Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 20, 1980, Image 19
HARRISBURG - The 1980 summer weather patterns continued their course during the week ending September 15, bringing rain to western sections of the state and only a few scat tered showers in the eastern region, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. In all, six days were rated suitable for fieldwork throughout the Com monwealth, with farm ac tivities centering on har vesting of potatoes, tomatoes, corn for grain and tobacco; baling hay and straw; fall plowing; filling Farm fieldwork, vegetable harvest continue silos; and general farm chores. Harvest of apples and peaches is continuing, with peach harvest winding down. Sweet com harvest is also in its closing stages. Tomato harvest continues, and late cabbage sizing is poor in drought affected areas. Potato harvest was 51 percent complete statewide compared to 54 percent a year ago. Northern operators reported potato harvest at 54 percent, central operators reported harvest at 52 percent and operators in the south reported harvest at 47 percent complete. Pennsylvania sods are still rated mostly short to adequate statewide, with the weekly rainfall ranging from less than 0.5 inch in most eastern and central areas to 1.0 to 2.0 inches in western sections. Isolated areas in the west received up to 3.7 inches during the week. Northern farmers rated soil as 54 percent short in moisture and 42 percent adequate. Central region soils stand at 89 percent short and 11 percent adequate while southern soils are rated at 85 percent UNIVERSAL MILKER CONTROL •can actually increase production by hundreds of pounds per cow l *dual sensing control assures no over- or under- milking (both are major causes of mastitis) "automatically RECEIVING UNIT •20 gallon stainless steel tank handles the largest dairies up to 18 milker units *2 hp stainless steel milk pump *for high-level mid-level or low-level installations *can be installed in pipeline or parlor systems short and 15 percent adequate. Silage com harvest stands at 33 percent completed statewide compared to 14 percent a year ago. Throughout the Com monwealth, com for gram is 56 percent m dent, 17 percent mature and less than five percent harvested. A year ago, the com crop was 51 percent in dent and only five percent mature. Over the past five years, the com crop averaged 55 percent m dent, 12 percent mature, and less than five percent harvested. Harvest of tobacco is 58 percent complete in the JUMBO Uncaster Firming, Saturday, September 20,1900—A19 Commonwealth, well behind last year’s 87 percent. Fall plowing is 49 percent complete compared to 58 percent complete a year ago. Fall plowing was rated as 39 percent complete in the north, 63 percent in central counties and 42 percent in the south. Barley planting advanced to 24 percent during the week, well ahead of the 13 percent reported planted last year. Wheat planting increased to 28 percent, compared to eight percent at this time last year. Third cutting of alfalfa was estimated at 68 percent statewide compared to 72 percent last year. Fourth cutting was at 34 percent, well ahead of the 13 percent cut in 1979. Second catting of clover-timothy stands is virtually complete, well ahead of the 85 percent last year at this time. The quality of hay made during the week was rated good to fair throughout the state. Feed from pastures was below average to average statewide. Pasture in the north was rated 63 percent below average, 29 percent average and eight percent above average.