1900.00*2050.00; Load of Lane Co. all stages cows, 490.00- 1425.00; Load of NY fresh cows, 1450.00-2450.00, springers 1350.00-2000.00. Locally consigned cows 525.00- Springing heifers 850.00-1325.00; Open Heifers grade 350.00-700.00; Bulls 355.00-750.00. SO to 60 Head more or less CHRIST JLBQLER RD 2, Quarryville, PA JOHN B. STOLTZFDS 1