WOVE • Save Money & Labor • Utilize existing flat storage We have PTO or self-powered units with a wide range of capacity. Put your farm buildings to bettor use by storing grain in them. Buy a Neuero pneumatic grain Conveying system to blow grain into, and vacuum grain out of, flat storage. One man can operate a Neuero system. Go anywhere with a Neuero... it’s portable and versatile. We can show you several more good reasons why a Neuero pneumatic grain handling system is your best investment. Let us demonstrate a model on your farm. Contact us this week for full details. •W^A Advanced Ag Systems RD2, Box 174 , Eiverson, PA 19520 215-286-9118 KenSauder 717-656-6519 *** -C. NEUERO CORPORATION NEUERO I , HAWIHOPNfc LANE WEST ILLINOIS 60185 , T, ii phone 1 231 9020 DAN KOLB, Spring City, Pa. This is my third year with the Harvestail system, and I’ve found it to be ideal for my setup. I’ve harvested corn at 30% with ho problem. The thing I really tike about the Harvestail is that I don’t have to babysit a dryer. I can fill it and forget it. Plus there are really no major moving parts to wear out or break down. “I can cure down 26%-30% corn for around 60 to BC.a bushel. 24%-25% would run considerably less. “The way the Harvestail works is simple and effective. As for those who are skeptical, it’s like the bumble bee: according to scientists he’s not supposed to be able to fly. But he’s too dumb to know it, so he flies anyway. So regardless of what anyone says, the Harvestail system works. It works for me and I’m happy with it. I do recommend the Harvestail for its economy and for its considerable savings on energy.” grmh MR Milford Mast 215-286-9118 Chillcuring .works. sot V I big energy i savings and —I I don’t have to babysit dryer.” ATTENTION FARMERS! ADVANCED AG SYSTEMS CIRCLE STEEL BUILDINGS DO YOU REALLY NEED A STORAGE BUILDING THIS GOOD? If you could afford a new building every 10 years, a Circle Steel building wouldn’t be necessary. But most farmers make an investment in a building that will last longer than 10 years...many are investing in Circle Steel to get that longer life with less yearly maintenance. If you want long-term return on your building investment, make it a Circle SteeL.frcm Advanced Ag Systems Ken Sauder 717-656-6519 «« Advanced Ag Products )x 174, R.D 2, Elverson, Pa 19i INTRODUCES s 215-286-9118 Ken Sauder Milford Mast 717-656-6519 215-286-9118 RD2, Box 174 Elverson, PA 19520 215-286-9118 Umostw Farming, Saturday, Stptwwher 20,1910-Al5 % M i\\ ’AM W Milford Mast 215-286-9118 : Jjfci.J The Harvestall Chillcuring System It’s simple When gram comes out of thefield it’s a living seed So instead of destroying the seed with high heat, moisture is removed with natural airventilation Thegram keeps all its feed value; there is less shrinkage than with heat drying because only moisture is removed, not dry matter You'll never see white dust m chillcured corn. You actually save half of what you’re used to losing in heat shrink There’s no oil or gas to buy Natural air carries away heat and moisture as the corn releases it Harvestall Chillcurmg is a “back-to-basics" system that just simply makes good sense Find out more about it. placements HARRISBURG Placements of broiler chicks in the Commonwealth during the week ending September 6 totaled 2,219,000, thirteen percent above the corresponding week a year ago, according to the Penn sylvania Crop' Reporting Service. The placements were one percent below the previous week. Average placements during the past nine weeks in Pennsylvania were two percent above a year earlier. Placements of broiler chicks in the 21 key poultry producing states during the week were 73,401,000. The placements were one per cent above the previous week, but two percent above the same week a year earlier. Average placements in the 21 states during the past nine weeks were four percent below a year earlier: Broiler fryers slaughtered in Pennsylvania under federal inspection during the week ending August 27 totaled 1,938,000, with an average Uveweight of 3.99 pounds. ■ W WTRt ONOWHiO Bum 4 4 Broiler shoot up 4 4-0 4
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