GREAT GRAIN HANDLING SYSTEMS BEGIN WITH GOOD PLANNING AND M-C DRYERS Now Available! Hdrybine The ENERGY SAVING IN-BIN DRYING SYSTEM The new Mathews Continuous In-Bin Dryer is a combination storage drying and cooling bin designed to save you money It is efficient, fast, easy to manage and costs less to operate The drying process is fast, while the cooling process is slow, eliminating stress cracks and damage caused by fast cooling There is nothing-else like it on the market The Mathews design requires no wet holding bin or separate bin for cooling • Saves energy for profitable operations in-bin dryers • Proven high capacity results (357 bushels per hour) • Low per bushel costs fB- Patents Pending BIN DRYER TEST FOR FALL OF 1979 Ambient Temperature 43° Mo|sture (Average Incoming) 28 3 Plenum Temperature 190° Moisture of Dry Corn 13 1 Static Pressure 1.5 Points Removed 15.3 Average Fuel Costs 51.9'/gallon Bushels/hour 356.8 Gallons LP Gas (79) 1,420 Total Drying Time 40 Hours 57 Minutes Bushels/gaikm 10.3 Unload (Tapered) Cost/bushel 05 Auger Time On. Bushels Dried (79) 14,629 TKIS SYSTEM WILL FIT ANY 30 FT. x 7 RING BIN WE STOCK M-C PARTS AND PROVIDE FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTORS FOR: BAZOOKA AUGERS Designers of Quality Systems for Poultry, Swine and Grain Handling. COOLING FAN " 4 • Eliminates the most common problems found m other ERE'S HOW IT WORKS... As wet gram enters the top of the bin, it , flows into the upper drying chamber as har vested, with no need for a wet holding bin This upper chamber holds up to 4 feet of wet grain (2250 bushels) Every seven minutes, a continuous flow auger makes a complete revolution around the upper drying floor, drawing the dried gram into the lower cooling area *n m Hotair is introduced under the upper floor to dry the wet gram and to heat the surface of the gram that is distributed into the lower cooling chamber The air that is used for cooling the - gram picks up heat during the cooling process This heated air is then used again m the drying process, saving on fuel costs When not being used for drying, the bin will store 8500 bushels of gram MC DRYERS, BROCK BINS, and BUCKET ELEVATORS Mhey equipment COMPANY, INC. . 23 Hours 35 Minutes Lancaster Farmint, Saturday, September 6.ISIO—AI THE PROVEN WAY TO: • Freedom From Weather Wotnes • Minimum Field Losses • Highest Quality Finished Crops • Time and Labor Savings • Better Prices • Increased Energy Savings ELECTRIC CONTINUOUS FLOW MODELS CONTINUOUS FLOW MODELS - TRACTOR PTO DRYERATION CAPACITIES UP TO 1400 BU./HR. THE CROWNING TOUCH TO ANY HIGH QUALITY GRAIN DRYING SYSTEM • High Temperature Bin • Low Temperature Bin Drying Drying SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PUNE TREE DRIVE UNCASTER, PA. 17603 (717)393-5807 Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit HIGH SPEED CONTINUOUS GRAIN DRYERS CENTRIFUGAL BIN FANS 1
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