Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 13, 1980, Image 42
B2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13,1980 How ethanol stacks up as a LITITZ Ethanol is cited in every conversation as the answer to at least part of the United States’ energy problem. There’s no question that ethanol production can be efficient An imput of 100 BTUs of coal can yield 102 BTUs of ethanol. That same 100 BTUs of coal would give only 32 BTUs of electrical energy or 50 BTUs of synthetic gasoline. Ethanol can be produced on farm-sired stills. The by product distillers dry grain has a sizable cash value which lately has ranged from $l4O to $lB5 a ton. But there are a number of problems associated with ethanol, too. As a fuel it vaporizes over a relatively small range and therefore is not particularly good for cold weather starting. Ethanol does not have the energy output of other fuels, either. It takes about 1.3 gallons of ethanol to equal the output of one gallon of gasoline. While there is 10 percent more thermal efficiency with ethanol, that doesn’t necessarily mean the product gives more miles per gallon in a vehicle. And Jf the ethanol isn’t coming to the end user as a 200 proof product, it is hardly worth the trouble to produce. Jim Castagno, manager of energy planning for Dekalb, has divided the production of ethanol into five areas: milling of grain, sac charification or the turning of starch to sugar, fer mentation, distillation, and handling of the byproduct. Milling of the grain can be either wet or dry. Wet milling provides a greater range of products. Generally they are worth more on the market than the products of dry milling, but they also require a greater capital investments. Most of the big industrial firms, like A.E.. Staley, which recently opened a major ethanol plant in Tennesee, use the wet milling process. But cost alone makes it an unviable alternative for the average farmer. Dry milling is better suited to farm-sized stills. Casta gno says he -believes a modern, highly efficient plant producing fuel-quality alcohol can show a small but positive energy balance, even including all the energy to grow the grain used in the still. Depending on the use of the by-product distillers grains, the value of material produced will vary. Livestock nutritionists say the distillers grains, which contain 28 or 29 percent protein, are as valuable as soybean meal which con tains 44 percent protein. In fact, about 1900 pounds of distillers grain, sup plemented with a little urea and dry com, is a substitute for a ton of soybean meal. Unfortunately, the distillers grain is not as valuable for monogastric animals like pigs and chickens as it is for cattle. A hog can get only about two-thirds the feed value from distillers grain that a cow can get. Lysine and other elements must be added to the feed. About the maximum ration of distillers grain a cow can be fed is three pounds per animal per day. Even a small 50,000 gallon per year still would produce 137 gallons distillers grain per day. To consume the feed by product which would be produced would require about 310 head of cattle on feed casiagno puts the net cost of producing ethanol at about $1.32 a gallon. That includes 51 cents per gallon by-product value. The cost would be $1.83 per gallon if the distillers grain was not added into the sum. Largest single expense, of course, is com. With com selling for $2.90 a bushel, com would represent $1.16 per gallon in the ethanol. There would be 11 cents in coal; 11 cents in electricity; 24 cents in labor; 15 cents in yeast and chemicals; three cents in taxes, insurance and bonding; and three cents in maintainence. It the ethanol can be produced in a marketable form, which at present means an anhydrous 200 proof, it can be sold for $l.BO a gallon. This leaves a gross margin BIG TRACTOR BONUSES PLUS NO FINANCE CHARGES Tractor Model 8640—4WD, 275 eng. hp 8440—4WD. 215 eng. hp 4840—2WD, 180 PTO hp 4640—2WD, 155 PTO hp 4440—2WD, 130 PTO hp 4240—2WD, 110 PTO hp 4040—2WD, 90 PTO hp LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster, PA 717-291-1046 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC M °(rtear Adamstownf*° SHOTZBERfiER’S EQUIPMENT 215-484-4391 . Elm, PA 717-665-2141 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. ABC GROFF INC Oyster Dale Road fl.D.l*. hKUrMHL. Oley RD2, PA New Holland, PA 215-987-6277 717-354-4191 that would provide an adequate, if not spectacular, return on investment. The federal excise tax exemption is responsible for 40 cents per gallon of this selling price. In some states, notably lowa, state tax exemptions are worth up to $1 per gallon more. Before ethanol will be in widespread use, several conversions would have to be made in the engine. The jet area would have to be increased 67 percent for 200 proof operation. The compression ratio of the engine would have to be boosted to 12 to 1. Timing would have to be retarded and some rubber and plastic parts would have to be replaced. Despite the changes, remember it will take 1.33 gallons of ethanol to perform GET JOHN DEERE UNTIL MARCH 1981.. AND NO PAYMENTS UNTIL WELL INTO'BI NEUHAUS’ES INC. RD2, York, PA 1-83 Loganville Ext 3 717-428-1953 or 235-1306 fuel source the work of one gallon of ethanol should cost no more gasoline. than 90 cents per gallon. ' Put another way, if There is an alternative; gasoline costs $1.20 a gallon, (Turn to Page B 3) ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • £l P6nnrad * Cert. Logan Barley Wheat • Cert. Barsoy . Cert. Red Coat Barley Wheat # Blflev aUry •Cert Hart • Cert Titan .g Wheat ’ *Wte£ anCer ‘Winter Rye P.L. ROHRER & BRO.. INC. SMOKETOWN, PA PH: 717-299-2571 John Deere helps loosen the tight money situation. Purchase any new John Deere 4- Wheel-Dnve or Row-Crop Tractor listed below by October 31 . . . work it this fall, next winter and on through the 1981 harvest of your principal crop - ALL BEFORE MAKING THE FIRST PAYMENT ON YOUR ANNUAL PAYMENT CONTRACT. You get that benefit simply by financing your new tractor purchase with John Deere. You’ll also qualify for the BIG TRACTOR BONUS m John Deere Money noted below . . plus waiver of finance charges until March 1,1981. Put that new tractor to use by leasing it from John Deere; Lease payments will be discounted 15 percent and you'll also qualify for the BIG TRACTOR BONUS when you take delivery. But act promptly . . . John Deere BIG TRACTOR BONUSES end October 31. Bonus Sept. 16 through Oct. 31.1980 ROBERT E. LITTLE INC. Zieglerville, PA 215-287-9643 HERMIT K. KISTLER INC. Lynnport, PA 215-298-2011 FOSTER EQUIPMENT SALES Elmer, NJ 609-769-1535 M.S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester, PA 215-696-2990 $2,000 $1,600 $l,OOO $ 800 $ 700 $ 600 $ 500 WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck - Quarryville, PA 717-284-4141 AGWAY INC. Chapman Equipment Center Chapman, PA 215-398-2553 LG. SALES Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5136