M—Lancaster Faming, Saturday, September 6,1980 Poultry Markets Weekly New York Egg Market From Friday, Aug. 29 to Sept. 4 Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thors. Jumbo Ex Large Large 88 88- 77 77 71 71 63 63 45 45 Mediums Pullets BROWN Jumbo 1.07 1.07 89 89 87 87 Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Off Grade Large Checks 64 64 37 37 Tone: large barely steady. Balance medium easy. Copyright 1980 by Umer-Barry N. E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday Sept 2 Report supplied by USDA Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” Brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: Ex. Large 89-95 MASS.+ Mostly N.HAMP. Mostly R.I. VERMONT Mostly 92-93 89-91 77-79 MAINE 91-92 89-90 76-78 + Includes Central and Western Sections only. CORRESPONDENTS M Laurel Shaeffer, Berks County S Bernville 215-488-7475 | Jane Bresee, Bradford County H Ulster 717-358-3346 9 iklin County 9 762-4398 | ;er County 9 15-4926 m 1.07 89 87 Large 87-93 89-91 8289 8487 91-92 91-93 84-91 86-89 93-94 89-95 91-97 cer County 548-3131 ton County 1363 bounty County 3536 - 2 years side of: VA&WV 4,1955 urday Lititz, PA Lititz PA new subsci - Assn., Pa. . Nnrspaptr Assada 1.07 89 87 1.07 89 87 Small 4580 47-49 40-47 4245 49-50 Medium 7581 77-79 70-77 72-75 7980 77-82 47-48 PULLETS: range 47. ROASTERS: range 46-47 FRYERS: range 44. DUCKS: range 70-89 RABBITS: range mostly 30-31 GUINEAS: range2.oo. PIGEONS (Per Pair): range 2.05-4.00, mostly 2.05. TOTAL COOPS SOLD: 188. Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by USDA Prices on large unchanged to one cent higher. Demand fair. Supplies adequate. Cartoned eggs: prices to retailers, state graded (mm. one case sale) white. Grade A Large Grade A Medium 66-68 Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradable nest run eggs (GNR) on Ed, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification Classi-Large Class 2-Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by USDA Prices unchanged to higher on larger sizes. Unchanged on mediums. Cartoning demands fair. Offerings adequate on large, fully adequate on mediums. Undertone fully steady. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in car tons, delivered: store door. A Extra Large 69-78; A Large 68-73; A Medium 58%- 63. Eastern Pa. & N. J. Poultry Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by USDA Prices light type hens held about unchanged. Farm offerings barely adequate to short of needs as producers frequently hold birds for further production in face of rising egg paces. Offerings of heavy type adequate for a fairly good call. Prices paid at farm: light type hens 8-9, mostly 8%. F. 0.8. Plant: 10%-11, mostly 11. HEAVY TYPE HENS: TFEWR. Fogelsville Poultry Fogelsville, Pa. Tuesday, September 2 Report supplied by USDA (Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted) HENS, ranges. LIGHT TYPE HENS, HEAVY TYPE range 12-20. * Baltimore Eggs Nest Run Cggs_ -Net Weight Per Case 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Sept. 2 Tuesday 58 55 48 37 46 38 Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by USDA RTC movement on whole birds very light and disappointing in most quarters, however, parts activity very good on most items. Slaughter schedules reduced slightly overall. Today’s LTL asking prices ranged 57-58 on Plant and 58- 59 on U.S. Grade A. Advance interest generally quiet. Live supplies fully adequate at most desirable weights. Undertone very firm on parts but weak and unsettled on whole birds. Current broiler/fryer negotiated prices for im mediate delivery includes mostly multiple drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. RANGE: U.S. Grade A 57- 61; Plant Grade 56-60; Premium X U.S. Grade A 63.00. WTD. AVG.; U.S. Grade A >9.34; Plant Grade 53.38; Premium X U.S. Grade A >3.00. X - includes special ser vices, selected competitive >rands, etc. EARLY CHICK MORTALITY VS. POTENTIAL EGG PROFITS 1041, Shoemakersville, PA How do you measure layer flock profitability? How many of the day old chicks you purchase make it into your laying house? Excessive early chick mortality can always be re placed or adjusted on subsequent chick orders but not so with the potential income from those 240 eggs each pullet could have given you. Just 2% instead of 1% early chick mortality on 60,000 chicks could mean the difference of $600.00 potential income missed in the laying house. (20 doz. x 5 C x 600 birds) Think of it next time you choose where to buy your next chicks. 74-77 THayert* CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, PA 18951 BROWN&WHITE (215) 536-3155 -EGG LAVERS . A n 71 _ n ,, Lane. Co. Rep. - 717-944-7885 "Western Maryland Market Hagerstown, Md. Tuesday, September 2 Report supplied by auction BUTCHER COWS: Large run, $l.OO lower. High Yield 48.00- Standard & Utility 46.00-48.00; Canners 44.00- Shelly 44.00 Down. Bulls Large run! Good 58.00-61.00; Med. 55.00 58.00; Steers Choice 68.00 70.25; Good 65.00-68.50; Heifers Good to Choice 62.00 66.25; Med. 55.0061.00. Sept. 4 Thursday 59 56 49 38 49 40 BUTCHER HOGS: $3.00 under last week. US #1 & 3 215-240 lbs. 45.5046.60; 240 260 lbs. 44.85-46.10; 195-210 lbs. 44.75-46.00; 170195 lbs. 34.5040.00. SOWS: 400600 lbs. 38.00 42.00; 300400 lbs. 35.0040.00. BOARS: One 360 lbs. at 34.25. VEAL CALVES: Small calves $5 to $lO lower. Good HOG MARKET DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET OLD ROUTE 11, DANVILLE, PA 17821 HORSE SALE HELD 3rd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH TOP OF THE 717-275-2880 Market your cattle & hogs the auction way. Sale every Monday 2 P.M. Melvin M. Lehman (Owner) & Choice 85.00-99.00; Standard 75.0085.00rStocky 60.00- Killers 80-100 lbs. 55.00- Weak & Rough 30.00- - CALVES RETURNED Tc FARM: Good demand for heifers! Holstein Heifers 90 130 lbs. 140.00-190.00; Holstein Bulls 95-115 lbs 100.00-113.00. LAMBS: 175 lbs. Choice at 59.00. STOCK CATTLE: Larger run - fair demand. Steers Good & Choice 350800 lbs. 62.00-76.00; Heifers few 250 400 lbs. 65.j00-74.00, bulk 350 600 lbs*”so.oo-60.00. BULLS: Good 300550 lbs. 55.00-65.00; Choice 300500 lbs. 65.00-75.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: Smaller run - prices unevenly lower. By the Head 15-30 lbs. 10.0021.00; 3050 lbs. 18.0030.00; By the Lb. 100150 lbs. 35.0040.00. ST. BOARS: 200-260 lbs. 32.25-33.75. foj HUBBARD WHITE MT. BROILERS
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