FREE Subscribers to Lan aster Farming will sceive one advertise lent FREE each month in ur Mail Box Market übscnbers using the Mail lox Market will be govern d by the following rules Limit your advertise lent to 20 words area ode must be added to hone number and due to epeated requests please iclude your county for luyer and seller conve iience all advertisements lust be mailed to the of ce by Tuesday or same nil be held over (or next reek s paper no business dvertisements accepted Include your Lancaster arming mailing label and nail to Mail Box Market Lancaster Farming PO Box 366 Lititz PA 17543 No Phone Calls Please MAILBOX fviARKET anted- Experienced tuple desires to rent or ase 100+ acre dairy rm in Clearfield, Centre •Mifflin Co Juniata Co 17 527-2521 anted- Dried hardwood tch cut lumber State its & price Write ephen Zvanck, P.O Box i, Collegeville, Pa 1426 Mont Co anted Angus or olstein Angus Steer Any ze 215-346=7340-- - jr Sale- Farmall M diesel jllmg tractor, 5000, X)0 stock WF, good 6 9-38’s, $lBOO m isted, must sell Make fer Balt Co 301-429- 372 jr Sale- 7 ft MC Rotary chythe mower $1000,12 cultipacker $5OO, self repelled Fox harvester 3000 Chester Co 215- 42 2657 or Sale- Int Harvester 5 Baler with chute $2OO r best offer 717-943- 520 Sch Co or Sale 16 new wall wets for 24' gram bin, 1 gauge, make offer 15 297-5926 or Sale- 4 to 5 ton feed m $295 215-589-5487 or Sale 300 gal bean rayer with fan Good nd $2OO Dry walnut oards and 3 in , 300 ft ich Take all 90 ranklm Co 717 367- 386 or Sale 100 hives of oneybees, plus contracts or pollination business )cated in New Jersey 17 563-2589 or 563- 254 or Sale Vent-O-Matic *ns 36” chicken slats 4- B’, Chore-Time feeders, hicken Waterers 717- 12 7596 Lane Co or Sale- N I horse drawn ®nure spreader on teel No 10, $lOOO Very ood cond , will deliver Hues M Martin, 717- ?4 9996, Snyder Co 'anted- 28” Frick thrash techme Must be in good tape Amos G Lantz, obanon RD7, Pa 17042 or Sale- Minneapolis ‘oline M 5 Diesel engine, ood power take off tetch, needs repair 1500 Leb Co 717-866- 970 [anted- Heavy duty Ins and final drives for 702 Uni Tractor Ray W rown, Box 563, Mill reek, Pa 17060 Hunt o 717-483-6656 'anted- 10,000 bu r ates 609-769-3529 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Registered and grade Holstein heifers, due soon One Registered Fond Bill One Registered and One Grade Sunshine Chief Lebanon Co 717- 867 2489 For Sale Jet Shallow Well water pump with Briggs and Stratton Engine Like new, $3OO also large fan with pulley, 1 mile south of Marticville Rte 324 Amos S Riehl, Box 106 Pequea, Pa 17565 For Rent Amish home on Farm, Steam Valley area, part time held needed on farm and in the woods Nov possession Jacob Esh, RDI, Trout Run, Pa 17771 For Sale Four 7 00-20 Goodyear 10 ply rating tires on GM Rims 50% tread Perfect for farm trailers $3O each $lOO for all Lane Area 717- 464-4463 For Sale- 1955 Chevy Tank Truck (Former Fire Truck), 6 cylinder, now accepting sealed bids for more info call 717-768 8927 Lane Co For Sale Potato Har vester, Mark VI, new webs, in fine shape, ready to go 717 244-9747, York Co Brittany Spaniel puppies for sale Born June 23, 1980 Call anytime except Sunday 717-872-4510 Lane Co For Sale Antique farm tractor, JD model L, runs good, all original plow & cults Adams Co $l5OO 717-624-8191 Red Haven Peaches beginning to pick Approx Aug 12 to 15th $5 50 per Vz bu V W Rexroth, York Co 717-244-2649 For Sale- Myers ejector pump w/jet, good $65, 82 gal elec water heater, good $65, York 8 mth boar $9O York Co 717- 292-5236 For Sale- Bull, 17 mos old, Hereford - Angus - Simmental cross Adams Co Robert Miller, 717- 334-9590- For Sale Ontario gram drill, 13 disc Clean and ready to use, $l5O York Co 717-993-2747 For Sale- JD 45 combine, 234 corn head, Int 7’ offset disk, AC CA tractor, JD 25 combine w/PTO, 7' humereel Bucks Co 215 249-3623 For Sale- Complete pony ha mess for Ig pony 12 to 14 hands high Exc cond $75 Ron Garlfng, 717 263 0141 Franklin Co For Sale Heavy yearling chickens, $lOO each Elam H Esh, Cherry Hill Road, Ronks, Pa 17572 Wanted- Old Cletrac model 15 or 20 & Oliver O.C 3 Also want old 1 cylinder hit & miss engines & related farm equip Call 203 375-7491 For Sale Hi Cap gram cleaner Model 40, bean & corn screens Hance gram cleaner w/bean screen Oliver 4 btm 16" auto reset plow, semi-mount 215 944 9583 Suffolk spring ewe lambs, excellent breeding stock plus several 1980 ewe lambs for sale 717 774- 4497 or 774-7465 Wanted- 4-H steers 450- 500 lbs Hereford, Angus or Chianma crosses Call collect 301-836-2565 ask for Karen For Sale- Grade Alpine milking does, reasonably priced York Co 717-757- 1960 For Sale- Fancy peafowl chicks Wanted- 3 point hitch post hole digger must be in good cond Balto Co 301-329-2133 For Sale- Cement pipes, 8 ft x 18 in Carroll Co MD 301-848-2621 after 6 For Sale- Ford F 750 V 8 air brake PS 12,000 miles corn bm wagon $595, corn picker $795 N H 717 harvester 9 knives $995 717-354-0266 For Sale- Dion P T 0 self unloading wagon Fox Self propelled Harvester Lebanon Co 717-867- 2255 or 867-1280 For Sale- Used squirrel cage blowers, 717-367- 4797 Dauphin Co For Sale 1951 and 1953 four door Chrysler Windsor, Sound, both restorable $4OO and $2OO 215-679 8683 Bucks Co For Sale- Fox Terrier pups, 7 wks old, litter of 8 only 3 left Stephen G Lank, Box 370, lona Road, RDI Lebanon Pa Wanted- Used Horizontal Band Saw for Steel For Sale- Air Paint Sprayer w/5 gal tank, Elmer S Lapp, 3539 Scenic Road, Gordonville, Pa 17529 For Sale- 1975 Chev Nova, small V/8, PS, PB, AM & FM. 60,000 mi, good cond , good mileage, 717-665-4000 Lane Co For Sale- AKC Rotweiler Puppies Also Wanted- Turbo Kit for 5000 Ford 215 445-5697 call bet ween 6 and 8 a m or p m For Sale- Registered Saddlebred mare, 6 years old, high spirited, $675 215-445-6620 For Sale- 2 Smidley hog feeder 16 and 24 hole new Bxl6 flat wagon 475 New Holland 68 Baler 625 717-354-0484 For Sale- Cantalopes l Isaiah Click, 2409 Hor seshoe Rd , Lane Pa IV2 mile south of Leola For Sale- Reg American Eskimo puppies, Fluffy white, $5O Sylvanus S Peachey 717-935 2486 For Sale- 4 year old Saddlebred Carriage Horse and 1000 Sex Sal pullet 20 week old Oct 1 order now 717-656 9764 For Sale- 3 year old Sorrel colt Christ F Fisher, Strasburg, RD2, Box 123, Lane Co For Sale- Standard barn cleaner, 320 ft nearly new chain, some new corner sprokets, 16 ft elevator, Chester Co 215- 286-9467 For Sale- 650 IH Har vester 2 row n cut and throw, pickup head Also 1155 MF cab 30 5x32 rear tires Lane Co 215- 267-3222 For Sale- Helix Grinder mixer same as Case, 80 bu Tank, 15” mill 10' unloading auger $9OO Lane Co 215-267-5858 For Sale- 1960 Ford Dump Truck, 21,000 GVW 4x2 trans $l5OO 717-799-5739 Columbia Co For Sale- One row mountd Ford picker & sheller, good condition Lane Co 215-267-6886 For Sale 100 tons cribbed ear corn mostly pio 3535 $llO ton York Co 717 259-9355 East Berlin Area For Sale- Niemeyer Hay tedder and rake, good condition, best offer, 215 267-3673 Lane Co Wanted- Old antique #6 New Holland grinding mill Will pay your price 717 354-9127 For Sale- VE 4 cyl Wisconsin 3x3‘/« Engine 2,000 R P M , very good condition Best offer, York Co No Sunday calls please 717-259 0072 For Sale- 20 new W A Storm windows, 28x56 & 4 new 241/2 x3o‘/2 Tel 215 262-1063 For Sale- Emperor grandfather clock, solid 3/4” black walnut, Westminster Chimes, brand new $549 Amos R Miller, #1 Box 293, Christiana, Pa 17509 For Sale- 3 large Black Walnut trees in vicinity of Reading Airport 215-375- 0714 Wanted 1 used wire rabbit cage 717-653 8622 at 530 p m Lane Co For Sale- 5 h p Quinsy air compressor, 20 h p Bernard diesel, both new David Z Esh, 3427 West Pequea Lane, Gor donville, Pa 17529 Wanted Rear wheels for JD H tractor, JD #5 mower for sale, Berks Co 215-488-6784 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Gehl Hi-throw blower, $7OO Two row wide head for 890 or 1890 forage harvester cut 15 acres $l2OO Lane Co Manheim 665 4239 For Sale- Holstein feeder steer, truck stake body, Int disk, cultipacker, loader Woods Bros picker for parts, delivery available Schuylkill 717- 345-4109 For Sale- Bulk Tank compressor, Copelamatic - 5 hp model MRF2-0500 CFB Only used 1 yr with or without 500 gal Mojonmer tank, 1969 Chevy pick up truck 215- 255-4836 Chester Co For Sale- JD #6 one row Harvester in excellent cond $750 Lane Co 717- 626-6805 or 626-1857 For Sale- Good IHC 10 foot quick hitch disk harrow reasonable Also good Surge Sursmgles, reasonable Montgomery Co 215-754-7316 For Sale Choice Shropshire rams and ewe lambs Excellent foun dation or replacement stock Drenched, wormed, feet trimmed 717-949- 3653 Leb Co Wanted- Young couple to work on dairy farm Large house, good wages, position open April 1, 1981 Contact David L King, RD#2 Ronks, Pa 17572 For Sale 200 bales last year’s mixed hay (good quality), 75 bales new second cutting alfalfa E E Schopf, 53 College Ave , Mountville, Pa 17554 For Sale- Freezer w/compressor, large size, good cond $2OO 215- 445-5887 For Sale- Drag elvator for Ml elevator, kicker wagon w/or without running gear & dump wagon York Co 717-862-3833 Wanted- Wood & coal range with water front 656-6808 For Sale- M H model 22 tractor w/Wagner front 4oader $750, MF 3 pt 3 btm plow model 74, $350, Great Majestic cook stove $250 215-598- 7546 or 7357 For Sale 24 feeder pigs crossed Yorkshire & Du roc VW Beetle for parts for the taking Lane Co 717 665-3896 Wanted- Case 310 or similar tractor with loader, any cond, also pickup for JD 24T baler Baltimore Co 301-435 4403 For Sale- Reg Quarter horse 15 2 Bay Gelding, quiet, gently 13 yr old $l5OO Frederick Co 301- 635-2168 For Sale-4-36 in Vent-G- Matic Fans $3OO ea, Chore Time flexible auger fill system, Shenandoah gas brooders $3O ea , 275 gallon oil tank $5O Vernon R Leicht, RD#l Box 466, Etters, PA 717 938 2197 For Sale- MF 202 tractor & loader w/3 pt long backhoe $5,500 Firm Adams Co 717-642-5285 No Sunday Calls For Sale- Rye seed Cleaned & bagged Can deliver Lane Co 717 733-7124 For Sale- Vi Arabian Palomino filly, $3OO, 3/4 Arabian colt $2OO Ins Hooke, 703-468-2377 FREE- Mixed German Shepherd female-4 mos old, black, looks like German Shepherd, good with kids, good watch dog 717 442-4259 Foc-Rent- Hog operation, 100 ft climate bldg. 40 crates, pit, heated floor, 120 ft sow bldg Large bank barn w/40 acres, Butcher shop, 2 story brick house, New Oxford Area Adams Co 717-632 6968 For Sale 1950 Ford F6OO gram truck in good condition 21000 GW $l2OO Late model 2 row wide Oliver 73H pull type corn picker $l5OO 3020 JD power shift, wide front, new tires, $75 York Co 717-292-4416 mailbox'market For Sale- 8 hp-Bnggs & Stratton engine recently overhauled $125 5 hp electric motor in good condition, 110 volt single phase, $175 Samuel King, Rff2 Box 112-B Quarryville, Pa 17566 For Sale-1 row corn head for Fox long table $lOO, 16’ Silomatic silo unloader $7OO, 18 4x38 axle Duals for IH. 1H 51 3 beater forage wagon $llOO Leb Co 717-272-0041 For Sale- Int 460 Utility Diesel with Indus loader, $l3OO or best offer Luz Co 717-759-0921 For Sale- 12 steel frames 9 ft, 10 in x 12 ft, with cross bars each way 3 ft apart made of 2x4 steel tubing 15 cents per lb David S King Box 2758, RD2 Myerstown, Pa 17067 For Sale- Necchi Sewing Machine w/attachments portable, good cond , $125 717-354-7948 Also portable oven $5O good cond For Sale 1948 Silver King, fair cond, $3OO 717-733-6871 after 6 p m For Sale- 350 gal Mcjonmer milk tank and motor also Nl #7 single row corn picker needs a little repair 717-927-6364 York Co For Sale-1 Pair B mules, 6 and 10 yr old lot of Snap also coon hunting mule Lane Co 717-556-9548 For Sale- Gehl 72 flail chopper, 2 hp elec motor, also used corrugated tin Hunt Co 814-447-3383 For Sale- No 7 silage cutter can be run by PTO or belt, price $3OO John B Zook, Kinzer #l, Box 145 17535 Peter's Rd nearSpnngville For Sale Vt-14 wells Cargo enclosed trailer, pulled less than 200 miles Asking $2150 Berks Co 215-286 6395 after 6 15 For Sale- 9x12 J C Penny tent, $125 10x13 Sears tent, $175 717-872 8553 Lane Co For Sale Fox 3000 Forage harvester 2 row cornhead & WPU IH 234 mounted cornpicker with Brackets for JD 4020 Adams Co 717-624-8561 For Sale- 1 Marlow 6 in irrigation pump 1 Gor man Rupp 6 in irrigation pump, Evenings 215 756- 6077 Lehigh Co For Sale- Hesston PT 10 Windrower, $3895, NH Haylmer 276 w/kicker $2OOO New MF 10’ drill $2OOO 717-432-5543 York Co For Sale- 8 hp Lombardim diesels (new) $650 (used 100 hours) $350 Ezra Beiler, RD4 New Providence Pa 17560 For Sale- Walkm Cooler B’Lx6’W 3 hp compressor $2OO 12 KW Wmco Generator Belt Drive, $675 12’ Oliver harrow $lOO Adams Co 717 359-5506 after 4 00 p m For Sale- 1 Blizzard en silage chopper blower with fill pipe to be sold at David Good’s Sale August 20 For Sale- Hart & Logan seed wheat from last yr certified Lane Co 215 445-5085 For Sale Rye seed cleaned and bagged, $4 50 717 733-4516 For Sale- AC 190 XT diesel completely rebuilt engine, $6900 MF 760 combine cab, air, 6x30 corn head 15' gram table $21,000 717 859-2960 or 859-2712 For Sale- Walnut chi.ia closet in good condition, $lBO David K Stoltzfus, Morgantown, RDI, Box 107 lane Co Pa 19543 There will be a 660 Int Diesel tractor at David Goods Sale Aug ?0- Semen For Sale- 13 straws Roybrook Starlite and 2 straws Quality Ultimate Lycoming Co 717 324-2252 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 16,1980—847 MAILBOX MARKET * For Sale- JD 60 with PS, live pto & 3 pt JD #8 harvester, wooden wagon gear, also rye seed Lane Co 717 665-7434 For Sale- 7 year old Sorrel mare carriage or buggy driving horse, Paul Hoover, RDI Box 363 East Earl, Pa 17519 Wanted- Hired man for Spring 1981 to work on dairy farm Lloyd S Burkholder RDS, Ship pensburg, Pa 17257 Wanted- 13 6x38 or 14 9x38 tractor tire, good condition For Sale 4 Electric poles, various sizes, 717-354-7186 Lane Co For Sale- 48 ft 8 in silo pipe, and 16 ft 9 in pipe 1 00 a ft JD single 2 way tractor plow on wheels $l5O Corn elevator 27 ft on wheels $245 York Co 717-235 2032 For Sale 1975 Gran Torino station wagon clean $995 or best offer also 10,000 lb double axle trailer electric brakes, Lebanon Co 717- 866-6287 For Sale- 19 ?6 Chev pickup Silverado 20- camper special, PS, PB, AM & FM with topper and camper, good cond , $3500 Lane Co 717-626- 8761 Lancaster Farming Subscription Service CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Attach label from current paper and at tach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $7.50 per year or $13.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ. NY. VA and WV. (All other areas - $12.00 per year, $20.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Form is to be used for new subscriptions or change of address only. No refunds I When writing us about your | I subscription please attach your I I Lancaster Farming mailing label J I here and mail the whole form to: ! LANCASTER FARMING, i I P.O. Box 366, Lititz, Pa. 17543 | PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check one) □ $ 7.50-1 YEAR □ $12.00-1 YEAR □ $13.00-2 YEARS □ $20.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ CHANGE OF ADDRESS ENCLOSED IS A □ CHECK OCASH □ MONEY ORDER (Please supply information in full.) (Please print) NAME ' ADDRESS BOX CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE MARKET For Sale- 6000 bu Gram Bin 21' diameter X 7 rings high, 7Vz H P 24" drying farr, LP gas burner 717- 649-5430 Will trade Ml gear or wheels on rubber for steel wheels or gear C K King, Kmzer, Pa R 1 Box 214 17535 For Sale- 8 yr old Sad dlebred bay horse also 2” portable water pump 58 Witmer Rd Lane Southwest of Smoketown David Beiler For Sale- IHC model 110 silo wagon, 11L-15 tires excellent Wanted 15 heifers Holstein 3 to 12 months old 215-255- 4835 For Sale- Dodge dump truck needs work hoist in good cond , make offer, Also 1966 Rambler Classic Schuylkill Co 717- 682-8969 For Sale- 2 grade heifers due Sept and Oct $1975 for pair Blairs Mills, Huntingdon Co Call after 7pm 717-349 7100 For Sale- New Holland Flair Chopper ModeL 36 and Model 717 one row Blower belt driven and IHC Model 45 Pto ex cellent and priced right 215-255-4835 Chester Co -Ax