Al2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13,1950 Livestock market an Omaha Cattle Thunday, September 11 Report supplied by USDA Midweek prices on slaughter steers and heifers were 1.50-2.00 lower. Cows dose 1.00-1.50 lower and bulls were weak. Four day receipts this week 12,500; last week 10,700; year ago 14,000 trade on slaughter steers was often slow during the period, and buyers were selective for quality grade, weight and yield grade. Heifers were somewhat more active, but these also were subject to rather selective inquiry. Best demand centered shortly on the available supply of Choice 3 1150-1300 lbs. steers and same grade 975-1050 lbs. heifers. Most interesting were not com petitive for maximum numbers in view of the poor movement of the finished product Marketings were rather poorly distributed over the trading period. Much of the steer supply was good to average-choice with many consignments 1000- 1100 lbs. included, the heifer supply included a fair percentage choice. Steers made up approximately 38 pet. and heifers 38 pet. Cows comprised 10 pet. and feeders 12 pet. STEERS: Four loads Choice 3 1175-1267 lbs. 72.00- 72.25, forepart of week. Two loads Choice with end Prime predominately 3 1103-1147 lbs. 71.75-72.00. At Midweek, two loads Choice 3 1187 lbs. 71.75. Choice 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 68.00-70.50, load 3 1150 lbs. 70.75; mostly Choice 975- 1050 lbs. 68.00-68.75. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1250 lbs. 67.5069.00. Good 2-3 63.5067.00. Good and Choice 2-3 1250-1350 lbs. holstems 62.0062.50. Average of LS 214 detailed quotations for Choice 900- 1100 lbs. steers 69.55; 1100- 1300 lbs. 70.80. Average cost of steers this week 69.23, average weight 1125 lbs. as compared 71.17 and 1125 lbs. a week ago. Average cost heifers 66.42, average weight 967 lbs. as compared 67.53 and 967 lbs. a week ago. HEIFERS: Early, two loads Choice 3 1000 lbs. 68.75, six loads Choice and Prune 34 978-1026 lbs. 68.25-68.50. At midweek, two loads Choice with few Prime 989- 1027 lbs. 67.50-67.75. Choice 875-1050 lbs. 65.50-67.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs. 64.00-66.00. Good 2-360.00-63.00. COWS: late, Utility and Commercial 2-4 43.50-46.00. Cutter 42.00-44.00. Canner and Low-Cutter 40.00-42.50. BULLS; 1-2 1200-2100 lbs. 52.00-58.00, individual 159.00- 60.00 New Holland Horse Monday, September 8 New Holland Sales Stables Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 361 head of horses, mules, and pomes. Market lower. Better horses 500.0W100.00, 1 registered Quarter Horse 1100.00; Driving Horses 325.00-1800.00; Riding horses 350 00450.00; Lightweight killers 325 00-450 00; Heavyweight killers 500.00 760 00, Mares 35.0065.00; Colts 15.0020 00; Geldings 35 0060 00, Larger pomes 130 0 0225 00 St. Louis Cattle Thursday, September 11 Report supplied by USDA Receipts this week 4,900 Week Ago 4,400 Year Ago 5,300 As compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers unevenly 2.004.00 lower except Hols tein steers 1.00-2.00 lower. Slaughter heifers 1.00-2.00 lower. Cows fully 2.00 lower. Bulls 1.00 lower. Slaughter supply mainly Choice and Mixed Choice and Prime 24 1050-1200 lbs. steers around 35% heifers and 15 % cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 24 1050-1250 lbs. 70.00-72.00, some mid-week sales 70.00- not tested late. Choice 24 950-1275 lbs. 67.00- closing 67.00- Mixed Good and Choice 24 900-1200 lbs. 67.00- .50 early, not tested late. Good 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 65.00- Standard to Good 2-3 1100-1350 lbs. Holsteins 56.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Through week, mixed Choice and Prime 24 875-1050 lbs. 66.5068.00, mid-week sales 66.50-67.50. Choice 24 850-1050 lbs. 65.0067.00, mid week sales 65.0066.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs. 63.0065.50; 700600 lbs. 60.0063.00. Good 26 700675 lbs. 58.0063.00. COWS: Closing sales; Utility and Commercial 2-4 42.0046.00. Boning Utility 1-2 46.00- Cutter 1-2 41.00- Conner and Low Cutter 1-2 35.0041.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1050-1900 lbs. 52.0068.00, closing 52.0067.00. Couple yield grade 1 early 59.00. FEEDERS: (Including around 1,200 at the regular Thursday auction.) Feeder steers under 600 lbs. and all USED TILLAGE SPECIALS Bush Hog 14’ Disc Oliver Disc Harrow Bnllion 12’ Roller Harrow Ford 4-16" Plow JD KBA 32x18 Wheel Carrier Disc Bnllion 10' Double Packer pig Evergreen Tractor Co. Inc. @S| 30 EVERGREEN RD„ LEBANON, PA 17042 nnSm ~r PHONE (717) 272-4041 KiWWfflTlinTlfl feeder heifers weak to 2.00 lower. Feeder steers over 600 lbs. generally steady. Supply mainly medium frame 1-2 400-700 lbs. steers and heifers. FEEDER STEER: Medium Frame 1: 400600 lbs. 78.5062.00; 600-700 lbs. 74.00-78.50; 700-900 lbs. 66.75- 74.00. Medium Frame 1-2: 300- 500 lbs. 68.00-75.00; 500-700 lbs. 65.00-72.00. Large Frame 1-2 Holsteins: 565-800 lbs. 57.00- 63.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1: 350600 lbs. 67.00-70.75; 600-700 lbs. 64.0067.50. Medium Frame 1-2: 400- 700 lbs. 61.0067.00. Leesport Auction Leeeport, Pa. Wednesday, September 10 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 322: Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good & Choice $1 to $3 lower, Standard steady to weak. Slaughter cows $1 to |1.50 lower. Choice 960-1270 lbs. slaughter steers 68.00 71.00, one at 74.85, few Good & Choice holsteins 1300-1500 lbs. 59.00-62.00, Good 61.60 64.25, few to 68.00, Standard 58.75- Choice 900-1070 lbs. slaughter heifers 63.75- 09.00, few Good 58.0040.00. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 47.75-50.00, few to 50.85, Cutters 45.00 49.00, Canner & Low Cutter 41.75- Shells down to 38.00, Few choice slaugher bullocks 63.00-71.00, Good 58.75- few Standard 55.50- Yield Grade H 1 1400-2100 lbs. slaughter bulls 58.85-60.60, one at 61.75; few yield grade HZ 1120-1280 lbs. 54.50- Few Large & Medium Frame HI 325-485 lbs. feeder steers 79.00-82.00, 500-700 lbs. 70.0075.50, Large Wt 45040 >2,200.90 -hwrar i. 050.00 1,300.00 -95040 050.00 -OT&Otr 750.00 35040- 325.00 Frame #2 340-700 lbs. 60.00 67.50, few Medium Frame #1 830-940 lbs. 59.00-66.75; few Large Frame #1 470-785 lbs. feeder heifers 65.00-69.00, few Medium Frame #1 485- 725 lbs. 50.50-58.50; one lot Medium frame HI 790 lbs. feeder bulls at 58.25. CALVES 141: Few Choice vealers 85.00-94.50, few good 81.5085.00, few Standard & Good 110115 lbs. 75.00-83.00, 90110 lbs. 60.0071.00, few 70 85 lbs. 55.0065.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90125 lbs. 80.00122.50, few down to 73.00; holstein heifers 90130 lbs. 120.00155.00, one at 165.00, few 75-85 lbs. 78.00 95.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 75-100 lbs. 74.00 106.00, one at 127.50. HOGS 353: Barrows & gilts 1.25-1.75 higher. US No. 1-2 200235 lbs. barrows & gilts 49.5049.85, few 50.25, No. 1-3 195-240 lbs. 48.3049.00, few down to 46.00, few No. 1-3110 180 lbs. 40.0042.00. Sows steady to $1 higher. US No. 1- 3 300550 lbs. sows 38.0041.00, few to 42.75, few No. 2-3 500 560 lbs. 35.0039.00. Boars 32.0036.00, FEEDER PIGS 340: US No. 1-3 25-80 lbs. feeder pigs 40.00- few lots 59.00 cwt., Utility 20-55 lbs. 38.00 45.00 cwt. SHEEP 20; Few Good & Choice 50-90 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 55.0065.00, few Utility & Good 4555 lbs. 49.00- Slaughter ewes 20.0032.00. GOATS 31: Large Goats 30.0038.00, few to 56.00 per head, small goats 14.0025.00 per head. Pa. Auction Summary Friday, September 12 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 5968. Compared with 4976 head last week, and 7458 head a year ago. dORS 5JU06&00 >1,065.00 3r95e«0 3,555.00 Ji67stX> 1,525.00 1,125.00 InSKrOO 1,250.00 ADERS sjhdSo£o *600.00 R SPECIALS s&6sett7 *3,300.00 -*4993X7 1,975.00 1,050.00 hd & -M9s*)fr 1,350.00 R SPECIALS pe >2,350.00 45000 770.00 .1,25000 1,125.00 1,05000 950.00 MISCELLANEOUS John Deere 14 Skid Steer loader w/2 buckets, 287 hrs John Deere 148 Loader John Deere #5B Loader A-l Shape John Deere #lBl-row Corn Picker New Set 18 4x30 Snap on Duals w/New Goodyear 6 Ply T ires Used NH #8 Crop carrier King Wyse Elevator 30’ auction news Compared with last Friday’s market: Slaughter steers steady-1.50 lower; SI. heifers uneven; SI. cows 1.002.00 lower; SI. bullocks strong -1.50 higher. SI. steers: High Choice & Prime No. 3-4, 73.0075.60; Choice No. 2-4, 68.0073.50, few 76.25; Good 63.0067.75; Standard 56.00 62.50. SI. heifers: Choice 62.0068.00; Good 57.00-63.00; Standard 52.0057.00. SI. cows: Utility & Commercial 47.00- Cutters 43.50 48.00; Canner & L. Cutter 39.00- Shells down to 35.00. SI. bullocks: Choice 60.0066.50; Good 58.0061.00; Standard 53.0067.75. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1 10002200 lbs. 58.0063.50; Grade No. 2 10001600 lbs. 54.5060.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, Large Frame No. 1, 400700 lbs. 67.5076.50; Large Frame No. 2 330700 lbs. 56.00-67.50. Heifers, Medium Frame No. 1, 300 700 lbs. 51.0063.00. CALVES: 3876. Compared with 3243 head last week and 4018 head a year ago. Vealers strong-5.00 higher. Choice 90.00110.00; good 75.00-95.00; Standard & Good 90120 lbs. 70.0078.00; 65-90 lbs. 60.0070.00; Utility 50100 lbs. 50.0065.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 80125 lbs. 70.00131.00, mostly 80.00113.00; Hoi. Heifers 80140 lbs. 85.00 195.00, mostly 100.00155.00; Beef cross Bulls & Heifers 70100 lbs. 75.00104.00. HOGS: 7119. Compared with 4725 head last week and 8434 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts steady - 1.75 higher. US. No. 1-2 200 245 lbs. 48.7549.75, few 51.50, No. 1-3 200250 lbs. 46.50 48.75; No. 2-3 190270 lbs. 42.00-47.00; No. 1-3 140190 lbs. 38.0043.00; Sows 2.00 3.00 higher. US No. 1-3 300 585 lbs. 40.0045.00; No. 23 USED BALER SPECIALS JD 24T w/#2 ejector JD 24T w/#2 thrower AC 444 John Deere 14T John Deere 14T w/ejector NH 270 w/thrower USED GRAIN DRILLS Co-op 15x7 Fert Grain Drill w/grass seed attach USED COMBINE SPECIALS JD 6500 Dsl w/6R Head, 13’ Platform >26,500.00 JD 55 Diesel w/cab, 12’ Platform -TrSQ&OO 6,750.00 Cockshutt 427 w/Power Steering & 10' Platform USED MOWER CONDITIONERS HAYBINES New Holland 479, as is >1,925.00 John Deere 1209 -365000' 3,300.00 -2,2004(7 -*40040 -95040 445000 W 5040 55040 PARTS and SERVICE 300-650 lbs. 32.00-40.00. Boars 32.00- FEEDER PIGS 2023. Compared with 1513 head last week and 1871 a year ago. Feeder pigs uneven. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. 8.00-20.00 per head; 35-50 lbs. 11.00 25.00 per head; 50-80 lbs. 21.00- per head. -GRADED FEEDER PIGS: 3214. Compared with 1885 head last week, and 4434 head a year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder Pigs strong - 12.00 higher. US No. 1-2 25-40 lbs. 75.00-88.00, 4050 lbs. 68.00-85.00, 5050 lbs. 57.00 74.00, 6080 lbs. 47.0058.00; US. 03 2040 lbs. 58.0079.00, 4050 lbs. 56.0077.00, 5025, lbs. 48.0064.00. W SHEEP: 937. Compared with 297 head last week and 1017 head a year ago. Spring/Wooled si. lambs steady -1.00 higher. Choice 65-105 lbs. 61.00-69.50, few 79.00; Good 45-100 lbs. 52.00- 60.00. SI. ewes: 15.00-32.00. Hunter’s Auction Monday, September 8 Rising Sun, Md. Report supplied by anction FEEDER HEIFERS: Good to Choice 57.50-62.00; Other 53.0055.00. BULLS: 400-600 lbs. 51.00- 57.00. COWS: High Choice to Prime 49.25-50.00; Good to Standard 47.50-48.50; Utility 45.2547.25; Cutters 44.50- 46.25; Canners 40.7543.00. CALVES: Prime 200-300 lbs. 91.00-109.00; High te Choice 140-180 lbs. 90.1 106.00; Good to Choice 120- 140 lbs. 86.00-101.00; Stan dard to Good 90-110 lbs. 85.00- 97.00; Few 105.00-110.00. FEEDER PIGS: 20-25 lbs. $l2 to $l9 by hd.; 30-35 lbs. $24 to $2B by hd. HOGS: 140-170 lbs. 36.00- 42.00. U?65030*1,475.00 4r&ttfXf 1,395.00 05030 775.00 75030" 675.00 45030" 400.00 1,750.00 475030 *675.00 -M6ftee 1,300.00 PARTS SPECIAL 6 c*l- Case ID SAE #3O TORQUE CARD SUPREME ENGINE OIL Reg. Price *28.80 SALE PRICE ' *25.00 Sale Ends Sept 15 *5,500.00 1,075.00 1,000.00 050.00 945.00 1,025.00 495.00 m
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