' FDA application for feeding MGA, Rumensin submitted KALAMAZOO, Mich. - Several years of research has culminated in the recent filing of a new animal drug application with the FDA for combination use of MGA and Rumensin in feedlot heifers. The application submitted by TUCO, makers of MGA and a Division of The Upjohn Company, evaluated the efficacy, feed stability, tissue residue and safety of using these two drugs in combination. The trials were conducted by TUCO in cooperation with Elanco Products Company, manufacturers of Rumensin, at Colorado State University and West Texas State University, and at feedlots in J’wa, Michigan and Min nesota. According to FDA requirements, efficacy studies compared the per formance of feedlot heifers receiving the MGA/Rumensin com- “But even more im bmation to the performance pressive is that the value of of heifers fed each feed your state’s exports since additive singly. Research 1977 has increased $B9 shows that the combination million, and that’s a real outperformed the single achievement,” Bergland feeding of either drug. said. BIG FARM POWER AND EQUIPMENT ‘"r'> . J y / - i - j LEASE A STEIGER The feed mixing research evaluated the distribution of each drug when mixed together in complete feeds. Stability data showed that MGA and Rumensin were Pa. ag exports seen at $45 HARRISBURG - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland said at a Thursday press conference the agressive export policies of the last four years will result in total U.S. farm exports of $4O billion this fiscal year and that Pennsylvania will share in that record with a $45 million increase in the value of its farm exports. “Pennsylvania exports are expected to total almost $225 million compared to last year’s $lBl million,” Bergland said. WOULD YOU RATHER BUY LAND THAN EQUIPMENT? ‘ WOULD YOU LIKE TO KEEP YOUR CREDIT LINES OPEN AND RELIEVE YOUR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF MAJOR DEBT? WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY OUT OF THE HIGH PRICED MONEY MARKETS? YOU CAN DO ALL OF THE ABOVE AND STILL GET THE MOST DEPENDABLE, MOST ECONOMICAL 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR ON TODAY'S MARKET, IF YOU LEASE A STEIGER TODAY. CALL ABOUT STEIGER'S SPECIAL FALL PROGRAM - UP TO *3,500.00 CASH REBATE OR WAIVER OF FINANCE. SPECIAL LEASE PROGRAMS, TOO. CALL FOR DETAILS ... THEN LEASE A STEIGER! stable in combination at a high humidity level and at high and low temperatures typical of extremes under feedlot conditions. Tissue residue “This year alone we have committed over $22.1 million to agricultural export promotion, nearly double the funds committed prior to 1977,” Bergland said. He also pointed out seven new world trade promotion offices have been opened in the last two years and that new export credit programs are being implemented. “Total U.S. farm exports this year will be 25 percent greater than the record $32 billion exported last fiscal year and represent a 75 percent growth since 1976. This will generate an agricultural trade surplus of $22.5 billion this year. “ The tremendous domestic and foreign demand prospects for our - \£.«V*> ~* ,'.n^sSS*^"V were used to establish the proper drug withdrawal time prior to slaughter to assure consumers that marketed meat is safe from any drug contamination. The safety and toxicity research studies farm products makes it clear that American agriculture will be moving out of an era of over production and surplus disposal problems m * Bees need fall management UNIVERSITY PARK - The best results for over wintering bees occur when bees are left on their sum mer stands, accorduig to Penn State’s revised correspondence course on Beekeeping. Other steps are involved in fall management to ensure that bees survive cold weather, including entrance cleats on apianes, uniting weak colonies, and requeemng colonies with old queens. incaster Farming, Saturday, Saptawbar 13,1980—A17 consisted of feeding heifers overdoses of both drugs in combination. Research indicates that MGA and Rumensin do not interact to cause harmful side effects. Approva of this com million this year an era where virtually tremendous record by everything we produce will .. ..... . .. find a market somewhere. “ other * blUlon “ d ** “Exports this next year may exceed this year’s Beekeepmg also gives methods for successful production of comb and extracted honey, seasonal management, rearing of queens, control of bee diseases, enemies of the ] honeybee, and preparing v comb or extracted honey for the market. This correspondence course offers direction on how to begin a beekeeping en- bination by the FDA would allow feedlot operators to obtain an improvement in feedlot performance using the two drugs together, while suppressing heat in feedlot heifers with MGA. trade surplus should also continue to expand,” Bergland said. terpnse or improve an existing operation. Included with the course are Penn sylvania Cooperative Ex tension Circulars on Beekeeping and Diseases of Bees and Their Control. To order a copy of this course, send $5.50 plus $l.OO handling to BEEKEEPING, Box 5000, University Park, PA 16802. Make check payable to Penn State. 10-lesson ■%jjSS^§S&
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