Livestock market an Peoria Cattle Thursday, August 14 Report supplied by USDA WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY: Compared to last week slaughter steers finished the week steady to .50 higher with the full ad vance noted on choice steers weighing over 1100 lbs. Heifers closed steady to .50 lower, downturn noted on choice heifers under 900 lbs. and mixed good and choice consignments. Cows and bulls steady. Slaughter steers and heifers opened the week on an active note; however _ Wednesday’s grading session found buyers Cautious and in some cases completely off the market. Best demand still centered on steers and heifers over 1100 and 900 lbs. Receipts this week 3700, last week 4022 and 5576 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice & Prime 3-4 1125-1175 lbs. 74.25-74.50, Choice 2-4 1100-1250 lbs. 73.00-74.50. Couple loads and small lots 75.00, 2-3 1000-1100 lbs. 72.00- 73.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 350-1100 lbs. 70.00- 72.50. Couple loads 1200-1300 lbs. Holstems 62.00-63.00. Good 63.00-67.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. Choice and Prime 3, mostly 4’s 1000 lbs. 67.0068.00, Choice 2-4 900-1050 lbs. 68.50- 70.00. 800-950 lbs. 67.0068.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-950 lbs. 66.0068.50. Good RED ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS SPECIALIZING I ALL TYPES OF FARM AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ★ Serving You Throughout Penna., Maryland, Delaware, And New Jersey! ★ If you need any type of farm or commercial building, call collect or send the coupon for more information. ★ DO-IT-YOURSELFERS ★ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt LF Please contact me with information on the following: □ FARM BUILDINGS □ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS □ DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILDING PACKAGES Fill Out And Mail To: Red Rose Building Systems, PO Box 366, Manheim, Pa. 17545 i Name _ Address or RD. Town I Phone (include area code) 62.00-67.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3 42.0047.00. Cutter 40.0046.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 50.00-55.00. G&M Livestock Duncans villc, Pa. Monday, August 11 Report supplied by auction Market report cows steady, steers steady, hogs higher. DAIRY COWS: 810.00- 1230.00. STEERS: High Choice and Prune 69.00-71.85; Good to Choice 66.0069.00; Standard to Good 60.0066.00. HEIFERS; Good to Choice 60.0063.90; Standard 50.00- 60.00. FEEDERSTEERS: Good to Choice 300-500 lbs. 65.00- 80.00. BULLS: 1000-1200 lbs. 57.0065.75 ; 900-1100 lbs. 53.00-59.00. COWS: High Choice Prime 50.0062.85; Good 48.0060.00; Utility 44.00-48.00; Cutters 42 00-44.00; Canners 30.00- 42 00. vLVES: High Choice 90 -102.00; Good to Choice &u JO.OO; Standard to Good 60 0060 00. FARM CALVES- Hoi. Bulls 90.00-126.00; Hoi. Heifers 120.00-177.50. FEEDER PIGS: 15-30 lbs. 15 00-22.00; 3560 lbs. 22.00- 31.00. HOGS: 200-240 lbs. 48.00- P.O. Box 366 Manheim, Pa. * We Want To Get Acquainted With You Ask About Our Introductory Discounts! We Can Furnish You With A Com Materials Package And Blueprints. Erect it your self and Save Labor Costs! State 51.25; 170-315 lbs. 42.0048.00. SOWS: 35.0044.50. BOARS: 28.0032.50. LAMBS: 56.0061.00. SHEEP: 15.0045.00. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, August 9 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, •AND SLAUGHTER CAT TLE: Good Light Steer Calves 80.50-64.00; Medium 75.0060.25; Plain 74.50 and down; Good Heavy Steers 75.0060.00; Medium 70.00- 74,50; Plain 69.50 and down; Holstein Steers 47.50-58.00; Good Light Heifer Calves 61.00- Medium 57.50- 60.75; Plain 57.25 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 60.00- 65.25; Medium 55.00-60.00; Plain 54.75 and down; Slaughter Cows 43.00-46.50; Utilities 38.00-42.50; Canners Sc Cutters 37.75 and down; Milk Sc Stock Cows 1025.00 and down; Stock Bulls 60.00 and down; Slaughter Bulls 54.00- CALVES: Veal Calves 85.00 and down; Baby Calves 122.00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 64.50; Good Red O 57.00; Feeder Lambs 50.00- 52.00; Slaughter Ewes 7.00- 16.00; Stock Ewes 48.00 and down. HOGS: Top 47.60; Heavy 47.00; Medium 45.25; Light 36.25; Sows 41.75 and down; Boars 29.75 and down. Call Collect 717-665-7150 Jete Buildirij Report mpplied by USDA Through midweek. Slaughter Steers were firm to 50 higher, instances 75 higher. Heifers and Cows 50 to 1.00 higher. Bulls were firm. A moderate volume two-way Feeder Steers were steady. Four day receipts this week 13,900; last week 13,800; year ago 9,200. Heifers met a good outlet and held the early advance. Steers were moderately active but lost part of the early price upturn. The best demand continued for 1150- 1300 lb. Steers and 975-1075 lb. Choice Heifers; Steers under 1125 lbs. were under some pressure again late Much of the supply was made up of good to average Choice with some increases m Choice Steers Tuesday Slaughter Steers made up approximately 45 pet of the week’s total, Heifers 37 pet, Cows 12 pet and Feeders 5 pet. STEERS: At midweek, four loads Choice 3 and Choice and Prune 3-4 1125- 1325 lbs 75.25, few loads forepart of week 75.25-75.75, load Monday Choice with end Prime 3, few 4 1200 lbs 76.00. Choice 2-4 1125-1300 lbs. At midweek 73.00-74.74, load 75.00; 1025-1125 lbs. 72.50-74.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1000-1250 lbs 71.00-73.00. Good 2-3 66.50- 70.00. Mostly Choice 2-31250- 1400 lb. Holstems during week 65.00-66.50, Good and Choice 63.50-64.50 Average of 15-214 detailed quotations for Choice 900- 1100 lb. Steers this week 73.12, Choice 1100-1300 lb 74 25. Average cost Slaughter Steers this week 72.91, average weight 1132 lbs as compared 72.09 and 1148 lbs. a week ago Average cost Heifers 68 55, average weight 969 lbs. as compared 67 41 and 989 lbs. a week ago HEIFERS- Three loads Choice and Prime 3 with end 4 1000-1075 lbs. 70.25-70.75 including load bigh-dressmg 70.75 Wednesday Several loads Choice and Prime 3-4 975-1025 lbs. 69 75-70.00. Choice 2-4 900-1050 lbs 68.00- 69.50 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs. 66 00- 68.00, Good 2-3 63.00-66 00 COWS- Utility and Commercial 2-4 43.50-46.00, few high - Dressing 46.50- 48.00; Cutter 42.00-44.50. Canner and low-Cutter 41.00- 42.50. BULLS 1-2 1200-2100 lbs. 52.00- few individual 1 59.00- FEEDERS' Moderate volume Medium Frame 1 950-1050 lb s during week 70 50-71 00 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:30 report Steer and heifer beef steady. Packer to packer demand and trading moderate to good; very limited trading reported to processors in Chicago area and East. Moderate demand & trading to chain stores. Supplies mostly moderate and packers bullish. Sales rereported on 128 loads of ■■■ ■ ■ steer and heifer beef. auction news Omaha Cattle Thursday, August 14 Central U.S. Carlot Wednesday, August 13 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—A9 STEER BEEF 104 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choices; 600-700 lbs. 115.00 steady. Choice 3: 700-900 lbs. 116.00 steady, Choice 2-3 : 600-700 lbs. YG 3 114.00-114.50, YG 2 115.00- 115.50, incl. sales late. Choice 4: 600-900 lbs. 106.00 steady. Good 2-3: 600-900 lbs. 109.00 steady. FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 2-3 : 500-700 lbs. Y.G. 3 113.50-115.00; YG 114.50-116.00. Choice 4: 600600 lbs. 106.00. Good 2-3 : 600-900 lbs. 109.00. HEIFER BEEF 24 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3: 550 Sc up lbs, 111.00 steady. Choice 3: 500600 lbs. YG 3 110.50 late, YG 2111.50 Tues. Good 2-3: 500-700 lbs. 105.00 steady. Good 2-3: 500-700 lbs. 104.00 including heiferettes. Cow beef not established. COW BEEF 1 Load FOB Amanllo Basis Utility: 400 & up lbs. 85.50 (West), (BNG) 2-3. Canner Sc Cutter: 350 Sc up lbs. 91.50 (West) 1-2. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 6 Loads FOB Omaha Basis LOINS (TR): 40-70 lbs. 183.00. ARM CHUCKS; 75-120 lbs. 91.00. FOB Amanllo Basis HINDS (S); 130-210 lbs. 134.00 trimmed. BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/BEEF TRIMMINGS 19 Loads .FOB Omaha Basis 50% chem lean fresh 69.50- 71.50. bulk 70.00. 50% chem lean frozen 71.00. Compared to Tuesday’s 2:15 report: Fresh pork loins steady. Fresh hams 2.00-3.50 lower. Sdls bellies 12-16 lbs. 1.00 higher. Sparenbs 3/dn lbs. steady. Other items not established. Trading slow; demand light. Sales reported on 45 loads and 10 loads of trimmings and variety meats. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS: 14/dn lbs. 98.75; 14-17 lbs. 96.50-97.75, mostly 97.75, steady. SPARERIBS: 3/dn lbs. 130.00, steady; 2-3 lbs. 131.00- 131.50; 5 & up lbs. 53.00. SKINNED HAMS; 14/dn lbs. 90.00 frozen; 14-17 lbs. 80.00, 3.50 lower; 17-20 lbs. 80.00-81.50, 2.50-3.50 lower; 20-26 lbs. 80.00,2.00 lower. BELLIES, SDLS: 12-14 lbs. 59.00, 1.00 higher; 14-16 lbs. 59.00, 1.00 higher; 16-18 lbs. 56.00; 18-20 lbs. 54.00. BNLS CT BUTT: 1%-31bs. 116.00 frozen; 1%-3 lbs. 115.00, VARIETY MEATS FEET, TOES ON; 18.00. HEAD MEAT; 68.50. SKINNED JOWLS: 45.00 frozen. HEARTS: 55.00. PORK TRIMMINGS BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (Chemical Lean) 42% lean trimmings fresh 49.00- 72% bnls picnic fresh 86.75. 72% bnls picnic frozen 83.00- Western Maryland Market Hagerstown, Md. Tuesday, August 12 Report supplied by auction BUTCHER COWS: Large run, Top cow $54.85. High Yield 49.00-51.00; Standard & Utility 43.50-48.50; Canners 43.00- Shelly 43.00 Down. Bulls One 1400 lbs. at 56.50; Steers Choice 950-1050 lbs. 69.75-70.75; Choice 1050- 1300 lbs. 68.00-69.00. BUTCHER HOGS: $2 to |3 higher! US #1 & 3 215-240 lbs. 48.35-49.00; 240-260 lbs. 47.50- 49.25; 195-210 lbs. 48.0049.00. SOWS: 350-650 lbs. 38.50- 43.35; 250-350 lbs. 36.0040.00. BOARS 250-650 lbs. bulk 33.00- few 28.00-30.50. VEAL CALVES: Light calves, $5 to |7 lower. Good 80.00- Standard 70.00- 80.00; Stocky & Thin 55.00- 65.00; Killers 80-100 lbs. 64.00- Weak & Rough 63.00 down. CALVES RETURNED TO FARM; Holstein Heifers 80- HO lbs. 100.00-140.00; Holstein Bulls 95-115 lbs. 90.00- Beef Type 80- 100 lbs. 80.00-95.00. LAMBS: Few Good & Choice to 63.00. STOCK CATTLE; Small run. Steers medium 350-500 lbs. Holsteins to 61.00; Heifers Medium 300-550 lbs. to 56.50; Bulls Good 650-750 lbs. 56.00-59.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: $2 over last week. By the Head 15-30 lbs. 8.00-15.00; 30-50 lbs. 16.00- By the Lb. 95-150 lbs. 35.00-38.00. Belleville Auction Belleville, Pa. Wed. August 13, (Report Supplied By The Auction) CATTLE 94. One Good slaughter steer at 64.00, Standard 54.50-58.10. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 49.35-51.35, one at 54.00, Cutters 48.50-49.50, Canner & Low Cutter 46.50-48.00, Shells down to 43.00. Yield Grade #2 slaughter bulls 53.75-55.00. CALVES 201. Choice vealers 84.00-93.00, Good 72.00-78.00, Standard & Good 70-90 lbs. 65.00-71.00, few Utility at 60.00. Farm calves, holstem bulls 92.00-105.00; few holstem heifers at 140.00. HOGS 300. US No. 1-2 200- 245 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.25- 51.85, one lot 52.35, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 48.75-50.00, No. 2- 3 190-265 lbs. 45.00-48.00, US No. 1-3 300-585 lbs. sows 39.0043.50, No. 2-3 300-625 lbs. 34.00-38.00. Boars 30.00- 33.00. FEEDER PIGS 317. US No. 1-3 15-25 lbs. feeder pigs 14.50-18.50 per head, No. 1-3 2540 lbs. 22.50-35.00 per head. SHEEP 57. Good 60-85 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 51.00-59.00, one at 70.00, Utility 44.00-49.00. Slaughter ewes 25.50-33.00.