A34—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, August 16,1950 Young women dominate 4-H Dairy championships BY SHEILA MILLER HARRISBURG - Four young women dominated the Fitting and Showmanship championships at Wed nesday’s Dauphin County 4- H Dairy Roundup, held at the Farm Show Complex. The County’s Dairy Princesses reigned supreme in the Showmanship com petition, with Tammy Yost, the alternate Dairy Prin cess, taking the grand championship honors. Cindy Lupey, this year’s Dauphin County Dairy Princess, was selected by Judge Neil Jones as the reserve champion. This year’s champion fitter was 10-year-old Kim Boyer, R 1 Millersburg. In her second year of 4-H Dairy Club, Kim said she’s “pretty happy” about her first championship. Her partner in the com petition was her semor yearling, “Elsa”, one of the 42 head of Holstein .cattle on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Boyer’s farm. Kim confessed that the best part of growing up on a dairy farm was the cows the worst part was “clean ing out the cow’s troughs”. The reserve champion fitter at this year’s Roundup was Karen Brandt, R 1 Hershey. Karen’s entry was her 2-year-old Hclstem, “Spring Nook Bettma Star”, *0 Nine-year-old Sherry Keefer, Millersburg, swept the Ayrshire championships “Bobbi”, her Junior Yearling entry, took the grand champion honors Friend Steven Shetterly is at halter. "Mary”, the reserve grand champ was Sherry’s Junior Calf entry. Tammy Yost, R 1 Hershey, exhibited the grand champion Holstein, while Karen Brandt, left, took the reserve grand champion honors. Brothers Craig and Tony Williams, from left, exhibited the reserve grand and grand champion Jerseys respectively at this year’s Dauphin Dairy Roundup. the reserve grand champion in the Holstein show. The grand cnampion Holstein was shown by Tammy Yost, adding another purple ribbon to her collection. Actually, Tammy explained, this is the first time her 8-year-old Holstein cow was tagged the grand champion at the County Roundup. Last year “Javin Apollo Etta” was the State Grand Champion and in 1976 she was the reserve grand champion at States. Two brothers captured the grand champion and reserve grand championship in the Jersey show. Tony Williams, 15, exhibited his 3-year-old Jersey, “Jeans”, for the grand honor while Craig, 16, and his 2-year-old “Bluegirl” stepped in for reserve. Both brothers are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams, R 1 Middletown. The Williams’ sons, however, don’t always get the “cream of the crop” to exhibit, as their father ex plained. As a 4-H leader in the Lower Dauphin Club, Williams has made it possible for urban and suburban 4-H members to become active in the dairy club. So far, six young people from Middletown and X ♦ / * K. r\ ' Harrisburg have taken on the responsibility of a dairy project at the Williams’ farm. “The kids come to us and ask us to keep a calf at the farm for a project. They get to pick a calf out of the bunch they feed it, groom and clip it, and they learn how to milk,” Williams said. When asked if his own kids get to pick their calves first, Williams replied, “No, as a matter of fact, my one son picked fifth this year and stood fourth in his class. But that’s not important because that’s judging the animal. Fitting and showmanship that’s what 4-H is all about that’s where the kid is judged on his own ac complishments.” What does 4-H Dairy Club do for the non-farm kids? According to Williams, it teaches them responsibiluty and how to get along with other people their own age. When it comes to getting their chores done, Williams said, “They’re more reliable than kids from a farm it’s something new for them to feed and lead calves. It’s exciting.” In the rest of the colored breed show, Tracy Buf fington, 11, from R 1 Millersburg showed the grand champion Guernsey, while April Lafferty, 13, was tagged reserve grand champion. Nine-year-old Sherry Keefer, Millersburg, exhibited both the grand and reserve grand champions in the Ayrshire show. David Feidt, 15, Miller sburg, showed the top two Brown Swiss entries in Wednesday’s show. Feidt, who has been a member of the 4-H club for 8 years said he owns 11 Brown Swiss. His Brown Swiss share stall space at father Eugene’s bam with a herd consisting of Holstems and Brown Swiss. When asked why he elected to show the Brown Swiss rather than the Holstems, Feidt remarked, “I have more luck with Brown Swiss there’s not as much competition ” Judging the type com petition was Jed Beshore, New Cumberland. The following are the class results AYRSHIRES JUNIOR CALF 1. Sherry Keefer, Millersburg, reserve grand champion; 2. Lisa Keefer, Millersburg; 3. Linda Buffington, Millersburg. INTERMEDIATE CALF 1. Deborah Shetterly, Millersburg SENIOR CALF 1. Steven A Shetterly, Millersburg. | •a'sA ’V SL , < David Feidt, at the halter of this grand champion Brown Swiss "Rainy", took the top two placmgs in Wednesday's show. At halter of the reserve champion is father Eugene .Si Dairy princesses took both championships in the Showmanship competition. At right, Tammy Yost, the alternate Dairy Princess, was chosen as the top showman at the Wednesday Dauphin County Dairy Roundup. Cindy Lupey, the 1980 Dauphin Dairy Princess, was named reserve champion Showman. JUNIOR YEARLING 1. Sherry Keefer, grand champion; 2. Deborah Shetterly. 2 YEAR OLD 1. Tracy Buffington, Millersburg. 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD 1. Tracy Buffington. BROWN SWISS SENIOR YEARLING 1. Karen I. Feidt, MiUersburg. 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD 1. David E. Feidt, MiUersburg, reserve grand champion. 5 YEARS AND OVER 1. David E. Feidt, grand champion. GUERNSEYS SENIOR CALF 1. April Lafferty, Lykens SENIOR YEARLING 1. April Lafferty, reserve grand champion. 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD 1. Tracy Buffington, Millersburg, grand cham pion. HOLSTEINS JUNIOR CALF 1. P. Edward Clugston, Halifax; 2. Karen I. Feidt; 3. Linda Buffington, Miller sburg; 4. Calvin N Dimpsey, Halifax. JUNIOR YEARLING 1. Cindy Lupey, Lmglestown; 2. Linda Buffington; 3. P. Edward Clugston; 4. Keith Dimpsey, Halifax; 5. Sharon Huntz berger. SENIOR YEARLING 1. Kim M Boyer, Millersburg. 2 YEAR OLD 1 Karen J Brandt, Hershey, reserve grand champion; 2. Kenneth J. Brandt, Hershey; 3. Calvin N. Dimpsey. 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD 1 Tamara Yost, Hershey. / $ . I 5 YEARS AND OVER 1. Tamara R. Yost, grand champion; 2. Karen J. Brandt. 1. DameUe KeU, Mid dletown; 2. Tina CampbeU, Middletown; 3. MicheUe Mock, Middletown; 4. Sam Williams, Middletown; 5. Cheryl MiUer, Middletown. SENIOR CALF 1. Faith Lafferty, Lykens. JUNIOR YEARLING 1. James Craig Williams, Middletown; 2. Michael Tracy Buffington, right, exhibited her 3-year-old Guernsey, "Keystone C Kelly” for the grand champion ribbon. The reserve grand champion Guernsey, "Brooks” was the Senior Yearling entry for April Lafferty, R 1 Lykens. This year’s champion fitter is Kim Boyer, 10, from R 1 Miliersburg. Karen Brandt, 16, was selected as the reserve grand champion fitter. JERSEYS JUNIOR CALF WTIIE (SHOWING BETTER Eugene vonKeyserlmg, Mdlersburg. SENIOR YEARLING 1. J. Anthony Williams, Middletown; 2. Patrick H. vonKeyserlmg, Mdlersburg. 2 YEAR OLD 1. James-Craig-Williams, reserve grand champion; 2. Faith Lafferty; 3. Gary Lynn Smalls, Harrisburg; 4. Kevin T. vonKeyserlmg. 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD 1 J. Anthony Williams, grand champion; 2. Faith Lafferty. 5 YEARS AND OVER 1 J. Craig Williams. > -f e \ « lIA AMICUUrUIkC
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