Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 36

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    ASS—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980
Governor Harry Hughes will
get a first-hand look at
agricultural research
progress, and talk directly
with the producers of
Maryland’s agriculture,
when he rubs shoulders with
fanners and university
scientists at the Crops and
Soils Research Field Day on
August 19 at the Wye
Research Center.
Governor Hughes and
farmers will see ex
periments aimed at testing
new crop varieties for their
suitability to Maryland
growing conditions Wagon
tjurs throughout the mor
ning will stop at a field
where 124 commercial com
hybrids planted side by side
will show how the vaneties
have responded to the
unusually hot and dry
Safety seminar
to cover grain blasts
DELMAR, Md During
the past two decades at least
270 massive explosions in
gram handling and feed
nulling operations have
taken 173 lives and caused
hundreds of injuries m the
U.S. These statistics do not
include the thousands of
lesser explosions that have
occurred in smaller facilities
and on farms
To focus attention on this
problem and the need for fire
prevention measures, an all
day safety seminar is
planned for Wednesday,
August 20, at the Del-Mar-Va
Convention Hall on Route 13
in Delmar, Maryland
Registration begins at 8
a.m., and the program will
conclude at 4 p.m
The seminar is sponsored
jointly by the Delaware and
Maryland Extension Ser
vices, assisted by the
Eastern Shore Gram and
Feed Dealers Assoc , and the
Delaware State Fire School
Mill managers, grain
elevator operators, safety
personnel, maintenance
supervisors, contractors and
insurance representatives
are encouraged to attend
The seminar will explore
the causes of explosions in
gram handling and feed
milling operations, and help
industry personnel and farm
operators understand and
solve problems related to
wide. 45" long. 45" high Tank wt 60 lbs .
Universal mount (its most tractors Molded in
galtonage markings
Industrial Farm Tank Inc also has complete line o( agricultural tanks from 55 gallon thru
1140 gallon horizontal tanks 30 gallons thru 1250 gallon vertical tanks
All tanks manufactured by Industrial Farm Tank Inc are guaranteed for potable water and
will store or transfer all ag chemicals and fertilizers
311 So Market St
Elizabethtown PA 17022
717 367 4835
State governor to join
growing season of 1980.
Data from small gram
variety trials, already
harvested, will be presented
by research scientists, and
soybean variety trials will
also be on exhibit.
In addition to the variety
plots, visitors will see com
studies in fertility treat
ments, conventional and no
tillage corn, and weed
control. Soybean ex
periments include double
Cropping into small gram
stubble, fertility, weed
control, insect resistance
and USDA uniformity and
regional tests. Studies are
also being conducted on
turfgrass, ornamental
plants, forestry, sweet com
and strawberries.
The governor will share m
a buffet luncheon served
under the shade of a big tent
fire hazards, Occupational
Safety and Health Admin,
regulations, and fire codes.
Speakers from key
positions in industry,
government, trade
associations and the in
surance field will discuss
dust explosion research,
current statistics, and an
swer spe’cific questions
The $lO registration will
cover luncheon, coffee
breaks, and an educational
For registration in
formation contact Ron
Jester, extension safety
specialist, at 302/856-5250
(Continued from Page Al)
lop the $5O million off the
ACP appropriation.
The conservation program
is a USDA discretionary
effort, which means it can be
cut when mandated outlays
continue to go toward
legislated programs, such as
food stamps
It was explamed that
about a couple of billion
dollars must be made up in
the overall federal budget
because of pay increases
voted for both civilian and
military personnel under the
defense budget
One USDA official
characterized the current
budget cut talk as the nor-
at the campsite overlooking
the Wye River. Afterward he
will take part in a speaking
program and a press con
ference before touring the
research plots.
“We appreciate this op
portunity to show the
governor and the people of
Maryland some of our
research findings,” says
Lamar Hams, director of
the Maryland Agricultural
Experiment Station. “This
field day also lets people see
the important role that
research plays in keeping
Maryland agriculture strong
and making an important
contribution to the state’s
Maryland agriculture has
remained strong dnd
progressive, it has con
sistently been a boon to the
economy of Maryland.
Approximately 17,500 farms
m Maryland provide jobs for
nearly 32,000 people. In
addition to the farms, the
agricultural industry in
cludes business firms em
ploying nearly 200,000 people
about 14 percent of the
state’s work force. These
businesses generate
economic activity worth 2.3
billion dollars about 14.2
percent of the gross state
Nevertheless, the
Maryland farmer faces
mounting problems from
increased productivity costs
and decreasing farmland It
is tne goal of the Wye
Research Center, and other
Centers of the Maryland
Agricultural Experiment
Station throughout the state,
to aid the farmer in solving
current and future
production problems, Hams
ACP funding
mal federal fiscal
jockeying ”
Also, there’s talk that Sen
Thomas Eagleton, chairman
of the Senate Ag Ap
propriations Subcommittee
will launch an effort on
Monday to restore the
conservation program
budget to its original status.
The Pennsylvania State
Grange has been in touch
with the office of Sen.
Richard Schweiker and has
been assured that he will
back the funds restoration
Another possible solution
is that those budgets being
cut will be restored by
enabling legislation after the
November election —DA
NEW FOR 1980
Fits most pick-ups Locks in front of wheel
wells Molded in gallonage markings Also
available in 515 gal size with 2” outlet 10”
Lid Opening, I'/?” Outlet
We also handle a complete
line of Pressure Washers
Cleaning Products Pressure
Hose Nozzles Tips Fittings
Md. ag days activities
Research activities at the
Wye Research Center are
conducted in cooperation
with the Wye. Institute and
Wye Plantation. The annual
field day is sponsored by the
University of Maryland
Ag preservation
(Continued from Page Al)
protection to existing and Second, there - are
future agricultural en- restrictions on the amount of
terpnses,” residential development to
The “Right To Farm” be permitted in agricultural
clause states, districts.
That a covenant-be placed And third, there are the
on the deed (of limited regulations - involving m
residential development to creasing the setback
be permitted in agricultural requirements when an ag
disti , tj, on wiikli i'u‘ districts adjoins a
dwelling is located which residential area,
states; “The owner and Finally, if and when a
occupant of this tract ac- property owner in an ag
cepts the nuisances of odors, district wants to rezone his
noise, dust, night operations, property to a use other than
and other conditions which farming, the matter would
are a normal part of far- automatically be first
mmg.” referred to the county ag
One of the basic questions preserve board to see if it
asked by several farmers can purchase the property
concerned how the new and preserve it for
regulations would affect agriculture
their present farms Others concerns were
It was explained that there expressed about the
are four mam new elements definition of the size of a
First, there is the basic farm. In the initial draft a
protection of the right to farm is defined as having a
farm . minimum of 10 acres. A
New proposed agricultural district zoning regulations for Ephrata Township
are explained to farmers attending public hearing in Lincoln Fire Hall Ap
proximately 20 percent of farmers to be affected attended the session.
It is a Heat Exchanger
and an Electric Hot
Water Heater Com
The Therma«Stor
Section takes the heat
from the bulk tank
The Hot Water Section is an electric element in
the top section which heats your hot water all the
time when compressor is not running
501 E. Woods Drive Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-626-1151
Paul Repine - 717-626-2837 Mervin Nissley 717-872-4565
Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED
Agricultural Experiment
Station with cooperation
from the agronomy and
horticulture departments in
the College of Agriculture,
the Cooperative Extension
Service and the Wye In
compressor Instead of
blowing heat into the
air, it goes first to the
Therma»Stor and
transfers the heat over
into the water
The Wye Research Center
is located seven miles
southeast of Queenstown on
Maryland’s Eastern Shore,
or 4.5 miles south of U.S.
Highway 50, on Carmichael-
Wye Neck Road
number of farmers thought
this was too small a tract
and would permit the
division of larger tracts,
such as a 100-acre farm, into
10 smaller tracts.
It was explamed that the
initial draft is to be con
sidered a starting point for
the pioneering legislation.
The planning commission
and supervisors will now
consider the opmions ex
pressed at the meeting,
along with any other that
residents of the township
may wish to express
Some discussion was also
conducted on the county’s
role in ag preservation.
Likely, a referendum vote
will be considered when
planning proceeds to the
point where the county must
consider ways to finance
possible purchases.
In the meantime, Ephrata
Township will proceed with
consideration of its revised
agricultural district zonmg
regulations —DA